
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 years later part 2

As you people might remember someone had recently I mean 1 year back had attempted an assassination attempt on me and with an impeding doom on my back I had to do something but I was on my own except for the four maids that my mother brought with her when she married my father.Each whom had quite different personalities and were difficult to handle.

Agnes,she is the oldest of the four and is a woman of striking beauty, known for her dignified presence and captivating features. Her hair is jet black, cascading down in smooth waves that frame her face, emphasizing her sharp cheekbones. Her eyes are a mesmerizing shade of deep blue, reminiscent of the vast ocean, and they exude an air of mystery and intensity.

Her figure is alluring, with generous curves that accentuate her womanly charm. Agnes possesses ample bosom and wide hips, creating an hourglass silhouette that draws attention wherever she goes. She carries herself with confidence and grace, always maintaining an air of elegance and poise.

Despite her physical beauty, Agnes possesses a cold personality that adds an enigmatic quality to her character. She has a meticulous attention to detail and an unwavering commitment to perfection. Her manners are impeccable, bordering on strict, as she values order and precision in all aspects of her life.

While Agnes may appear distant and aloof to outsiders, those who know her well recognize her as a kind and caring older sister figure. She takes her role seriously, offering guidance and protection to those she considers part of her inner circle. Her tall height further adds to her commanding presence, making her a natural leader.As a fifth circle lighting mage, Agnes possesses extraordinary magical abilities.

She can manipulate and control lightning, channeling its power with precision and finesse. Her mastery of this element makes her a formidable force to be reckoned with, capable of both destructive and protective feats.

Agnes has a soft and flawless white complexion that contrasts beautifully with her dark hair. Her lips are supple and inviting, often adorned with a subtle smile that hints at hidden depths. Her voice is pleasant and soothing, commanding attention with its melodic tones and confident delivery.

Above all, Agnes holds a deep sense of loyalty. Once she forms a bond with someone, she is fiercely protective and will go to great lengths to ensure their well-being. Her loyalty extends to her beliefs and values as well, and she will stand firmly by what she deems right and just.

Overall, Agnes she is a complex blend of beauty, power, and a cool demeanor. She has been my tutor in this world for as long as I remember.She was also offered to join and serve stormwind family but she refused and said she will always loyal to my mother and later to me.

Eleanor is a half-elf maid with a striking appearance that catches the eye. Her hair is a lustrous shade of platinum blonde, cascading down in waves that frame her face. Her eyes are a captivating shade of green, sparkling with both mischief and intensity.

Her personality is a mix of brightness and roughness, creating a unique dynamic. Her outspoken nature can be both refreshing and intimidating to those around her, as she is not afraid to confront others when necessary.

Despite her rough exterior, Eleanor possesses a deep sense of loyalty and protectiveness towards her family. She recognizes and embraces their shortcomings, standing by them in both their triumphs and failures. She is willing to go to great lengths to defend and support her loved ones, embodying the role of a guardian.

Eleanor's skills extend beyond her role as a maid. She is a formidable swords master, wielding her weapon with finesse and precision. Her mastery of the sword makes her a force to be reckoned with in combat,and her training reflects her dedication and determination.

Optimism radiates from Eleanor, even in the face of adversity. She possesses an unwavering belief in the potential for good and constantly seeks the silver lining in any situation. Her positive outlook and cheerful disposition are infectious, often uplifting those around her.

In terms of physical attributes, Eleanor possesses the largest breasts among the four maids. Her figure is curvaceous, accentuated by her ample bosom. However, she seems to bothered about it and always complains to me about it. Matilda is a fierce and fiery maid with a captivating appearance. Her vibrant red hair falls in waves around her face, matching the intensity of her piercing red eyes. She possesses an aura of strength and determination that is evident in her every move.

As a martial artist, Matilda is the strongest among the four maids when it comes to close combat. She has honed her skills to perfection, displaying impressive agility, speed, and precision in her movements. Her expertise in martial arts makes her a formidable opponent and a reliable guardian of safety.

Matilda is the shortest in height among the four maids, but her wide hips accentuate her femininity and add to her physical presence. She has a strong and athletic build, reflecting the countless hours of training she has dedicated to her martial arts practice.She is fourth circle battle mage with plenty of experience under her belt . Matilda is quick to anger and has a fiery temperament, often speaking her mind without hesitation.

Beatrice is a mysterious and enigmatic maid with an ethereal appearance. Her hair is silver-white, flowing down in cascades that gleam with an otherworldly radiance. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of golden, possess an intensity that seems to hold a thousand secrets.

Her personality is characterized by a quiet and meticulous nature. Beatrice is not one to engage in idle chatter, preferring to observe and analyze her surroundings with a keen eye. She is a master of hidden weapons, skilled in the art of concealing and utilizing various tools of assassination.

Beatrice's intelligence extends beyond her expertise in warfare. She possesses a sharp mind and excels in war tactics, employing strategic thinking to gain the upper hand in any conflict. Her ability to devise cunning plans and adapt to changing situations makes her a valuable asset in times of crisis.

