
Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry)

Old Name: Devils May Die Maybe it was because Victor had never lived a full life that he was given a second chance, but he knew that he wasn't gonna waste it on keeping it safe let's just say that everything he would do would probably be messy but that didn't mean he couldn't have a fun in a world filled with Devils, Angel's and Boobs! "I've hit the Jackpot!" (Multiverse Fanfic) Around 2k-4k words right now _____ Slow-paced 3 chapters a week No-Harem but if there is it would just be two girls nothing else and he won't immediately get them. Writing for fun don't expect anything good but that doesn't mean it would be trash I have standards! First World: Highschool DxD(Just to start off and build some ground) Second: Dororo(Short Arc) Third World: Frieren Beyond Journey's End(Currently)

TheFanBoy · Tranh châm biếm
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44 Chs


Victor didn't know how long he's been sitting on the swing in the playground he was currently in, after waking up from being stabbed and shot multiples times and awakening shadow as soon as he opened his eye's he was greeted by the sight of the bright blue sky and the feeling of sand on his body.

At first he thought that the group had left him there to heal to gather more supplies but after standing up and the fact that he couldn't feel any Demonic Energy inside him he was terrified until he finally saw his hands which were smaller and whiter.

'So judging by the looks of it I'm Vergil at the day him Dante and his mother got attacked.'

Victor tried moving out of the playground but he was stopped by some invisible barrier, after trying and failing multiple times he just gave up and sat on the swing.

Eventually time passed and it was getting dark to the point the sun was only barely visible and the moon was slowly rising, Victor had passed the time by reading the book of poems and stories Vergil had gotten from the old librarian back in the town of their village.

'Damn no wonder Virgil loved William Blake so much, this stuff is dark and good'

Victor was to engrossed with reading the book that he hadn't noticed 3 skeletons with scythe's behind him, as soon as Victor turned a page he suddenly felt pain on his chest before he looked down to see a sharp piece of metal impaled through his chest.


It didn't stop their as the Skeletons continued slashing and chopping Victor up to the point he couldn't stand it and began screaming, yet they didn't stop despite the cries of the boy. Yet as the pain went on Victor saw the figure of the Yamato in his mind and tried to reach for it but alas he couldn't as everything went black.

(Sometime later)


Victor thought as it was the only thing he could see, he couldn't even see anything but pure darkness he had been in this void for around 6 hours and he was starting to think he had died. Except for the fact that everytime he were to move he would hear the sounds of chains rattling.

'Great I guess unlocking a nightmare will give me the whole package of Vergils nightmares'

He had read the Visions of V back before he got reincarnated and he knew that Shadow was basically Vergils trauma back when he was controlled by the Demon King Mundus to be Nelo Angelo.

'But where is that old fart!?'

During his time in the void he would try to look everywhere even to the point he snapped his head backwards to see if the gigantic figure of Mundus was there, but nope he was instead just chained in the void.

"Why did Sparda have to mate with a damn human of all things, I wouldn't care if it was some low class demon but a human!?"

After hours of being chained duo Victor finally heard a booming demonic voice and as soon as it finished speaking the colossal figure of Mundus appeared before him, other than being completely terrified he was just amazed on how even in this place he could still feel the power radiating off Mundus.

'Crap, if I'm currently replaying the trauma of Vergil I'm definitely not gonna enjoy this next part...'

Suddenly Victor felt the chains on him tighten before Mundus reached out his hand squeezing Victor's body breaking everybone and organ in his body causing blood to splatter everywhere.

"No matter, even if you are a half-breed you are of his blood. So you will be of use to me"

Mundus then tightened his grip on Victor causing him to scream in pain, as having your while body crushed and remade wasn't exactly a great feeling. He was crying in pain he felt metal pierce his skin and burn themselves into him before finally he saw a mask slowly approaching his face.

For the first time in months of being reincarnated he was terrified.

[Dimensions May Cry]


Victor had waken up screaming, Raku who was beside him was shocked to see him wake up from what seemed to be a nightmare.

"Quiet you damn human!"

Mukago in all body less glory was hanging from a tree branch via a rope, that was tied to her short hair. Rem was worried for Victor she had stayed up the whole night after they had set up camp once they had finally escaped the labyrinth of the demons.

Dororo and Hyakkimaru had already left in their own as seeing how Hyakkimaru didn't gain any of his body parts he had started walking away from the group right after they had escaped, naturally Dororo followed him.

"Good to see you're awake, now tell us what to do with miss head over there"

Aizawa was casually cooking stew in the pot that was hanging over the campfire, despite it being close to sunrise he hadn't even eaten after their escape as after they had set up a camp he flopped on his sleeping bag passing out.

