
Digital Pass

Hello, Residents of Prizma City Welcome to the year 4020! Prizma City is a metropolis that all races can live in peace. Extremely futuristic even our minds couldn't fathomed. Truly a place where peace, nature and technology unite as one. However, not everything is what it seems. Two people from 2000 years in the past has appeared to make hell and uncover the truth. Kaito and his yonger brother Tyoki, team up with a group of individuals that main goal is to take down the current government that they sure are hiding something that could potentially be dangerous. Follow their trials and tribulations! Notes: -This novel will be posted in it's own pace... but do not worry... It will be updated whenever a new chapter is finished. -This novel is a solo project (by me)... however any help is greatly appreciated. Who knows... maybe it might influence the story.

DevinENX · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
1 Chs

Kaito and Tyoki

The classroom. The place of knowledge, the place where you learn the basics of the sibject you are learning....

Not for Kaito! To him, a classroom is nothing more then another place to sleep. To Kaito, the lesson currently on the board is something he already knows! Of course he will sleep. At least he would sleep... if his older brother wasn't the teacher!

"Kaito Kojro! Wake up this instant!" A loud and very stern voice said... before the male immediately shot up.

"Gah!! I'm up! I'm up, Mr. Kojro." The boy stands up from his desk. Obviously startled by the shouting from the teacher.

Mr. Kojro however, just sighs.... pinching his forehead. "For the last time... when i say 'wake up,' I mean open your eyes, and sit up. Not, open your eyes and stand up." He sounded somewhat irritated. Kaito knows why, his brother have too much in his plate. He respect him... but that was a dang good nap, so of course he will be a little upset.

"Sorry. Mr. Kojro." Kaito says as he sat back down... having this look of frustration. So much for his sleep.

Luckily for him, The bell rang a few minutes later. "Alright, class, the test is on Friday. Remember to read pages 330 through 341." He said as the rest of the students walked out... however he did stopped Kaito. "Kaito... a word." He said.

"Huh? Sure bro? What's u-" Kaito was about to say as he pulls out a peice of paper. It was a test paper with mark of 20.

"Explain this." Mr. Kojro seemed like he was about to blow a casket.

"Erm.... uh. Well, there was something in my mind. Lately and..."

Mr. Kojro slammed his desk with his hand, leaving a crack on it. "Kaito. Listen to me. This score has put you in the red. I don't think you'll pass this year."

"Hold up! What the fuck?!"

"I'm sorry, Kaito. I'm only stating facts."

Kaito let out a frustrated sigh. "It's not your fault. It's your job." He scratched the back of his head, sighing. "Fine... Guess I'll just have to go all out in the next test right?"

"You better, If i see your face here next year, I'll make your time here worse then hell." Mr. Kojro said... with a joking smile.

"Somehow, Your face is telling me you're not lying..."

Mr. Kojro had this habit of being serious while joking. When he says something in a joking matter... he's usually very serious about it if it happens.

"By the way, Kaito? How's Tyoki?" Mr. Kojro said looking at Kaito with a more relaxed face. "He's not uncomfortable here, is he?"

"Wait, Tyoki? Isn't he supposed to be in the last year of middle school?"

There was a moment of silence... before Mr. Kojro's desk begins cracking again suddenly. "Did you seriously forget that Tyoki is now just a year below you? He scored high enough to skip a year... REMEMBER?!" Mr. Kojro's voice begins to grow deeper.

Kaito was still in a state of silence before he suddenly begin yelling in frustration.

Mr. Kojro pulls out his phone. "The 1st year orientation should be ending right about... now. You should hurry to the gym."

Kaito nods and begins sprinting through the halls.

Near the gym entrance, a small light brown boy with a seemly large backpack, sat down on one of the bench near the gym. He decided to open a book and read. He seemed to be a bit... younger then most of them.

"Tyoki!!! Hey!!!" The boy heard before he looked up... seeing someone with similar features but more buff and taller. The boy let a smile. "Kaito. There you are." He said before he getting up, giving Kaito a big smile. Kaito himself was breathing heavily, mostly from sprinting.

"A-are you ok?" Tyoki pats Kaito's back.

"Yea... yea. I'm ok." Kaito sat down on the spot Tyoki sat on. "Probably shouldn't have sprinted here..." Kaito laughed weakly before he laid back on the bench.

"Probably shouldn't have." Tyoki said with a smile sitting back down. "But I'm glad. It's good to know that I'm not alone in this big school."

"Tyoki, you are one of the smartest person I know... I believe you would be fine."

He let out a small sigh. "Maybe." He begins to doze off.

"Tyoki? Tyoooki?" Kaito said, waving his hand over his face.

Tyoki, after a while woke up. "Huh?!" He looked around, in shock. "Oh... uh, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

Kaito looked at his tired brother with a smug look. "Oh? Is someone is getting bored?"

Tyoki's face went bright red. "Um... N-no!!!" His voice squeaked at that moment.

Kaito begins laughing and pats Tyoki's back, which made him move forward a bit. "Hey, Hey... it's alright. It's natural. Nothin' to be ashamed of. What you need is a way to get rid of that boredom." He was pointed up as he say this.

Tyoki smiled a bit. "What do you have in mind?"

"Well, you se-" Kaito stopped for a bit... there was a sudden wave of exhaustion in his body. It was strange, and very sudden. "You... see..." He said before he looked at Tyoki. Tyoki seemed to already be sleeping. "What.. in tarna...." Those were the last words Kaito was able to say... before falling unconscious.



Wake up!" A voice called up, making Kaito open his eyes.

"Ah! He's opening his eye!" The voice called out. "He's awake!" When Kaito opened his eyes, he sees a boy, seemed to be in Tyoki's age. Having white hair and his body lookes... like an android.

"...What... the... FUCK!!!!" Kaito screamed... making the boy scream more in a panic.

Kaito hears footsteps as he turned to the direction to see a woman with a hat... and Tyoki?! "Tyoki?!" Kaito said, rubbing his eyes.

Tyoki's face brighten. "Kaito!! You're alive!!!" He ran up to Kaito and hugged him, Kaito hugged him back.

The woman focused her gaze on the android boy, who was on his knees dizzy from the yelling. "Quin." The woman said as the android shakes his head and stands up.

"Yes?" The android known as Quin said looking at the woman.

"Right now... after what I have saw... I don't even want to face them right now. I need you to explain to them what's going on." She said... before leaving seemly in disgust.

Quin tilt his head in confused before he face the two brother, who were hugging each other, and cleared his throat. The two brothers looked at him.

"Hello there, My name is X-19 Quin." The android bowed down, before he looked up at the two. "Now... can I ask you a question?" He faced Kaito.

Kaito looked confused. "Erm...sure?"


"Whoa, whoa, whoa!! Slow it down there buddy!" Kaito rubbed his head, hurting from all these questions.

Quin looked shocked by the answers and bonk himself in the head. "I'm very sorry... you probably don't know what's going on. How dumb of me."

"Please. Explai-"

Tyoki hold his hand up. Quin sees this and nods.

"Kaito. We... are in the future. More specifically...in the year 4020."

There was a silence.... before Kaito begin screaming again.

[The End of Chapter 1]