
Dimensional Group Chat Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the deal a guy gets killed and reincarnated as the main protag of Akame ga Kill Tatsumi. Your usual reincarnated story with no cheats in the beginning only hard work trying to live his life the way he wants. Then one day his greeted with the fabled Dimensional Group Chat with a group of others how could this go? Probably something out of this world.

Jovami6729 · Tranh châm biếm
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121 Chs

Chapter 22: Leaving Home

~Tatsumi POV~

Today after a few days of rest I managed to get myself used to these new abilities I got from the One-Piece world and what I got from Ruby the whole [Aura] and my semblance [Construct]. I think it was time for me to leave.

I already have my stuff packed up as what I'm about to do is divert the plot of the story and as for extra insurance, I bought the complete map of the Empire to show me everything good thing I got half off but this on its own is very valuable.

The gold I got from One Piece was left inside my house as I only brought some along with me and the rest here if the village needed it. That's my gift for them for taking care of me for so long as well as for my friends that need it for their own equipment.

Currently, I already have all my belongings with me inside my backpack as I knocked on the door of the chieftain as I prepare for my thanks and farewell.



Once I was knocking on the door chieftain looked surprised as he smiles warmly at me as he spoke to me, "Oh? Tatsumi young lad how are you doing today. Is there a reason why you came here today?"

Breathing in and out I responded to the Chieftain as I sat on his chair as I spoke to him in a clear voice leaving no discern to him, "Morning Chieftain sir… I came here today to say goodbye and thank you for everything you did for me, sir."

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes but then closes them as he spoke to me like a story as he talked to me, "My boy… ever since you were left on my doorsteps it was hard to take care of you and your friends at my age. You were by far the most well-behaved compared to others Tatsumi my boy. Sigh… and even giving your grandpa a back rub at times in hopes of something you little rascal."


Yeah, those were the times I remember very fondly of and tried to get anything useful to me as I wanted to learn more about the world. Yet I seemed to enjoy my time with my friends as well as with the old man.

That was when the Chieftain replied to me as I was listening to him as he pours a cup of tea as he spoke, "Sigh… I remember those days nicely. Still, my boy are you positive you want to leave without your friends? Sometimes those close to you will be better than one."

Shaking my head to my first father figure I responded to my old man with a serene voice but thankful at the same time, "No sir… I think I need to learn some things on my own. Plus, Ieyasu and Sayo can take care of the village on their own so I won't worry much. I need to learn more about the outside world."

At that, the chieftain responded with a chuckle as he talked to me like an old friend spoke a good joke, "Hahaha! When did you my boy get adventurous? From what I can remember you used to be such a cautious kid even asking me if those bushes were poisonous. Cheeky little kid you were."

I just blushed in embarrassment at that since I was mostly guided more by my fear of the unknown in this world at the time when I tried to learn more about the Akame ga Kill world when I was very impressionable.

That was when I heard the chieftain sigh out his breath as he told me in a sad but knowing tone as he spoke, "Sigh… very well-child but if you are waiting then at least wait a bit. I want to give you something before you leave Tatsumi."

Nodding my head I began to wait for him as there was a lot in my mind to think about leaving my village thus altering the plot of Akame ga Kill itself. Also, the members will know probably making Saeko worry about my direct change.

Doesn't matter so long as I do things as best as I can handle the situation as I can only wait for the situation to happen.

That was when the chieftain returned giving me the same statue from the original Tatsumi had as he spoke to me, "Take this with you Tatsumi. May our Lord give you His blessings for your journey."

Taking a last hug with the old man I responded as I took the small wooden statue into my bag as I respond to the chieftain, "Thank you very much for everything chieftain, I'll be sure to keep this statue for as long as possible. I hope to return here when I'm satisfied with my journey thanks for everything."

The chieftain nodded in understanding as I left the door as I was met with my childhood friends as they had looks of concern. Sigh… I was hoping to avoid this situation as they looked conflicted at me.

