
Dimensional Journey From To-Love-Ru

A soul reincarnated in the world of to love ru as Gid Lucione Deviluke, after having been as a soul, in a chaotic and mysterious space, where time does not exist, worlds are also born and destroyed every second. Note: I only write in Spanish. This is translated from google translator. Para los que quieran leerlo en español solo busquen "Viaje Dimensional Desde To-Love-Ru". The cover and the characters are not mine. Credits to their respective authors.

BlockNejime · Tranh châm biếm
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71 Chs

Battle for the Throne

...… ..

"uh" Opening his eyes, Gid was waking up, after a few seconds he reacted and looked to his right, that Sephie was naked sleeping next to him, after the first time they did, Gid couldn't stop and turned like a beast Besides eating and drinking, they spent 3 days having sex until Sephie couldn't take it anymore and passed out.

After the initial excitement, Gid seemed a bit regretful, after all he wasn't letting her rest. But that only lasted a bit and Gid was getting excited again to see Sephie asleep, with that sexy body with big breasts, but he had to resist it, or he could really break her.

"As expected of a Charmian, haa" Gid couldn't help but sigh as he remembered this crazy time they had.

Holding himself back, Gid went to take a cold bath to calm himself.

When he left he could not avoid looking at himself in the mirror, compared to the Gid of the canon, he is taller, measuring 185 centimeters, he has the most handsome features, he has a little more muscle and a more marked figure with a slim figure but the rest there is no difference. Just as a more mature figure of him, maybe because of his unlimited growth ability his figure is still very good. After looking in the mirror and thinking narcissistically, he went out to prepare a breakfast, because Sephie would not wake up for several hours because of how tired he was.


1 week later

After Sephie woke up and complained that he was an animal, he put the spaceship directly on the planet Debiluke. The trip took 1 week to arrive.

Looking at the planet below that is about to land, Gid's eyes could not help but feel nostalgic and reaffirm his will to conquer this universe.

Descending from the ship Gid could not help but breathe the air of this planet that had not been for 8 years.

"HAAAA" Feeling the air of this planet that is not very different from other planets, but Gid still felt that it was different, although he did not know what it was.

"Sephie, I'll go challenge the king, do you want to come with me or stay?" Gid asked, looking behind him at the beautiful pink-haired girl who had a veil covering her face.

"Of course I'll go, I couldn't miss this important moment right?" Sephie said with a fond smile as she hugged his arm.

Gid smiled, after hugging her, they soon flew through the sky at supersonic speeds, Sephie normally couldn't handle the pressure at that speed, but Gid protects her with his energy.

A few minutes later they soon arrived above the capital of the planet Deviluke, in the distance you can see a huge "castle" that is where the royal family lives. But it will soon become you.

Thinking of that, Gid soon puts on his arrogant smile and points a finger at the castle.


A ray of light from the finger pierced through the castle and caused a small explosion within 5 meters.

But Gid didn't seem satisfied, although he didn't want to destroy his future castle, it's okay to damage a part of it then.




Firing various laser beams at different locations, he caused chaos in the castle.

Guards soon emerged, defending the castle, and soon they could find Gid above the sky.

"You bastard! Who are you? You dare to shoot His Majesty's castle!" The guard said with rancor in his voice as he looked at Gid.

"Kuh, pure rubbish!" With a disdainful look on his face, Gid pointed his tail down and then a beautiful shower of blue lights fell on the guards.




"Damn, AAAAHg"

"Hum" With a snort Gid looked at all the guards who exploded and a few who survived hopefully, then lowered himself to the ground.

Soon 5 people arrived, one was the King, and the other 4 were apparently noble.

"Who the hell are you bastard? !!!" King Ray K. Deviluke asked resentfully.

"Well it doesn't matter, die !!!!" Without waiting for Gid's response, Ray blinked and instantly came in front of Gid, drawing his sword from his waist to aim at Gid's neck.


The sword that was aimed at Gid's neck soon couldn't advance more than 10 centimeters from his face as it was stopped by Gid's trident-shaped tail.

"Tch, how weak" Gid said as he gave Ray a dismissive look.

"Impossible!!" Ray looked stunned at Gid, taking advantage of this Gid pulled Sephie away from his arm to put her behind him.

"Come on hit me or it won't be fun if it ends quickly" Gid said looking arrogantly at Ray with a smile full of bloodlust.

"Bastard!!" Ray got scared by that bloodlust he felt and started attacking like crazy.




No matter how Ray attacked, he couldn't get past Gid's tail defense.

Soon Gid began to lose patience and looked at him indifferently.

"Now it's my turn then" Gid said nonchalantly.

"FIiush" The tail was like a whip attacking him from all sides, even Ray couldn't keep up.

"AAAAAAH !!!!" The speeding tail was as if it was taunting Ray and leaving slash marks all over his body.

Unable to stand, Ray withdrew and returned to the side of the other 4 nobles who were looking scared and unable to believe what they saw.

"Heh, what's up King, it's all you have if so then I'll finish it now" said Gid with a mocking smile.

"You, who are you because you attack us?" Ray said with fear in his tone, as he continued to back away little by little, as if looking for a way out.

"Me? I'm Gid Lucione Deviluke the future king of this country, you better remember him in hell, ex-king" As Gid finished, he began to gather the energy of his body to end this.

"The World !!"

With Gid's shout, soon everything was silent, no, everything was still, be it the former king or the nobles, or Sephie behind him or the dust that is floating everything was still.

Walking slowly soon Gid arrived in front of the 5, and looked at them with a disdainful look.

"Goodbye" With his words his tail moved as if they were 5 tails at the same time they stuck in the hearts of the 5.

Then time began to tick and gid had already reached Sephie's side.

When I got to Sephie's side, 5 corpses fell to the floor with pierced chests, but the strange thing is that not a drop of blood came out.

"Come on Sephie, no, my queen, we have a lot of work from now on" Gid said in a dominating way as he grabbed Sephie's waist, only now Sephie reacted to what happened. Calming down she gave Gid a smile and replied playfully.

"Yes my king"