However, Beatrice struggles when it comes to reading and understanding emotions. Her focus on the practical and strategic aspects of life often leaves her detached from the nuances of human interactions. While she may lack empathy, her loyalty and commitment to her mission remain unwavering.

As a master of stealth and assassination, Beatrice is adept at moving silently and remaining unseen. She effortlessly navigates shadows and has a deep understanding of the art of stealth. Her ability to strike swiftly and decisively from the darkness makes her a formidable adversary.Her elven heritage imbues her with an otherworldly grace and agility, and she seamlessly blends into the shadows with her dark complexion and features.

Now you may be wondering with these power full guardians how can my mother die and I can be poisoned well answer is simple when my mother came to duke's house she also bought six powerful knights with her but after leaving the marquis mansions the knights lost their chance to further advance their Career as they were awarded knighthood by the marquis and leaving his estate means less chance to make achievements and were easily bought off by the first wife who promised them status of baron from the duke if her plan succeeded and on the night when it was their duty to guard the castle they deliberately led the assassins in the castle before anybody could figure out what has happened the assassination was successful.

Well how do I know that because Beatrice the quiet one becomes talkative when we are alone and she starts to mumble something here and there thinking I don't understand anything she says and one fine afternoon she told me the story about my mother's assassination.When we found ourselves alone, away from prying eyes and pricked ears, she would transform.

The quiet and reserved maid would shed her cloak of reticence and become surprisingly talkative, albeit in hushed whispers and mumbled fragments. At first, I paid little mind to her murmurs, assuming they were simply the ramblings of an overburdened mind seeking release. But one fine afternoon, as the sun cast its golden rays upon us, Beatrice took me by surprise. She looked around cautiously, ensuring our solitude, before she began to speak.

Her voice trembled ever so slightly, betraying the weight of the tale she carried within her. I listened intently, my heart pounding in anticipation, as she shared with me the story of my mother's tragic assassination.

"It was a dark night, much like the one yesterday," Beatrice began, her voice barely above a whisper. "Your mother, a beacon of strength and grace, was marked for silence by a shadowy figure,But in the end, despite her courage, despite her determination, your mother was taken from us".My breath caught in my throat as I imagined the scene, the struggle between light and darkness, between life and death.

I longed to ask Beatrice who was behind this heinous act, to demand answers, but she continued, her voice filled with sorrow. Beatrice hesitated, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I have my suspicions," she said, her voice laden with a mix of determination and sorrow. "But suspicions alone are not enough. I promise you, dear one, that I will uncover the truth. Your mother's memory deserves justice, and I will not rest until those responsible face the consequences of their actions."


Beatrice upon hearing about assassination captured the knights as they were responsible for the protection of my mother and tortured them which resulted in them speaking about the incident. After hearing about the culprit from the knights Beatrice informed the rest of the maids. Matilda's PoV I stood there, seething with anger, as Beatrice revealed that the mastermind behind the assassination plot was the first wife. The news ignited a fire within me, fueling my determination to seek justice for the wrongs done to our family. Without a moment's hesitation, I stormed off to confront the duke.

Entering his chambers, I demanded that the duke take action against the perpetrators. However, to my dismay, he dismissed my plea, claiming that the testimony of the knights couldn't be trusted. He argued that they were aligned with Marquis Scarlett's vessel, suggesting that this could be an attempt by the old marquis to tarnish his house's reputation.

My blood boiled at the duke's words. How could he disregard such crucial information, casting doubt upon our claims? The injustice of it all threatened to consume me, pushing me closer to the edge of engaging in a battle I knew I couldn't win.

But before I could act on my fury, Agnes, with her calm demeanor and unwavering loyalty, stepped forward. She placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, a silent plea to stay my anger. In that moment, her presence grounded me, reminding me of our shared goal—to seek justice.

Agnes PoV

Taking a deep breath, I swallowed my pride and approached the duke once more. I offered my sincere apologies for Matilda's outburst, acknowledging that her passion sometimes overshadowed her decorum. I assured the duke that we remained steadfast in our pursuit of truth and justice, and that we would abide by his judgment.With newfound composure, I left the duke's chamber.

As I stepped out into the castle grounds, I sought out Matilda, knowing she shared my determination for justice. Walking briskly toward her, I couldn't help but voice my concerns.

Me: "Matilda, something like this can never happen without the duke's knowledge. Do you understand what it means?"

Matilda's gaze locked with mine, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and concern.Matilda: "Yes, it means the duke wanted Madam to die so he didn't interfere with the first wife."

My heart sank at her words, realizing the implications of such a sinister motive. I knew we had to act swiftly and protect what remained of our hope.

Me: "No, it means the young master will be the new target. We must protect him at all costs because he is our last remaining hope and the remnants of Madam's legacy."Matilda's grip tightened on the hilt of her concealed weapon, her determination mirroring my own.

Matilda: "You're right. Our duty now is to safeguard the young master with everything we have. We won't let them succeed in extinguishing his light."

Nodding in agreement, we exchanged a determined glance, understanding the gravity of the task before us. Together, we would become the unwavering shield, fighting against those who sought to extinguish our family's legacy and protect the young master at all costs.