
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs

There are not many second chances in life part 2

As everyone settled down, Sophia, initiated a conversation with Agnes. Curiosity laced her voice as she inquired, "Agnes, how have things been for you?"

"Sophia, things haven't been going well, I'm afraid. In fact, I find myself in quite a bit of trouble, and I need your assistance."

Sophia's eyes widened, a hint of surprise crossing her face. "What happened, Agnes? In your letter, you didn't mentioned any details or troubles it,just read that you needed my help."

"I cannot divulge all the details at this moment, Sophia, but we are in dire need of your assistance."

Sophia's voice mingled with concern as she asked, "Tell me, Agnes, what is it that you require from me?"

Shaking her head Agnes replied "It will be up to young master to express his needs Sophia, and it will be your decision whether you are willing to aid him."

Sophia's gaze shifted towards me, a realization dawning upon her. "So, it was your idea, little Arthur, to have Agnes write to me."

I nodded, meeting her gaze steadily. "Yes, Miss Sophia, it was indeed my suggestion for Agnes to seek your help."Sophia pondered for a moment before asking, "Very well, Arthur. What is it that you require assistance with?"Taking a deep breath, I spoke earnestly. "Miss Sophia, I am in need of two favors from you."

I continued, explaining my first request. "I would like to borrow or read some books on magic from the library of Edelweiss Academy. If you can procure them for me, it would be of great help."Moving on to my second favor, I handed her a sealed letter. "Furthermore, I have written a letter addressed to my grandfather, the Margrave of house Scarlett. I would be grateful if you could personally deliver it to him."

"If you ask for an audience from him by mentioning Agnes name and with your status as a professor from Edelweiss academy he will definitely meet"

Sophia's brows furrowed, and she questioned my reluctance to meet my grandfather personally,"Well little guy but why do you don't go to meet him by yourself "

"Miss Sophia, you may not be aware, but I am currently under house arrest. Any unusual actions on my part could worsen my situation, and both Agnes and the others are closely monitored as well. It would be difficult for anyone else to approach my grandfather, as his followers are likely to dismiss them, fearing a hoax or trap. However, as a renowned professor from a prestigious academy and a close friend of Agnes, your presence and the letter will carry weight, convincing them to take it seriously and grant you an audience."

Sophia took a moment to absorb the weight of the information I had shared with her. After a brief pause, she spoke, her tone holding a bit of affection.

"Alright, little Arthur, I will gladly help you. But from now on, you'll have to address me as 'Big Sis' if you want my assistance."

A surge of gratitude welled up within me as I replied, "Thank you for your willingness to aid me, Big Sis."

However, before I could fully express my gratitude, Sophia's affectionate side emerged. She started rubbing my cheeks and playfully pressed her face against mine. This sudden display of affection took me by surprise. Agnes, observing the scene, couldn't contain her anger and swiftly intervened, landing a punch on Sophia's head.

"Enough of your antics, Sophia!" Agnes's voice carried a stern warning as she turned towards me. "Young master, you need not engage in her playful behavior."

After the excitement subsided, Sophia explained the time required for fulfilling my requests. Her words carried a note of practicality and patience.

"Little brother, it will take approximately a week to acquire the books you need from the academy. I must return there to register the borrowed books, and it requires the dean's approval. The academy usually takes some time to process such requests. However, I will expedite the process as much as possible."Sophia then turned her attention to the letter.

"As for the letter, I will deliver it by tomorrow afternoon. However, please note that the teleportation gates of Wintercrest and Emberfall are not directly connected. I will have to utilize the teleportation gate in the royal capital, as it serves as a nexus between the two cities."

Expressing my gratitude I said to her"Thank you for your dedication, big sis. Your assistance means a great deal to me."

"Unfortunately, due to my current situation, I cannot personally show you around the city. As the host, I apologize for this inconvenience. However, once everything is settled, I promise to make it up to you and show you the wonders of Wintercrest."

With our discussions concluded, Sophia left the room, preparing for her journey to fulfill my requests.

I, too, left the room, though some time passed before we embarked on our respective tasks.Despite the sun shining high above, there was a crispness in the air as winter approached. The northern regions were known for their colder climates, and I could feel the coolness against my skin.

We strolled through the lively streets, taking in the sights and sounds of Wintercrest. The city exuded an energy that was both vibrant and comforting, a testament to its rich history and lively inhabitants.

As the afternoon approached we decided to have our lunch in the familiar Golden wheat restaurant.While having lunch Jeffrey came to me with a bag containing clothes and said"Young lord,all the preparations have been completed."

"thanks Jeffrey "saying that I took the bag from Jeffrey's hand."Everyone, please change into these clothes. These clothes will help us blend in with the common folk," I instructed my maids. Without hesitation, we swiftly changed into the more inconspicuous attire.

Once we were all dressed, we quietly made our way downstairs, careful not to attract any attention. Jeffrey had already arranged for another carriage to be waiting for us. We quickly boarded, and the carriage set off smoothly, carrying us away from the city.

As the carriage moved along the winding roads, it gradually brought us to the outskirts of Wintercrest, where Jeffrey's home awaited.

Stepping out of the carriage, Jeffrey took the lead and addressed me."Young lord, this is my house. We have safely detained all the assassins here. You can conduct your interrogations without any concerns. However, we must return to the restaurant by evening."

We had to make the most of our time, gathering any information we could from the captured assassins. Time was of the essence, but we also had to ensure we returned to the restaurant as planned.