Sighing out loud I got straight to the point as I talked to them with a straight smile, "So did you two listen to what I wanted to talk to the old man."

They merely nodded as Ieyasu was getting angry as he glares at me he held me at the collar of my shirt as he yelled at me, "Tatsumi! Why I thought it was going to be the three of us when we leave together!! TELL ME WHY!!!"

Tears were streaming down his face as I spoke out to both of them honestly and talked to them in a serious voice, "Sorry Ieyasu but… I thought it was time for me to move forward in my journey. If I stay here more, I won't be able to learn more about the world and by learning I hope to help my people here. That won't change but I can't bring change if I stay here."

Ieyasu let me go as tears streamed out of his eyes as Sayo had her hands on her mouth as she tried to convince me to stay, "But Tatsumi… are you positive that you must go. At least let us come with you!! It has always been the three of us against what we came together! Why change now!!"


Couldn't hide my emotions from my friends I responded to the two as even I didn't want to leave but I can't grow anymore here either as talking to them, "Honestly, I kind of wish you didn't come here right now or else leaving wouldn't hurt as much. But there are just some things I need to do so…"


I deserved that one.

That was when I got slapped across my face as Sayo stood there as she spoke to me with a smile but painful voice as she spoke, "If you are going… then at least… promise to us that you'll return home one day ok. Just promise us that please…"

Placing my hand on the side of my cheek that was slapped I smiled while closing my eyes now feeling calmer and more assured of my choice as I responded, "Yeah… I promise to come back here one day. I just need to go look around the place, but I promise to return here when I'm done."

Ieyasu and Sayo as well as I all did your cliché group hug as they see me off leaving the gates of my village.

Turning back to see them wave at me I wave at them in return as I move forward on my path as I made sure to pack everything I have.

Once I'm at a faraway distance as I began to open up my map as I began to see where my village was located as I follow the path as I talked to myself, "Ok according to the map here my village is located on the Eastern Region of the Empire. That's close to that HQ."

The HQ that the map is at is the Path of Peace HQ makes sense since I only see the states that the Chieftain gave me as their God in that area.

The Path of Peace is a religious organization in the eastern territory of the Empire that has been around for ten years. The organization believes in doing good deeds to keep the soul pure.

Due to the rampant corruption and suppression of the people, they oppose the Empire's rule and at some point, began planning an insurrection.

The Revolutionary Army and the Western Tribes decided to use this uprising to their advantage, planning a three-pronged attack on the Empire's Capital.

But that is only in the future that happens though but there are other areas to visit I wonder…


That was when I heard more sounds of footsteps as I then see a group of bandits coming towards me as one of the ugly bastards probably the leader spoke to me, "Haha! Lookie here boys we have a fresh one! I have been wanting to stick my cock in a pretty boy!"

Ok, instant death it is then.


Before they could even respond I rushed towards everyone as I used my complete bodily control as I moved my body to a certain way to increase the speed of my punch as a white aura coating was happening as I was vibrating my forearm as I push them on the head to cause massive shockwave damage using the [Hasshoken].



The cracking sound was me using the [Hasshoken] to destroy their skulls from the shockwave alone popping their heads in the process. In Akame ga Kill I believe they have no defenses to the shockwave-based attacks so to them it's very deadly.

Truly these attacks are unblockable and reverberating, causing defenses to shatter like their skulls to go splat releasing their brain matter on the floor.

And this ugly bastard thought he was going to destroy my ass yeah no his going to die a painful death for that alone.

As I was killing off his men alone with my fist the fat ugly bastard bandit fell on his back as he tried to beg as I brought out my sword yelling out something of saving his life. Was I going to listen to this?



"AHHH!! MY ARM!!! MY ARM!!!"

Yeah… no.

I don't feel that merciful today against people like them. But looting their corpses on the other hand is something I can get behind. Now that I do need time to practice my torture methods so then test patient number whatever let's begin.