
Different Sex Stories

Sex Stories From Different Sites. Short And Sometimes A Lil Bit Long Sex Stories... I haven't read all the stories so, i don't know if they contain NTR or not. if you find NTR, please mention it in the title comment so that people who don't like it can avoid it. Thanks! :) Enjoy all these stories...:) You can use these as a fap material, no one's gonna judge you ;) Ps: Cover Pic? Well, that's the cover of some manga on nhen*ai so, yeah just use Google scan...=_=))

TheGoddessSukuna · Tranh châm biếm
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59 Chs


Disclaimer: I do not own Princess Jasmine, Jafar and all the world of Aladdin. This is just a fanfiction. All the characters are 18+

Ch 1:

- Aya!! - the Princess's voice echoed through the vast hall, her anger was evident.

A young golden-haired servant, so rare in that part of the world that people were often petrified at her sight, started to run as soon as she heard the irritated voice of her Mistress.

Princess Jasmine, gorgeous as always in her classic turquoise dress, stood beside her bed, her tiger Rajha dozing at her feet, oblivious to what was going on around her. The menacing eyes of the "Jewel of the desert" fell on her servant and her always unusual appearance. Aya had arrived at the palace when she was very young, she was 9 years old at the time and she had been educated with Jasmine, so that the Princess could converse with someone with a brilliant and cultured mind.

- Aya, I already told you to throw away these clothes. Don't make me repeat it for the third time - Jasmine threatened, looking into the girl's amber eyes.

The Princess had always been spoiled, nothing and no one could make her change her mind. When she wanted something, she had to get it at all costs. Everyone in Arabia knew what she had done with all her suitors, how her father, the Sultan, had searched for years for a husband for the beautiful young woman, always without success. But since Aladdin was gone forever, the Princess was more irritable than usual.

No one would have thought that a street rat like Aladdin could ever reject the Sultan's daughter, he was so lucky and yet...he left. Perhaps what had happened with Jafar had weakened their relationship instead of strengthening it. Anyway, whatever his reasons were, the boy has left the city with his monkey and that flying carpet. Even the Genie had left, he had said he would like to visit the world.

"The genie of the lamp" thought Aya as she walked away to obey the orders of her lady "How much I would like 3 wishes to be able to change my life".

Then the girl had a crazy idea and her day suddenly became more interesting.

Just outside the palace, the bazaar was as crowded as ever. People bought, people sold, others stole from both. It was near a fish stand that Aya found who she was looking for. It had been a real challenge to locate him and the young woman wasn't even sure he could help her. But instead...

- Are you really looking for Jafar? And why should I tell you where he is? - the parrot of the previous Grand Vizir asked in his strange croaking voice.

Aya looked around her, no one seemed to keep an eye on her, no one seemed to know who was that parrot that had escaped the fate of his old master. Then, to be totally sure not to be heard by anyone, she went to the parrot's ear and murmured something that made the animal's eyes widen.

An old well about ten miles from the city, that's where the parrot led her, and that's where her plan began. It was enough to rub an old black lamp that she took with a bucket from the bottom of the well. Aya knew Jafar well and he knew her too, his evil eyes had rested several times on her body, before carefully observing Jasmine, his obsession. As everyone did. Who could ever look at a servant? Who could ever pay attention to her great beauty, to her intelligence if there was the great and mighty Princess Jasmine next to her? The young woman's anger turned into a wicked smile, the same one that appeared on Jafar's face when she explained her plan to him, when she expressed her first wish.

Jasmine almost couldn't sleep that night, like in the previous nights. Something was wrong with her, and her irritation was now evident to all the inhabitants of the Palace. But what could possibly worry the beautiful princess who had everything a woman could wish for? She no longer had a man next to her, of course. But it would certainly not have been a problem for a Princess to find another man, certainly better than that poor Aladdin who had fled beacuse of the whims of his fiancée or perhaps because he could not tolerate the luxury of a Royal palace after a life spent among the poor.

- She should fuck more - a guard told a friend, being careful not to be overheard by others.

Incredibly, the man was not far from the truth. Jasmine pounded her fist angrily on her soft mattress, wondering once again what had happened to her, why she could no longer feel pleasure touching herself, as she used to do every night on her chambers. That strange condition was driving her crazy but she didn't dare reveal her secret to the royal doctor. She then decided to confide in someone she trusted, someone who would keep her secret, who could understand her and maybe help her find a solution to that damn problem. With a bit of embarrassment, Jasmine told everything about her "illness" to her servant Aya, the two young women were the same age, maybe it had happened to her too.

