
Dimensional Merchant

Through some streak of luck, he met an avatar of the god of trade and commerce and gained the ability to travel the multiverse back and forth. However, he had to complete mission on regular basis. The main mission is ... profit! He must get material profit to a certain amount. This is the story of how he became the Dimensional Merchant. --- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

amethystore · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Recruiting Dahlia

Chapter 7: Recruiting Dahlia

Satria took some magic stone he procured back at the Commerce Guild and placed it on the table. This stone is actually a cheap commodity despite being the main source of energy in this place. He bought a Fire Magic Stone around the size of a child's thumb for 2 bronze coins.

"These magic stones ..., where are they come from? Is it mineral that can be dug out from earth or there are some magical things that happen like you can take it as loot from the monster's body or something like that?"

"It's actually both. Usually, magic stones can be looted from monster carcasses. But there are some rare occurrences where the leyline condensed and crystallized into magic stone veins. Creating a natural magic stone reserve that can be mined directly." Dahlia explained with a calm and steady voice. This question isn't that hard at all, after all, it was the most basic common sense in this world. "Okay, so that's two questions from you Mr. Satria. That means you will have to answer two questions from me. Let me reiterate mine. How do you know that I'm a reincarnated person from Japan? And what do you mean by me being the gateway?"

"I didn't bring you the physical copy, but I've downloaded it all ..., there you go." he took out his smartphone and opened the manga about her.

"This is?" she fiddled with the phone slowly, she was exhibiting such an interesting expression throughout the read.

While she was focused on reading the manga about her, dinner was served and Satria started eating. After about sixteen minutes, she finally finished reading the short 9 chapters of the manga version about her.

"This manga is about me ..." she put down the phone while stating with disbelief.

"Well, not just manga ..., there are still 8 volumes of light novels about you. I don't know when there'll be an anime adaptation, it's probably sooner than you think."

"... but how, why?"

"Just think about it. You died and reincarnated into isekai with your memories intact. Isn't that more than enough quality to become the MC of isekai stories?" Satria forked a thinly sliced steak and ate it, he continued. "With how it is now, I'm not surprised that somewhere in some parallel universe there's a story, I don't know, some novel ..., oh no, maybe a fan fiction out there with me being the mc."

"This is ..., utterly ridiculous." Dahlia poured the wine into her glass and chug it down to her throat. She received this new information with some skepticism, however, the proof is there in front of her very eyes.

'If my whole life is a work of fiction, then ..., does that mean this reality is a fake? A simulation? No, in the first place there are so many discrepancies between this story with what I've experienced. For example, I developed the hairdryer myself and not with my father's help. Secondly, the chronological events that happened with Tobias went differently from the manga.' Dahlia placed the tip of her finger on her chin, digesting the information that she just received.

"Are you alright?" Satria asked with a worried voice.

In fact, he's slightly worried about this. He's afraid that after giving her this information, then she would have some sort of existential crisis and stuff. After all, what would happen if someone ..., claiming that he/she is from another world, suddenly told you that you're whole life is a manga?

"Mr. Satria, I'm still trying to digest this information. It's mind-blowing, I never expected this kind of thing could happen, but yeah ... I'm fine, I think." Dahlia waved her hand as if trying to reassure him. "One question, what year is it now, and who's the reigning emperor of Japan?"

"It's 2022 and the emperor is ..., who was it again, ninja something hito ..., ah yeah, Emperor Naruhito of the Reiwa era."

"Seems like we're not from the same earth after all ..." Dahlia sighed in relief hearing that piece of information. "In my previous life, I died on September 20th, 2037. Fifteen years in the future of your current timeline. Either you're someone from the past or we're both from a different, parallel earth."

"That's new, the author of the book never explained your past life, even not bothering to write your Japanese name."

"..., but how did the author in your world know about me? If the parallel worlds exist, and this place is just one of the many worlds out in the universes. Then how could the author, know about my existence? Even this manga is about 60-70% and has similarities to my life. It's unthinkable for an ordinary person to get a glimpse of someone who lived in another dimension."

