
Chapter 16: Ogremon (3)

While the digimons are eating Fugamon was beside the Ogremon who is Eating while eating himself

Fugamon: "The meat they produce is quite delicious isn't it?"

Ogremon: "True… i think its because of the dead tree"

Fugamon: "Hmm maybe… Ogremon- Sama"

Ogremon: "What is it Fugamon?"

Fugamon: "They are quite a powerful bunch aren't they?"

Ogremon: "That's true… but some of them aren't"

Fugamon: "I Think they are the new comers Ogremon- Sama"

Ogremon: "There is also that pulsemon"

Fugamon: "An Electric huh, Quite the dangerous place for him"

Ogremon: "True but it looks like that pulsemon somehow managed"

As the two of them finish eating the goblimons started to go back to their tribe because knowing ogremon he wouldn't mind if his subordinates goes back to his tribe first, As Ogremon and Impmon said they're goodbyes and a few advice from ogremon to impmon and his group

Impmon talked to his group and the new comers who are eating at their dining/Living room that they will have to speed up and finish digging for their rooms and have to get stronger because Hawkmon heard a random goblimons talked about Virus Month or Viral Month and when he asked what is that they said that the keramon line who wish to destroy digimons invades certain places to absorb other digimons though there are rare times that the digimons that they killed turned into a digi egg

Impmon: "What happens then??"

Hawk: "Well… they don't know because they ran from the tide"

Impmon: "So when is the Viral Month?"

Hawk: "Next 5 months"

Impmon: "This is bad we have too little time"

Pulse: "why don't we join other tribes then?"

Imp: "Oh yeah that could work"

Hick: "Weell that would work but every time the other tribes allied the keramons multiply in numbers when invading them so in time they didn't try anymore because the loses is just too much"

Imp: "It looks like we are going to train a lot, Like a lot a lot"

Pulse: "Damn it! Im useless in this place"

Imp: "I heard from ogremon that there will be a merchant that is going to another place we could try and buy a weapon just for you"

Pulse: "Thanks boss, The outside just sucks my energy faster than I could regenerate"

Gazu: "Yeah, Destructive you are, Your going to limp after maybe a half your energy"

Pulse: "Tsk"

Gazi: "Tsi tsi Its fine pulse.. boss said that maybe we could have a temporary item for you to use"

Pulse: "thanks gazi"

Imp: "Okay guys.. Lets rest for tomorrow we are going to train REAL HARD"


As the group left impmon stands outside of their base and wish that the merchant has some kind of Battery it doesn't have to be advance just a battery is fine, And also maybe some weapons too if lucky

Impmon trained his attacks once more and slept for the night