
Ellon is a freak

He stepped in and sat down, he laughed until satisfied and crossed his legs.

Timmy and Naledi wore their faces of shame and sat on the two seater couch. The thing is they tried to convince everyone that they were not together and didn't have any feelings or any type of activity they were doing.

Timmy sighed and began the interrogation "Alex, what are you doing here? Don't you know that you have to knock when you go to other people's houses?" " And...how did you get in, the door was locked?"

" I admit I am kinda shocked but again I'm not because...its normal but Timmy here has 'Barbie'..." He made air quotes for Barbie.

" Alex be cool okay, don't snitch...I still like Nicky...we are just having fun." Timmy tried to convince Alex to zip his mouth.

" Alex...I'm innocent, he seduced me." Naledi qouted.

" Innocent?...no way, I don't even know how long you too been doing this. It could be every night...and honestly I rock with it too."

" What do you want then?" Timmy asked.

" Spair me the unnecessary quizzes...since it was raining...I couldn't go back home. Some girl kicked me out after her husband came back on short notice."

" That's very you!...you destroyed everything bro." Timmy eye signaled Alex.

" Uhm...I'll go to Timmy's room, you guys can continue with your ____"

" Yeah beat it little bro!" " His longing gaze returned to Naledi. As if hadn't caused enough damage, now he wanted to degrade them even more.

" Don't even think about it...thanks to Alex I avoided a big mistake in my life,"

"Come on.,you can't leave me hanging... don't slap me on the face. Jeez woman just comply for god's sake."

" Timmy Morwaa, you think you can toy around with me and Nicky...and just to inform you I have a man!" Naledi stood up and matched to her room and slammed the door.

" I'm gonna kill Alex!"

Alex was comfortable on Timmy's bed, feeling extra comfy and cozy in there. His finger tips could be seen holding tight to the white quilt. He relaxed his whole muscles and closed his eyes.

Not so fast! the quilt was seized away in a jiffy and the cold breeze swift all over him.

" Are you crazy? Do you think you're gonna have a good night sleep on my bed, why didn't you atleast call me?"

" Timmy...you gave me the key last year remember..."

" Yeah I did, so what..I didn't say you can just walk in anytime..." " Little bro, I've reserved the floor for you please have a good night." He threw him a pillow and fleece blanket.

" Classic Timmy, don't act like I don't have the power to tell your Barbie what you did. Don't provoke me! Be a good boy and let me sleep comfortably next to you since Naledi ditched you." He ended with a chuckle.

" Darn you!"Timmy gave in since Alex was blackmailing him.


" Nicky did he really say that to you?" Lesego asked.

" Yes....he said he wanted to be alone but he later left with Naledi, he admitted that he still loves Naledi. He talked about rekindling their love." Nicky was soaked in tears.

" Timmy might be a good guy but Naledi is his Achilles heel. you were wrong for doubting him."

" I get it but did he have to say that to my face, I don't believe it "

" It is what it is! I think you should just dump him and avoid the trauma."Lesego adviced.

" I really love Timmy, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be with him."

" Okay Nicky but don't try hard and don't call him...he should call you" Lesego went to the kitchen and preheated the oven.


Timmy and Naledi prepared to leave for work. Alex didn't seem like a person who had plans of leaving.

" Timmy, Naledi sister- in-law...have a great day."Alex blended some fruits, wearing Timmy's robe.

" Get the hell out of my house and take off my robe!" Timmy lashed out.

" Be productive....and remember that money is essential for your children's future." He winked.

Naledi went straight to her car and just left without any good bye.


Everyone was at their respective work stations quietly and there was a lot of production.

Timmy and Naledi arrived and the receptionist sent them straight to the CEO's office.

" CEO!" Both exclaimed on their way.

Finally they arrived at his office and it was the one and only Ellon.

" Hello Directors!" He casually said.

" Sir!" Timmy responded.

" Hi Ellon..." she said with a teasing smile.

" I just wanted to say I'm really impressed with your works...the project is going smoothly...you can go"

" Uhm!..Ms Sebina please remain behind." Timmy looked back at Ellon and felt like crushing him because he had a feeling he wanted to hit on Naledi.

They waited for Timmy to close the door because their affairs didn't need a third party.

" So... aren't you happy to see me , surprise!" Ellon took out a small confetti gun and shot up. The confetti fell on both of them.

" Wow Confetti!" She faked excitement.

" That's fake excitement, anyway...I can work with that because you won't be giving fake reaction later on...."

" I'm really happy.... Ellon, the's something I need to tell you "

" Yeah!"

" Timmy is actually my ex-husband. I just found out he's the other director when I arrived here"

" That's... unexpected, are you okay living with him, did he try something funny?"

Naledi laughed "like what"

" You no what I'm talking about. Stop playing dumb."

" No...we are cool. He has a girlfriend." She hesitated to speak.

" Okay...you can go back to work" Ellon sat down and opened his PC.

Naledi left the room and gently closed the door to avoid a noise. She leaned on the door for a sec and exhailed with a grin.

Latifah spotted her and dragged her to the coffee room. She was excited about something.