"Don't know, must be some kind of magic. Or maybe it's just like what happened in Dr. Strange 2. That dream is a gateway to the multiverse. You can see a glimpse of your parallel self in the vast multiverse through the dream realm."

"Your world has MCU?" Dahlia's eyes lighted up hearing that.

"Yeah, though it's getting worse with phase 4."

"Oh, that did happen too in my world. Well, after Ant-man 3 it'll get better eventually." Dahlia emptied her glass before pouring another serving of red wine. "I'm done with mine, now it's your turn. Ask me what you want to ask."

"..., alright then, my next question would be. Is there any way to recharge a magic stone? You in that story sometimes says that magic stones are like battery, but from what I observed, this is just like a one-time use fuel. When the magic stone has lost its magical energy, it will turn into a useless stone."

"It's impossible, there has been no precedent research about rechargeable magic stone. But you can say that it's a non-rechargeable battery."

"Why don't you ..., start researching it?"


"I mean, come on, girl. You have those memories from the earth, and what ..., your best invention so far is isekai's waterproof cloth and magic hairdryer? Don't tell me you did think of making a soap dispenser while you took a bath just like her?" Satria tapped long on the phone fingerprint sensor and it reopened back on the manga about her.

But hearing from other people that her lifelong creation was mocked and belittled like that made the girl riled up. She smacked the table with her palm and snarked back at him.

"What's wrong with that?! I'm trying to make a tool that'll help everyday life! There's nothing wrong with that! What do you expect from me, invent a fricking generator?"

Satria paused and thought of what he just said and realized that it is indeed too much for him to say. After all, it's not easy inventing something. Even though she is reincarnated and just re-invent something from her old world, it is still too much for her who might be not an engineer in her past life.

"Right ..., I am sorry. That was inconsiderate of me. I don't know the whole process and the mechanism of the magic crafts, but I immediately judged you solely based on my own perception. I deeply apologize for my words earlier."

"..." she picked up the fork and knife and began cutting the steak.

"So ..., do you still wish to ask something from me?"

"... when will you return to the earth? Can you return at will, or there's some time before you could return?" she asked.

"Why you're assuming that I will definitely go back to earth?"

"It's obvious. I heard that you will be the new paper supplier for the guild, which means you have to resupply the goods. Where would you go and buy it if not from earth?"

"Make sense. About that. I don't have a limitation on how long I can stay here, but I'll go back after a week."

"Is there something else that you still want to do in this world? Oh, aside from tricking people to buy your paper which is at most is worth around a thousand yen for a gold coin which at least a hundred thousand yen!"

"Hey, that's not my fault. Both parties has acquiesced ..., it's a fair trade." Satria simply laughed because it is indeed a fair trade. An otherworldly paper, even though it's still a common goods back in his world, in this world it's still otherworldly making it a rare goods. "I plan on learning what this world lack but is still in demand, after knowing that maybe I could get those things from the earth and sell them here."

"You're too high profile, it won't be good for you. Don't expose yourself too much. If you cause too much attention, there might be some high-rank nobles or even the royal family who would do unspeakable things to you."

"What? It's not like they'll kidnap me or something right?" Satria scoffed ridiculing that probability.

If the people of this kingdom are that shortsighted. Then it might be better just to get the hell out of this place, close the gate and never come back.

Dahlia stopped her hand that was handling the cutlery and stared right into his eyes. She then slowly said. "Mr. Satria ..., please don't raise a flag like that, that actually could happen."

"Let's stop this topic and continue from where I left off..., why don't you start researching rechargeable magic stones?" Satria tried to get the topic back on the questioning trade.

"Actually, the idea of rechargeable magic stone is tempting. But I can't ..., I don't even remember the basic principle of battery or basic electrochemistry."

"If I may ask, what's your degree in your previous life?"

"Occupational Health and Safety ..., why?" she tilted her head at the unexpected out-of-topic question.

"Hmmm ..., nothing," he recalled that one panel in which she first invented the hair dryer.

