
what is happening?

Zylith looked in the mirror and said " ooooh! I look good! ".

" How long are you gonna take? " asked Zack, her little brother. " Really? it's only been 5 minutes " she said calmly. " And besides, where is your water bottle? We are going to the park so you better get a water bottle because I am not sharing mine " Zylith said.

" Whatever" he said.

When she came out into the park the cooled breeze caressed her cheeks. she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

" Wow! what a wonderful day! " Zylith said.

She placed her water bottle on a table nearby and started kicking her soccer ball as high as she can. Her head was spinning the whole week. She felt weird sometimes for a couple of seconds as if a wave of some force wanted to knock her out. her mother did have low blood pressure which sometimes leads her mom's head to spin too but she felt it in a different way or maybe it was her vivid imagination. Zylith used to and still imagines that ghosts, otherly dimensions, vampires, power, and etc exist. she tried to stop thinking that way but somehow couldn't control her brain. She felt as if imagination was a part of her that made her successful in almost everything.

What if there was another dimension from where people can visit this one and can see me playing right now? Zylith was thinking when that weird force thingy wave came by again.

" Oh no! " Zylith mumbled.

she was about to fall when someone or something caught her. she jerked away, her stomach dropped. " ummmm " Zylith was shocked.

I think I imagine too much, I should probably just go home, Zylith thought.

She went home and could not forget about it. " how can I be imagining such a thing" she whispered to herself and went to sleep.