"Naledi....he's finally back! Now the competition begins, ohh my god he's my crush!"

" Latifah slow down...and everyone who's competing tell them I said eyes and jaws off Ellon!"

" okay I'll tell__wait why are you__do you love Ellon too?" Latifah asked with a keen look.

" Well if you put it that way then,yeah !"

" Wow!..I guess we'll see who wins then?"Latifah said.

" in my opinion, you have to forget it! Just opt for Alex and keep him busy."

" Not him, he's just my sneaky link that's it. No strings attached but I want to get married to Ellon."


in the office, he tried to chill but impatient worn him. He was trying to understand why Ellon always acted a little suspicious whenever Naledi was around. He connected the dots and got an innuendo by something Ellon once said.

" Ellon is trying to get Naledi! That son of a bit- " before he could complete his sentence Naledi walked in and sat on her desk.

Timmy called her name, " Naledi Sebina!"

" yeah!" She responded without even turning to look at him.

" I know I kind of wronged you but please look at me, let's talk"

Naledi closed her laptop and stood up, she stood in front of him. " Timmy, you might have got away with it last night but never ever again, as a matter of fact I'll be leaving today so don't cater for me"

" where are you going? Please don't move out, I'm sorry Naledi...I just can't control my self whenever I see you, please "

" jeez! I'm not moving out! I'm an adult okay and I take responsibility rather than running away...I'm just visiting someone"

" Who are you visiting?"Timmy asked.

" My boyfriend" She went to sit down.

" Naledi...let's fix our relationship and get back together...love me again please." Timmy begged

" you're such a loser, you promised Nicky a lot and now you want to do what? and please stop saying such things my boyfriend won't like it."

" Are you serious? Boyfriend? When I see him..gosh I'm gonna abuse him and tell him to leave my wife alone."

" classic Timmy! the best you could do is fight my boyfriend.... anyway not sure if you'll risk your job" she muttered.


Timmy and Nicky met in the coffee room. Both of them had migraines that needed an energy booster..a latté.

Awkward silence engulfed them for a sec as they waited for the coffee machine. Nicky stole Timmy's gaze frequently and looked at her heel.

" Good afternoon!" Nicky said.

Timmy looked at her as if they were not arguing or having problems. " Afternoon Intern" he replied subtly.

Nicky's tears built in and she swallowed them. She was now sure Timmy like still loved Naledi. Her biggest question was if Naledi loved Timmy.

" Can I visit later?" She softly asked in her reserved tone.

Timmy's latté was ready, he held the mug and smelled it. " Wow! It smells so great!" He grinned and took a sip. He seemed perfectly fine.

Poor Nicky she was battling a lot because of her undying love for Timmy and her insecurities ever since Naledi came.

" Nicky, when did you ever need permission to visit me?" Timmy said and left her with a question mark.

Was Timmy over everything. Because he acted like the man who didn't just beg Naledi to take him back earlier.

Nicky felt a little assurance. " Ohh shit I forgot to print Marshall's documents. She drank her coffee fast.


Naledi entered Ellon's office and showed him

Some documents. Ellon's eyes couldn't escape her lips. Naledi felt shivers and swallowed. She looked at his hand that was resting on the desk.

" If....only that hand could adore my neck...I won't need these pearls." She thought and held her pearl- bedded necklace.

Ellon chuckled when he noticed that Naledi was no longer interested on the paperwork. She was rather fantasizing about him.

" Naledi__you just can't wait you silly girl...that glare says it all..."

" Well... I was just -- I was just___" She was cut short by Ellon as he stood in front of her and gently adore her neck with his hand.

She leaned back on the office chair, raised her head and looked at him. She suddenly noticed how week and submissive she was at that moment.

While on the other hand, Ellon had a lot of dominance in his eyes as he stared down at her. He loosed his tie and his expression changed to ruthless.

Naledi felt him tighten his hand a little. She felt a little choked at that moment and all she wanted was to see Ellon's dark side.

Ellon mischievously grinned " I played nice at the beginning...but now I'm not gonna be lenient."

He bent to whisper in her ear while still holding her neck. " You are a big girl....if you could take me in then clearly you can handle pain"

Naledi was shaking and she could feel her body preparing for everything. Well let's say preparing for Ellon.

" Your hands, your ability to do anything, your movement, your will__will be taken from you and I would own all of it.... recklessly, I'll be in control, making you my puppet until I get satisfied. My long wait is gonna need a lot to be pacified."...." Wait, that is if you permit! Your consent matters my little doll"

" Then... just__ do it now!" She couldn't take it anymore.

Ellon laughed " patience.... just wait for the right time"

" Ellon! There is no right time than now... I really need you now... your words got me jolly."

" Wait....I never give empty promises..." He pecked her lips.

" Just a little taste please!," she was really desperate. She lowered her eyes to his pelvic and bit her underlip... " Should I unbuckle... cause I kind of really need you now." She held his belt and looked at him.

" I won't comply ms Sebina...I want you to be starved until I meet you tonight" Ellon held her chick and caressed her lips with his thumb.

