
Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry)

Old Name: Devils May Die Maybe it was because Victor had never lived a full life that he was given a second chance, but he knew that he wasn't gonna waste it on keeping it safe let's just say that everything he would do would probably be messy but that didn't mean he couldn't have a fun in a world filled with Devils, Angel's and Boobs! "I've hit the Jackpot!" (Multiverse Fanfic) Around 2k-4k words right now _____ Slow-paced 3 chapters a week No-Harem but if there is it would just be two girls nothing else and he won't immediately get them. Writing for fun don't expect anything good but that doesn't mean it would be trash I have standards! First World: Highschool DxD(Just to start off and build some ground) Second: Dororo(Short Arc) Third World: Frieren Beyond Journey's End(Currently)

TheFanBoy · Tranh châm biếm
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44 Chs

A Short Rest

Sorry about disappearing to get milk again my bad, had to finish my midterms practice test so I can finish this semester anyways I hope you enjoy this scuffed chapter


Currently Victor was right beside the Farmer who was handling the leash of the Ox pulled Carriage they were currently in since as they had money to spare and the fact that everyone was still tired from the last battle they decided to hitch a ride from a farmer passing by.

Of course Victor paid him handsomely enough for the poor old farmer to eat and live normally for around 2 months, said farmer graciously accepted their offer and now he was giving them a ride to the closest village. Which was actually not that far to what will soon be known in the future as the Gunma Prefecture.

"Say old man, are their any Hotsprings in that village you're taking us too?"

"Actually yes!, It would normally be quite expensive for common folk like me but for someone from a Samurai family and being a Samurai yourself I bet it wouldn't even put a dent in your pockets!"

Victor could chuckle at the farmers words as Michikatsu's Slayer Uniform and Nichirin Blade did make him look like a Samurai, so he and the others went for it and after a bit of talking they needed an alibi if for traveling. So incase someone where to ask for their Identities he was a Samurai named Genichiro from a small family of Samurai who have been serving the Shogun for many years traveling the land of Japan with his apprentice Raku, with his Priest Uncle Aizawa who brought along his daughter Rem. Since Victor wasn't exactly a name common around these parts and being called V-san would be even stranger.

"But other than that I've been meaning to ask, what's a Samurai like you doing in a place like this Genichiro-dono?"

The Farmer was of course naturally curious as it was strange for a Samurai to visit the rural area of the country without any reason, and seeing how he saw Victor taking everything easy he was definitely sure he wasn't their on any business.

"Well gramps the lord I'm serving was gracious enough to give me a leave so I decided to take my apprentice along with me on a trip!, my uncle and cousin just decided to tag along"

"Ah I see!, then I hope you train your apprentice hard so he can be of future use for your lord. But I do wonder when is your wedding?"

Victor looked at the farmer confused clearly not getting what he was saying.

"Genichiro-dono dont act all surprised!, with a woman as beautiful like Rem-dono you two are surely planning on getting married!"

Hearing the Farmers word's Rem on the back of the carriage can only blush in embarrassment while Raku was trying to stop himself from laughing, while Aizawa who honestly didn't care only smirked before putting the Kasa he was wearing back to covering his face before sleeping going back to sleep.

"Oy old man me and her are cousins, were related why the hell would I marry!?"

"I see I see!, Genichiro-dono Is probably at the stage of denile then again for other folks marrying your cousin would be quite inappropriate. But for someone of your status you're family would definitely want to keep the bloodline pure!"

'The hell is this old man on!?'

And with that Raku couldn't hold back his laughter and started laughing to the point he was clenching his stomach.

[Dimensions May Die]

Unlike what other people think The Yamato can be destroyed same with Rebellion but that doesn't mean they can't be repaired as they both have properties that would help with exactly that.

[Dimensions May Die]

"Finally I can actually enjoy spring break!!!"

Raku yelled out in excitement as he stood infront of the large Onsen, many were looking at him as if he were crazy but he wasn't the only one being excited about actually relaxing for once. Aizawa had to use a months worth of his vacation days for the mission so he was looking forward to resting his body as after fighting with the Drum Demon his whole body was sore the same thing could be said for Rem who also had to use her vacation days to leave the mansion for the mission, and after fighting with Aizawa against the drum demon she was also looking forward to relaxing.

The only one who didn't seem as excited as them was Victor who was asking around the people if they knew any places that was far from the village and would be safe to train his so called apprentice Raku, of course this was a lie as he would let Raku rest for awhile as he would try to use the latest skill he had gotten. Which the ability to summon the Fox Devil with his permanent contract.

