

One of the only survivors of the land was a baby had just been born and that through the dimensional breach was sent to a planet covered in water with several island and a continent that divides the world in the Middle

The baby that went through dimensional fissure just going to stop at lha Raijin an island because of the unusual climate of new world lives constantly being hit by lightning storms

The baby that was about influence of cosmic force that caused the opening of the dimensional rift and eliminated 99.9999999% of the population of the Earth and sent by the fissure and strength began to affect him and made him suffer mutation and with his arrival on the island the mutation he suffered began to intensify and move because of lightning storms that hit the island

With the mutation occurring all rays of began to focus on the baby's body and it made that the mutation if far-reaching yet more

And also drew the attention of the only human being who lives in this island Kasa an elderly woman, short and wrinkled, wearing a Cape

Kasa was reach surprise effects by the event and out of sheer curiosity was the place to see what's happening and when she arrived at the location of hell there was a beautiful baby with black hair as neat as the infinity of space and bright blue eyes that possessed the beauty and wildness of the rays and a smile capable of illuminating the darkest soul and that beautiful baby was covered by the rays that concentrated on it these damn paresiam take care of him as if he was your son, and also when he moved him the rays moved as if obeying your will

Kasa was very surprise seeing this because she knew even if someone ate the Goro Goro in mi wouldn't give to your user as much control over lightning like that baby had.

After a few hours the concentration of hell is over and the baby you was Kasa and held her and was wondering what to do with it and while she was thinking about the baby gave a beautiful smile that lit up the your soul and that conquered and decided to adopt him

Kasa smiled and talk to little guy that was in her lap and talked to the baby I am Gol d. Kasa and decided that I will take care of you as if it were me son and then so you will be called Gol d. Thor

And so rose Gol d. Thor the Thunder's son the nightmare of the Navy


And at the same time that Kasa was naming Gol D. Thor

D. Roger Gol The Pirate King was about to be executed outside the great Line in his hometown Loguetown in the East Blue which is located north of Calm Belt and east to northeast of the entrance of the reverse Mountain

And one of the spectators who was there to watch the execution of Gol D Roger shouted asking him where he hid his treasure

And Gol D. Roger spoke to the world do you want my treasure? You can have that! I've left everything I've gathered in one place. Now you just have to find it!

And so began the great Era of the Pirates