Naledi seductively bit his thumb and looked at him. She progressed to unbuttoning her shirt's first four buttons , revealing her cleavage and her Milkies were visible enough because her bra was somehow a little transparent.

Ellon swallowed and clenched his jaw out of impatience. Now Naledi was making a move on him.

There was a knock, Ellon went to seat down.

" Come in "

Nicky entered and her jaw dropped upon seeing Naledi seating down opposite Ellon, staring at him seductively with her shirt unbuttoned. She looked at Ellon and noticed his loose tie. She was confused.

" Sir..the papers..." She placed them on the desk.

" Thank you... bye " Ellon sent her away.

Nicky was suspecting a little affair. she leaned on the door to get more insights.

Ellon was. Now impatient because Naledi couldn't behave. He checked the time.

" Time is 3 pm.... F**k this ! Let's go to my house." Ellon suggested.

" Mhh! It was about time you decide...let's hurry up then ....I want all you have to offer, your best "

They both stood up and walked out of the office together. Some employees were puzzled. The two didn't even care because they left just as they were. Loose tie and cleavage.

At that moment Nicky was convinced that Naledi and Mr. Marshall were like a thing.

Nicky was shocked,maybe Naledi was not a threat after all because she was liked Ellon. " Could this mean Timmy and Naledi are not toge.... nevermind" she paused and smiled brightly. " She matched to her station .


Timmy checked his clock for the 10th time and still no sign of Naledi. He was worried because it was almost time to go home.

" Her car is still here!" " Where is she?" He paced up and down. " Did she really leave___ but why am I restless... damn!" Anxiety kicked in.

" This relic feeling are still__there, do I still love her?" Timmy asked himself.

Someone entered the office and Timmy popped from his chair. " Naledi!__" his expression changed when he saw who it was.

" Timmy..I mean Mr Morwaa..it's me Nicky!"

" Ohh ! Right...uhh" Timmy was hesitant to ask about Naledi. " should I ask her about Naledi....or maybe not.."he thought.

" Look...just ask" Nicky said.

"Well have you seen Ms Sebina?"

Nicky grinned and exhaled. She sat on the desk corner and chuckled. " Sorry for my behavior but I am just thrilled."

Timmy narrowed his gaze while dazed, he couldn't understand why Nicky was happy all of a sudden. He had to ask, "why are you__" he paused.

" Earlier I went to Mr Marshall's office to submit some papers. When I entered the office I was mind blown...like I didn't expect any of what I saw."

" What did you see, and how is that related to Naledi?"

" It seems Naledi and Ellon were having a spicy little session, when I exited the office, Ellon told Naledi that he was impatient,"

" What?"Timmy could feel a shadow of pain engulfing his soul.He lost balance and sat down.

" After that They left!" Nicky finished her narration.

" That son of a__" Timmy paused and looked at Nicky. " First it was Rodney now it's Ellon, I doubt this is new."

" I am happy for her. She always seemed a little troubled, hopefully Ellon will entertain her" Nicky laughed.

" NICKY...bye!" Timmy stormed out. When he got in his car he decided to call Naledi because her phone had been off for a while.

Finally she picked up. " Naledi.. please come back, don't do this to me....I'm failing to believe that you and Ellon are a thing!"

Surprisingly Naledi didn't answer the call, it was someone else. " Worry all night... Timmy because she's not in safe hands..."

" Who is this? Did you kidnap her?" Timmy exclaimed.

" Yes...I guess!" He chuckled. " I mean I'll asume I kidnapped her because I've tamed her... there's no escape."

" Who is this?" Timmy shouted.

" Your Boss! Atleast be respectful and stop screaming...I'm your boss.."

" Ellon Marshall!....what the fuck are you trying to do?"

" Ugh! Just stop.... we'll talk tomorrow, right now I have to get to work..."

" Yeah.. just F**k off! Timmy!" Naledi shouted in the background.

Ellon disconnected the call.

" Well I guess I am selfish!..that could have been me..if I didn't act like a pimp 2 years ago... I can't bear this moment."

From the exit was Nicky , who stared at Timmy the whole time he got destroyed. She couldn't believe it, Timmy lied to her, He never loved her.

She wanted to break into minute pieces as she watched Timmy suffer in his car. She didn't want to bother him anymore. It was over.

" I thought..you loved me Timmy!" She turned to leave.

Timmy watched her as she trudged past the packing lott. He felt bad. He got out of his car and called her.

"Nicky!" He hollowed.

She stopped and turned to face him.

" Well__ let's go home!" He said

" Thank you I'm good!" She turned to look away.

" NICKY! I still love you please don't__" he said.

Nicky heard him and stopped. " I don't believe you Timmy!"

Timmy paced to her and held her hand. " I'm sorry for everything...I messed up real bad. Please understand, Naledi is my best friend before everything." ". I'm. Worried about her"

"Really?....then why can't you be happy for her! Just like how she is happy for us..?"

" Timmy I'm not a fool...I am sorry but I can't just believe you...!" She stopped a taxi and left.

" Nicky!"

He deserved it, he treated Nicky like a second choice. It was at that moment that he realized how Nicky was important to him.

" I'm confused....!"