"Just wait for the sun to kill her"

Victor replied as he laid back on his sleeping bag still heavily breathing, he had just relived Vergils moments of being turned into Nelo Angelo.

Mukago on the other hand was terrified as she saw the sun slowly rising in the horizon, she turned to the group chat with begging eyesbut mostly her sights were on Raku.

"P-Please I don't want to die!"

She had tears in her eyes and honestly looked pitiful but Raku despite feeling bad knew better, As when they had received their target mission Victor had explained to them the demons from the world of Kimetsu No Yaiba. And one couldn't be a Lower Moon without eating hundreds of Humans.

"P-Please I'll do-KYAHHHHH!!!"

As Mukago spoke the sun was now in full sunrise causing her to be bathed in sunlight, she was burning and screaming trying to get away from it but Raku did nothing and turned his eyes away from the pitiful attempts of Mukago to survive.

Rem and Aizawa had no pity in their eyes since both being individual's who had seen the darkness of their respective worlds knew that Raku would have to witness adn experience an enemy begging for their lives eventually, but still they couldn't help but dele bad for the boy.

Victor on the other hand had finally sat up and slapped his cheeks before he finally noticed the Flashing Quest symbol on the bottom right of his view.

'System open I guess?'


Everyone of them heard a loud ding sound in their heads before each of them had a floating screen with their respective color scheme infront of them.

[Side-Quest Completed!]

(The Demon Three!)

Kill the three Lower moon's without any casualties!


1 Free System Ticket

(It gives the user(s) a random item/skill from their respective ranking)

After the screen appeared each of the members had a ticket with the words 'Tear me' form on their hands, Raku not even thinking for a second teared the ticket in half right after he gained it.

Soon after the ticket turned into dust before and a amulet with a skull hanging on it fell on Raku's lap, and with that a small screen appeared infront of him.

[The Amulet of Lost Voice's]

The user can ring the amulet by flicking it with his fingers near the body the deceased to ask them 5 questions and after those questions they will no longer be able to call upon them again.

[Unlike the original the soul of the deceased will have to answer the user's call even if they were to deny it]

[Soul bound to Ichijou Raku]

(Requires at least the head of a deceased to use)

"So I can speak to the dead now?"

Raku expected for him to gain an ability that would strengthen him but instead she was given something that allowed him to talk to the dead as long as the corpsed had a head.

Rem ripped her ticket right after Raku and soon after she caught a whip that seemed to be made of red hair.

[Giant's Red Braid]

A hefty whip woven from the flame-red hair of a Fire Giant, when the user tightens their grip on the handle the essence of the fire giant well set the while a blaze.

[Soul bound to Rem]

Rem was actually quite happy with her reward as she had been using a Katana and honestly she wasn't that well trained with it and since she had already lost said Katana a weapon that was similar to her Morning Star(Which was more similar to a chained whip) was something she was happy to use.

"I guess I should rip mine."

Aizawa proceeded to rip his ticket and just like the other's his ticket turned into dust but unlike Rem and Raku he instead got a weird feeling in his eyes before a screen appeared in front of him.


The user can use the signature Dojutsu of the Uchiha clan, the user has the ability to evolve and switch the sharigan on and off.

(Due to a present eye based ability the sharingan will be fused with the users own ability)

[Due to the lack of chakra in the user's body, the sharingan will instead use the user's stamina and chi]

Reading the description of his new ability Aizawa was confused about the last part as he apparently had Chi, but then again he did obtain Firebending and after watching the old show out of curiosity back in his world during his free time he knew that Benders had Chi in their bodies but he knew nothing else about it.


Raku seeing Aizawa's reward by peeking over his shoulders too look at his screen envied him, but then he turned to Victor who had just finished eating the stew Aizawa had prepared.

"Alright I'll rip my ticket"

With that Victor placed the bowl he was using to eat from before he ripped his ticket apart and like Aizawa he didn't get an item but instead he felt his right palm being burnt before he looked at it to see the a fox mark.

[Fox Devil Contract]

The user now has a permanent Devil Contract with the Fox Devil.

The user can give anything whether be it his lifespan, flesh or limb or any alternative as long as the Fox Devil Agree's

[The user has to make a Fox Gesture with his right hand and say 'Kon' to summon the Fox Devil from the world of Chainsawman]

"Now this is interesting"

Reading the description of the skill Victor had something in mind, if the Fox Devil Kom could be used by him anywhere wouldn't that mean at some point he could go with her when returning back to her world?. It essentially meant he now had a way to get to another world out of their group world's but that was for another day he closed the screen and continued eating the stew Aizawa made.

'God sleeping is gonna suck'