
-ding! Welcome to the hint system-

-Ding! Welcome to the hint system!- “Huh…?” Donovan was exiled by his party and guild that he had been with for 8 years in the vrmmorpg [Flower bed] His past guild members paid NPC’s to kill him every single time he respawned leaving Donovan with only one option… to start a new account Upon realizing this he throws his vr helm in a rage… who knew that the tale of legends would start with a thrown vr helmet?

Poptarded · Du hí
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-ding! Welcome to the hint system!-

(A/N: obviously has extreme inspiration from "arch mage streamer" which you should definitely go check out, it updates weekly. Anyways I just joinked the whole card idea and mostly the system straight from the Manwha so go read that. This novel will still have a unique story and characters)

-are you sure you would like to select this card. If so there is no going back no matter what you get-


I am then brought to a black room that had many door ways all made of different materials. The place was crowded with all types of people. from towering barbarians to trading bards, this place was filled to the brim

This space is the player hub. Here is where you would do most player related stuff such as trading, forming parties, and most of all making friends

In this space was only one npc called the room keeper. All that the room keeper would do is hand you a key that would break after opening one door. The doors are actually gateways to cities and villages

"Can I get the room key?" A walk up to him

"Oh is it your first time here? Then please take this" he hands me a rustic key

-hint: weekly puzzle answer! "Pink"-

This system could even tell me the answer to mini games

"By the way can I see this weeks puzzle?" I point to the weakly puzzle sign in the wall

"Ah yes of course sir! I must warn you it is extremely hard and you need in game clues to solve it! Anyways for the first hint go to the gravewood rot then find and kill the skeleton sage!" The room keeper explains with a smug look on his face

"There's no need! The answer is pink!" I grin

"Eh!?!? H- HOW!?!? *sigh* here's your reward sir" the room keeper dejectedly says as he hands me a red bag with a yellow ribbon at the top

These bags only held cosmetic items but the insides can be sold for a large fortune if I get a rare card, which I am guarantied to get with this system

I open my inventory and tap on the bag

-are you sure you would like to open puzzle bag?-


Out of the top of the bag thousands of cards fly out. I look trough all the L and U cards before I see a gorgeous ice blue hair. It's meant for female players but can be equipped as a male

'Now I have something to sell after I get to level 10' I made a mental note

I then walk to a large steel door, placing the key in the key hole the key turns into dust and the door swings open revealing modren neighborhood. There was a huge difference between each door. The archway door lead to a ancient Rome like city, the wood door lead to a medieval like city, the cave like one lead to a cave city, the steel door lead to a modern world, and finally the neon door leads to the futuristic city. Each starter city was on different planets that all rotate around the same star, none of the npc's know about each other world as there is a magic barrier set up by the gods to not allow them to discover each other

The reason why I choose the neon door was because the hint system recommended me

Each world had a different reason for monsters to exist, in the modern world they came out of portals that one day appeared which were that worlds version of dungeons, in the Ancient Rome world monsters were trials from god that came out of cracks in the ground which was the Ancient Rome worlds version of dungeons, or over in the futuristic world monsters came from biological terrorists and science labs were this worlds version of dungeons

You get the idea. Stepping through the door I am asked a question

-would you like to play opening cutscene

Hint!: it is not recommended to watch the cutscene as you have already watched it online-

"No." I answered immediately

-please choose 3 starter skills!-

"Guess I gotta look through a lot of cards again…" I started scrolling through the thousands of cards

"These 3 have good synergy!"

The first card I had gotten was the L version of charm, the UC version of charm was enough to make someone feel slight positive feelings towards you but the L version would make someone head over heals not to mention the mental magic buff from the love god marking

The second card was something that would work extremely well with Charm (L) which is the R skill backstabber which alone was trash but with the charm skill it was perfect. The backstabber skill made attacks against friendly npc's, monsters, and players do extra damage the higher relationship you had with them. If I spammed the shit out of charm before attacking things I would deal a shit tone of damage. According to the charm skill for every charm used the backstabber skill will do 4x extra damage, now imagine casting 10 charms in 4 seconds before assassinating your target then you will do a whopping 40x damage

The final skill was a simple SR level skill that would allow me to do damage with magic and that was magic spear, magic spear didn't have any element so unless someone had immunity towards magic then it would always be effective as it has no elemental typing. It did 230% of your wisdom stat (wis x2.3) and cost only 10 mp to cast which would not change when upgraded which was stunning considering that when it was upgraded it would deal up to 600% of your wisdom stat in magic damage

With these 3 cards I was ready to start my journey. Opening my eyes I was in the middle of the wasteland, in the opening cutscene it would explain how you had just gotten your hunter license but was killed by monsters and you as the player possessed their corpse

I looked through my inventory and found the basic beginner items of a mage

One dagger, 5 hp and mp potions, 1000 in game dollars, and a broken metal pipe

The last item no one had a clue for its use and some sort of "broken item" was found in the beginner equipment pouch

-hint! Dig through the mud to the left of you-

As the system had been right so far I decided to trust it. digging through the mud I feel something metal in the ground, pulling it out was a broken metal pipe covered in mud and blood

I grab the other half of the pipe out of my inventory and try to contact them together

-you have created the U item "family relic"! The item "broken metal pipe" can no longer be obtained by any other user and will be deleted from other players inventories!-

-family relic: ancient staff

This staff has been passed down through the family for generations and has finally fallen into your hands… take good care of it!

+30 wis

+30 int

Unique property: magic skills will do 2x damage, if used on another U or L class weapon/machine it will improve the item it has been integrated into by miles-