
Chapter 118: Equalist vs. Dragon Spirit?

~Tatsumi POV~

You know talking to a guy friend is very nice than I would usually like to admit since most of the members are girls. Having to talk to a guy again like this was really nice.

Have to admit Bolin and I just click very well together. Even discussed our backstories of course not letting him know I'm from another world but similar background.

I talked about how I was abandoned by a village and made some great friends growing up and leaving on my own. And Bolin explains about his life was with his brother Mako the Fire-bender have to admit his lucky to have a good brother like him around.

Next, I explained some subjects of alchemy to Bolin and explained how the process works of using the ground as an energy source for alchemists to use to transmute our desired target into something else.

I did have to re-explain to him about the basics since he didn't have much of an education but street smarts thanks to his brother. You know despite his brother being troubled by ladies learning his life story of him actively making sure his safe kind of makes me want to meet him in person.

Hell, I'm even somewhat jealous that Bolin has someone like him in life. A real bro to watch you're back.


Stopping the car we stopped by one of the storehouses that I need with my experiments of testing my alchemic knowledge as Fancy Shin replied happily, "Alright Boss Tat. Here we are one of our storehouses of plants and such. Never saw a need for them but Zolt used it for something or whatever but never got around to it. Hope you get what you need Boss Tat."

Nodding at this I smiled for his good work driving us here as we both got off the red car of the TTT as I thanked my men, "Thank you very much, Fancy Shin. Just wait for a bit and don't hesitate to call for help. It should only take about a few seconds you can wait here to see Bolin it will only take a few seconds."

He observed me closely with a confused look but nodded as he shook his head while shrugging towards me about this, "Hmm… sure thing I guess…? I'll be back to reading this Alchemy stuff right? Never got to learn much or even get into a school but hey I can learn this right."

I nodded my head at this as I began to check inside the storeroom with all kinds of plants of the sorts ranging from the different nations of Air, Fire, Earth, and Water as I smirked at this, "Oh boy. Now I feel very lucky to get all of this stuff for me to experiment with."

I truly felt like that. A god to an honest treasure trove for me to use and experiment my alchemy within the progress in this world.

While it's weak physically to me I would like to keep testing my skills when I can instead of pure power. Sometimes the power of science can be a great tool to use in these kinds of worlds. Heh.

Can't wait for this world to see what we the group members brought.


Lots of them to arm the TTT at the very least. Thanks to Ruby, Kaina, and my help producing them with [Overhaul] and Alchemy for the parts we managed to replicate the effects of a modern gun in the Avatar world.

A bit overkill since most of our men are being trained to use them but with Ruby's help with her mech weapons from Remnant are trying out to help modify the benders to use firearms to add to their bending.

Imagine a normal man only needs to use a couple of bullets to stop any benders. Although we did have to use a carbon material base to use to find a way around those metal-benders. Would be bad if they just bend the gun, would it?

Shaking my head I began to use [Pocket] to take everything into my personal inventory carrying around me at all times as I cleaned house. Hmm… maybe I should find that meteorite sword that was lost from Sokka time in Avatar the Last Air Bender.

I could use the points to find it plus having an unknown material would be a nice condition if anyone found it or not. With that, I began to leave outside the front of now cleaned storehouse as I talked to –



Before I was rudely hit and electrocuted in that order by a group of the owl-looking ass DC motherfuckers as they hit me while I glared at them hatefully, "Grr… Now that's just rude cocky motherfucker."

The goons that tried to attack me were wearing the night owl costume from that batman movie of the owl council or something as the eyes of surprise were evident in his eyes viewing to my hate-filled ones as I spoke in a draconic tone, "Grr…. You better have a REAL good explanation of this fool. Because if you don't… you better pray you didn't fucking piss of a literal Spirit Dragon."

Spirt Dragon or Dragon Spirit was something to stick to in this world.

How else am I going to explain all my powers without drawing immediate intention without a disguise? Lucky me that dragons are a thing here as well and making them believe my powers as a Spirit is something to NEVER fuck with.

Good examples of them are the spirit that steals names or faces. Or the one that protects its knowledge… maybe I should pay a visit someday there to get some knowledge from them.

Next, I see my eyes glance towards a group trying to take my men Bolin and Fancy Shin away as they managed to keep up. Next, I see another one coming at me as I held the one that attacked me with a shock baton I think?

Whatever the case was the next guy came charging at me like a certain kung fu panda as this lady began a fighting stance pinpointing my body with a fighting style while I use [Eyes of the Lord] to copy, "Take this foul Bender! This is the power of equality chi blocking- Oww! What the hell is –"


That was before I swung my fist across her face as she flew back a couple of steps as I made sure to low ball it as I wanted to get some questions as I held the grip tighter on the one struggling at me while I replied, "The power of equality huh? I then invoke the power of Gender Equality Scrub! Now then… you."

Turning my head to him as worry now grew apparent in his eyes as he noticed that the one I smacked wasn't responsive for a while as his voice grew more worriedly, "You… you killed-"

Raising my eyebrow at this I simply replied to him with a shrug while keeping a cold glare at him to see how uninterested I am in this, "So? The weak always struggle like this and I merely acted in self-defense. You Equalist was it wanted to play with a Dragon Spirit? Now…"


"Ack! Cough!"

Cracking his arm to the point where it brakes as the other members saw this tried to flee as I merely took a glance at them as they flee…


Releasing a short concentrated blast of [Conqueror Haki] was enough to make them foam at the mouth as the last grunt in my hands see how easily I dealt with his crew as he sang like a bird, "What… no… you monster… Wait- No please spare me! I… I have a family to take care of but…"

Smirking at this and coldly meeting eye to eye with him I merely smiled as I was being 'generous' right now as I spoke, "Oh? Really? In that case, explain everything about you're a little group of Equalists and call this even. Don't leave out all the details either or… well I'll have my men take a look after your family ok there buddy?"

Smiling at this the man paled at this since I have my gang to collect info for me to tell me where he lives. Plus it could provide such useful information they have. Man who knew bullying people like this was liberating.

Although I would also make sure that Bolin- Oh right him I better apologize as I glance at him as he flinched while I replied, "Oh right. Sorry Bolin but looks like I'm going to need to do something about this. And as your employer, I'll give you the double amount for this inconvenience. 60,000 yuans is more than enough right?"

Turning around like a 180 switch in personality he agreed suddenly as he fist pumps into the air like he achieved his goal and then some, "Yes sir! If it means we get to play in the championship and help my brother Mako out then I'll take it. If you don't mind Boss Tat sir? Hehe…"

I'm really starting to like Bolin now but sadly I can't recruit him to the group chat since it wasn't in the mission. Sigh… maybe I can find a bro like a friend in the future but first…

Turning my eyes to the frightening Equalist goon I stared at him as if I stare into his soul as I demanded from him, "Now then good boy… tell me everything you know about this so-called Equalist group. No leaving the details or else…"

He nodded. Good at least I won't have to do much.

Bullying for information should be my talent perhaps?

Nah I'll make it a living in the future but for now something about these Equalist first.


A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter and have a good day everyone. And man the MC being a real bro giving Bolin double the amount of 60,000 yuans to help his brother out. Such a nice character.