
Digital Restart (HSR X DC)

No purpose, No dreams, No Goals. That is the man I have become, and have continued to be till now. But things changed when I died, and somehow had a second chance. Things will be different, and for some reason, I’m all for it.

Dark_Abyssal · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs


The moon rose high in the sky while sounds of the forest's night life echoed throughout the forest.

A young girl(?), continued to trek through the woods of this unknown land, feeling more and more uncertain as she(?) took step by step towards what seemed to be the exit.

He raced forward, not wanting to spend another second in this god forsaken forest, stopping only when she exited the woods.

Panting, she looked around and started to scan her surroundings for any form of civilisation. His eyes stopped on what seemed to be a sign, however, his breath hitched in his throat when he saw the words etched upon the sign board, eyes wide in disbelief and fear.


'Gotham, th-that word….th-this is…?! ….no…nO…NO!!', He started panicking, cursing his luck and fearing for his life.

'I'M IN THE FUCKIN DC UNIVERSE!!, I'M SO FUCKED!', Individuals of great power started to come to his mind.

The Joker, Scarecrow, Riddler, Killer Croc.

Peopl-no, Monsters who could kill him without any effort, Monsters who could massacre Millions all for the sake of their amusement. His hope of living peacefully in his second life gone like the wind, utterly crushed and shattered.

But he knew they were only mortals, there were gods in this world too, malevolent ones who seek to conquer this very earth. He started to hyperventilate at the very thought, his thought process going haywire and becoming extremely paranoid with thoughts of his death and torture.

He clutched his chest in pain and kneeled, vision starting to go blurry as he despaired, not knowing what to do. The Yakuza in his past world was one thing, but they too were human, humans who were fragile, just like him.

But here in this universe, these Monsters go rampaging around the world almost every day. He was normally unfazed with such matters, but he knew this time, if he truly wasn't careful, he'd end up facing a fate worse than death.

He whimpered in pain as he clutched his chest tightly, starting to take deep breaths to try and calm himself. His thoughts racing a mile a minute, why, why did this have to happen to him. Hasn't he suffered enough?

His mind went back to when his first encounter with the Yakuza, where they started to beat him up brutally even though he was just 11 years old. Though he eventually grew used to it, the trauma was still there, and it haunted his nightmares.

With what he knows from the comics he had red, this world was infested with organisations far more evil and ruthless compared to the Yakuza. With that in mind, his trauma started to resurface, he curled his limbs tightly against his body, shivering against the dead leaves that lay all around him on the ground.

Though this world has Heroes that are said to protect the weak, he was not naive enough to actually believe such utter shit. It was a cycle of endless destruction, hero beats villain, thrown in a cell or detained in someplace else, villain breaks out and the whole cycle repeats again and agaIN aNd AgAiN AnD aGaIN-

Tears started to slide down his cheeks, he held in a whimper and started to sob silently. Now that he was in this world, how was he supposed to live? There is no point in running or hiding….this universe has endless amounts of threat, and such threats could appear absolutely anywhere.

Even with his newly found powers, he would only get hunted down by people like Amanda Waller. He'd be monitored by the likes of Batman if he ever found out about his abilities which could affect reality itself, he'd be labelled a threat without even doing anything.

It's impossible to live peacefully in this world, and it's even more impossible trying to conceal his abilities from the eyes of the world. He knew that eventually he'd be forced to showcase his abilities in front of someone or something, it was only a matter of time.

'So what do I do?!?!', He raged inside his mind, unable to think of any way to survive in this world. Heroes or Villains, picking a side would basically guarantee a tragedy to happen, there is no middle ground. Anti-Heroes would eventually have to pick a side….

'It's damned if I do and damned if I don't, what the FUCK do I do?!'

Most people would be excited for this opportunity to pursue their childhood dreams of being Heroes and being admired by the masses. Some even being excited by the fact that they now have a means to get away with their downright evil desires.

But me? I'm utterly terrified of what's to come, one misstep and you're finished, Game Over. With no possible Restart, no lives to cling onto anymore. One mistake, and pain would be all you face, eternal servitude to a Dark God, eternal torture from a mad demon. The possibilities are endless.

Why couldn't I have just died right then and there?!