
Dio Della Spada: War Of Ages

200 years ago, in a world of sword mages and demons, a war happened. The demons and the sword mages were at war, the Sword mages were losing until a Sword mage stood up to the demon king. A human that reaches the power of the gods, called Dio Della Spada. the Demon king called Demone Spada, Clashed with Dio Della Spada, and eventually lost against Dio Della Spada. The Sword mages and civilians cheered his name until a demon army of 100.000 marched to the humans. Dio Della Spada fought the demon army and killed 70.000 demons but died in the process. The demons retreated after the loss. Dio Della Spada was then reincarnated 200 years to the future as Marco Yuma without his memories. But he dream's to be an aspiring sword mage like Dio Della Spada

Luke142 · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


Chapter 0 - Prologue

200 years ago, 200 years ago, in a world of swordsmen and demons, a war happened. The demons and the swordmen were at war, the Swordmen were losing until a Swordsman stood up to the demon king. A human that reaches the power of the gods, called Dio Della Spada. the Demon king called Demone Spada, Clashed with Dio Della Spada, and eventually lost against Dio Della Spada. The Swordsmen and civilians cheered his name until a demon army of 100.000 marched to the humans. Dio Della Spada fought the demon army and killed 70.000 demons but died in the process.

The humans lived in peace for years to come, but unknown to the humans, The demons started to reproduce and build prigione, prigione is where demons live, and where they keep their loot. They attacked humans and bring them to their prigione to eat

The humans and sword mages started to be wary. they made a team of strong sword mages to find the missing villagers. they found the prigione but it was too late... the villagers were already dead. They were all nothing but bones. The sword mages were furious and slaughter all of the demons. But in doing so the demons faught back and killed all of them exept one. The sword mage sobered from the rage he felt and became scared... He ran, ran as fast as he can. As he ran he saw hundreds of prigione that are closed 'How could we not notice!?' he tought

He informed the village of the hundreds of prigione he saw and how the team of sword mages died in front of him. Sir Grande, The king of the humans, made Gildas.

Gildas are a group of sword mages that hunt for prigiones. Sir Grande made 5 major Noble Gildas that serve the royal family. The Orgoglioso Gilda, The Invidiando gilda, The Amorevole Gilda, The Selvaggio, and the Sopportare Gilda

The power of a sword mage is based on their ranking


the strongest in a Gilda and is their leader and has the authority of a king and only works under the current leader of the kingdom


30 of comandante can defeat a low power Maestro. there is 3 comandante in a gilda. they command parts of the Gilda but obeys the Maestro

-Cavaliere d'élite-

20 of cavaliere d'élites can defeat a comandante. There can only be 50 comandante in a Gilda


10 of cavaliers can defeat a cavaliere d'élite. they are the second-lowest rank in a Gilda. and there can be as many cavaliers as a Gilda wants


The lowest rank, and the weakest in a Gilda


"Congrats it's a boy!" a mysterious feminine voice said 'huh, who the hell is this woman that is holding me?' "t-thank g-god cann y-you call in m-my husband?" another voice said 'where the hell am I?' "Dear!?" a stern yet concerned voice said 'why can't I speak?' "you need to rest! you just gave birth!" the stern voice said 'gave birth!?' "f-first w-we need to n-name him!" The feminine voice said 'i see... so these are my new parents' "fine, but after this you need to rest." the stern voice said "thank y-you dear. how about M-marco? M-marco Yuma" said the feminine voice "that's a beautiful name dear"

End of Chapter 0 - Prologue