"Genichiro-san cough up the money!"

Raku held out his hand towards Victor like a child waiting for their allowance while addressing him with his alias, Victor only sighed before giving the boy a bag of coins that would be enough for all of them to stay in the Onsen for around 3-Days. He had already told the others about his plan to train somewhere so he waved them goodbye before heading towards the direction of the nearby dense forest.

'The things I do to get stronger...'

As Victor made his way towards the forest he began thinking about his current situation, he not only got story her but he actually had people to befriend. But in all honesty he didn't want to get too attached with them as their current target was someone too strong for them he didn't even know if he could handle him without his Devil Trigger form.

Despite it being cruel he honestly didn't want to get involved with the group chat, he was more of a lone wolf sure he has taken in Asia but that wa just out of pity and Ophis didn't count as he definitely couldn't handle her until he were to either obtain his Sin Devil Trigger or unlock the full power of The Yamato.

Even with these thoughts inside his head and the fact that his frustrations were getting bigger he was still insanely weak sure his apparent limiter was above S-Rank but right now he couldn't be cocky and he needed every help he could get.

So as he stood in the middle of the forest he raised his right hand while performing the handsign before taking a deep breath.


Suddenly the a head resembling a giant fox's head with multiple giant eyes covering it, each full of concentric circles appeared with an obvious look of confusion.

"Huma- No you aren't Human, Tell me where am I?"

The Fox Devil with its multiple eyes stared directly at Victor who didn't say anything before ripping out his left arm and immediately regrew it before throwing his Previous left arm towards the Fox Devil, who only looked at it with curiosity.

"I'll let you have me arm in exchange you'll allow me to summon you anytime I want."

The Fox Devil was about to refuse Victor's offer before she caught a scent of his arm, unlike anything she had ever smelled the arm that was currently laying on the floor made her slowly start salvating.

"I will let you summon my head anytime you want, but if you wish to summon another part of my body I require you to give me another arm."

Victor smirked he knew from the start that the Fox Devil would be interested in him as his Demon Heritage probably mad him smell like a delicious meal, of course before removing his left arm Victor made sure there was almost no Demonic Energy left in his arm as he didn't know what would happen if the Fox Devil consumed his Demonic Energy.


The Fox Devil smirked before suddenly the arm that was on the ground disappeared along with the Fox Devil leaving Victor alone to train another skill of his. Specifically that of V/Vergils Nightmare Shadow.

Now Victor knew Shadow from the actual DMC universe couldn't be harmed by normal means, and with his current control of it he basically had a logia fruit with the ability to morph into any type of weapon/form as long as his Sand like ability could morph into it, his shadow could change from an actual dark shadow to morph into sand like substance that actually felt like wet sand.

So in short he basically now had an even stronger form of Crocodile's Devil Fruit, the only problem was if he wanted to create more shadow than he currently had he would need to constantly pump Demonic Energy through his Shadow.

"Damn it, all this thinking is giving me a headache..."

[Dimensions May Die]

Devils arm are weapons made from Demonic Materials or a Demonic entity being bound to some form of item and in some cases the Devil Arm would have a bit of sentience .

An example of a Devil Arm is The Yamato, Rebellion, and Beowulf.

[Dimensions May Die]


Raku 'moaned' in leasure as he felt the hot and rejuvenating water of the Onsen all over his body, which was now so much different then his old self from 3 weeks ago.

Before joining the group chat he was just a normal teenager but now he had compact and lean muscles with a few scars and there from either training or past battles, Aizawa on the other still looked the same but his over all vibe had now been slightly improved as he began being not only more open to them but as well as his Friends and Co-Workers back in his world.

"I gotta say it was a good choice of actually coming here"

Victor laid his head back as a cold towel was currently placed on his forehead as he enjoyed the feeling of actually relaxing for once, as they're current missions made him realize the things that they relied on the most weren't that quite accessible.

A good example was an actual bathroom.

But for now everyone in the group chat could actually enjoyed their short rest from all their adventures, but what they didn't know was that as the sun began setting in the other side of the village a figure was slowly walking towards the entrance with smirk on his face

"Halt, Identif-"

But before the guard who was currently pattroling the village could even speak he was immediately decapitated by a Katana that seemed to have lightning mark engraved throughits blade as it lit up with a black spark, the figure began licking the blood of his blade before he stopped before looking at he blood in disgust.

"Man, this guards blood taste like shit"