When she tried the first prototype, it became a flamethrower that almost burn her head and hair into ash and crisp. With her father's help, they calibrated the hairdryer and limited the output so that it could only blow heated air.

'For someone who graduated from OHS, she really knows the definition of safety.' Satria didn't have to say the sarcasm that was playing in his head.

"I just thought that you who was a magical device craftsman in this life then you'd surely attend an engineering major in the past life. But oh well, that's fine and all ..., why don't you start studying it from now. I don't know, maybe the science, I mean, the magic of this world works differently from the law of physic and chemistry back on earth. Research is all about that, trial and error, right?"

"Mr. Satria, Why do you keep asking me to research something that I have no knowledge of? What is it that you want from me?"

"Very well, if you can't see through the lines then I'll say it directly to you. I want to sponsor you. I can give you the fund needed for this research. In exchange, you will be my researcher."

"So that's how it is ..., what's the term and condition?"

"Well, aside from the basic salary, I'll give you some research funds, provide you with facility and equipment perhaps. Year-end bonus if you want, and maybe ..., some holiday. And you can do your little personal research on the side as long as it doesn't hinder the project I'd asked you to do."

"Research facility and equipment? I doubt you have it ready at the moment. How much is the basic salary you talking about?"

"Don't be so harsh on me, Ms. Rosetti. I arrived in this world just this morning. As for your salary ..." he looked at her directly in her emerald green eyes and said. "Tell me, how much do you expect for this kind of job?"

"... o-one hundred and twenty gold a year!" Dahlia stated that slightly stuttering at the start.

"Base salary of 40 gold per year and 5% royalty from every invention you created."

"Base salary of 90 gold and 10% royalty!" Dahlia immediately countered.

"We're talking about gold coin here Ms. Rosetti. You can buy a nice house just from your first year of salary. How about, 50 gold and 6% royalty."

"No, I want at least 60 gold a year and I got to decide what tools and equipment are in my workshop, and you must bring it no matter what."


Dahlia was glad that this Satria is easy to trick. Sixty gold annually is a considerably huge sum. Her main income is from the patent of the magical device, but then to get 60 gold coins she had to save money for three to four years. That is if she's optimistic that her magic tools will sell.

For another comparison, 60 gold is equal to a land tax of a small barony. She told him she wanted 120 gold in annual salary because, in the first place, she plan on leading Satria to give at least half of that amount. Thankfully he still agreed to it.

'All according to my plan.' she thought with her mouth raised slightly into a thin smile.

Satria on the other hand still thought that her salary is reasonable and not too much. Though 60 gold is around 6 million yen($43.018), and he has read before that the average salary of academic researchers in the US is around $58,963 annually. Perhaps it was due to the previous transaction where he could gain 52 gold coins just from a single sale, he didn't think that 60 gold a year ... 5 gold a month is a massive sum.

His sense of money has been muddled up somehow. 5 gold is still 500.000 yen, which is 56 million Indonesian Rupiah($3.587). That amount is more than enough to pay his college tuition fee until he graduates.

"Alright ..., let's sign a contract." Satria took out a Blank Contract Paper and discussed some of the fine detail of the contract with her.

The contract was written in English as it was the language that both parties has a certain degree of proficiency in. After filling in the small detail, they both signed the contract with a thumbprint.

"Happy collaboration." Satria stretched out his hand for a handshake.

"Please take care of me from now on, boss." Dahlia shook his hand and bowed her head lightly.

"That's reminding me ..., I need some tutor for the language of this world."

"Ohh ..., I can help you with that." Dahlia offered, "Wait a minute ..., we're having this conversation on kingdom's language, how come you know that if this is your first time arriving in this world?"

"Well ..., I won't answer that question because it'll reveal my other secret."

"What secret, do you have an RPG system or something?" Dahlia guessed with a joking tone.

"... ahaha, that's funny." Satria laughed with a straight face.

"Don't tell me ... you really have it." Dahlia squinted her eyes at him.

"..." Satria went silent and didn't confirm nor deny her words.