- Maybe, your Higness, you are confused. You know, after Aladdin... - began the young girl with golden hair, incredulous that the princess hadn't resisted even a week to that strange form of chastity - Maybe you should try something different, not only men... -

- What the hell are you talking about? You dare to say that I... - the Princess said angrily, but blushing violently.

"Could it be true? Could I really be attracted to a woman? " She thought, more and more uncertain.

- We could give it a try. How about if...if I showed you part of my body. If there is no reaction then you will know that you are not... - Aya said with feigned shyness.

Jasmine could not answer, she nodded her head and swallowed anxiously as her servant undressed a little at a time. Aya was a beautiful girl, there was no doubt. Jasmine had always known that. But she was only a servant, she was nothing compared to the Princess, the most desired woman in Arabia. Jasmine watched the girl uncover her beautiful breast...it was perfect! And so was all the rest of her body, but nothing happened to the Princess and the young girl did not know if she was happy or not about that. She wasn't attracted to a woman, and that was good. But she still didn't have a solution to her problem.

- Nothing, get dressed. Aya, thanks anywa... - her last word didn't come totally out of her pretty mouth. Her gaze had landed on the little feet of her servant and something had moved between her legs. - Wait! -Jasmine said with shortness of breath, her eyes met Aya's and the Princess blushed violently.

"How can I tell her something like this? How can I tell her that I'm excited at the sight of her feet? " The Princess thought, more desperate than ever. But Aya seemed to guess something, because after a smile, she asked her:

- You felt something looking my feet, didn't you? - and saying so, she stretched one leg towards the Princess and wiggled her toes in a sensual way.

Jasmine felt her body tremble at the sight of that foot so well cared...so beautiful.

- Don't be ashamed Princess, you can touch yourself if the sight of my foot is really exciting you - Aya said amused, her plan couldn't have gone better. Only one thing was missing...

After several minutes and a long silence, Jasmine abandoned any shame and brought her hand between her legs. It was the first time she had done such intimate thing in front of someone and it was really humiliating to watch the amused gaze of her servant as she watched her Princess masturbate in front of her, masturbate for her feet. Unable to bear Aya's gaze, Jasmine focused on the young servant's feet and her excitement grew more and more. But something was still missing, the minutes passed and the long-awaited orgasm did not really want to arrive. It was so frustrating and Jasmine's irritation became evident. Aya, however, did not seem worried and after the umpteenth giggle, she said:

- I have an idea, your Highness. Just "looking" may not be enough. Will you give me permission to give it one last try? Will you do what I tell you without hesitation?

- Let's try - Jasmine said almost hopeless.

Aya walked over to the Princess's bed, where Jasmine was sitting, and pointed to the floor:

- First, take a closer look at my feet. Here, on your knees -

The girl joyfully saw the Princess get up of bed and kneel in front of her, at the feet of her servant, now so desperate to do anything for an orgasm. Jasmine on all fours looked carefully and so closely at those beautiful feet. The disperate girl was about to bring her hand back between her legs, when Aya suddenly moved and put her left foot on her head, on the beautiful black hair of the powerful princess, and pushed her down until her nose almost touched the other beautiful foot which was driving her crazy.

- I said "closer" - Aya said imperiously and Jasmine felt a chill in her belly as she listened to those words and began to smell for the first time the scent of her servant's feet. And it couldn't be otherwise, at that distance.

That smell was...it was incredible. The princess would never have imagined that similar perfumes existed, she certainly would never have thought of finding it at the feet of another person. The Princess had now begun to sniff Aya's foot so intensely that it looked like a hunting dog and she felt her orgasm getting closer and closer, when her servant suddenly moved, once again. Perhaps wanting to make sure her Princess got what she wanted, she pushed Jasmine to the side with her left foot and when she rolled not far away, back against the floor, Aya walked over to the princess and pressed her foot in her face. The Princess's face under her sole enormously excited her, but it must have been nothing compared to what Jasmine was feeling right now.

"So humiliating...so fantastic" thought Jasmine as Aya pressed with more and more force her foot on her face, the most beautiful face in Arabia, now under the feet of her humble servant.

That thought, that humiliation continued to echo in the young Princess's mind for several seconds, while her excitement grew more and more. Then, Aya squeezed the black haired girl's pretty nose between her toes and the two girls' eyes met. The servant laughed triumphantly and the Princess came as never before.

Ch 2:

It had been two weeks, 14 grueling days since that strange evening spent with Aya. The young servant in the following days had behaved as if nothing had happened. The girl had continued to carry out her daily duties with the usual attention, perhaps a good observer would have seen a broad smile on her face more often than usual, especially at the sight of the Princess, who instead always seemed embarrassed whenever she was alone with the young servant, who had been the only one able to alleviate Jasmine's suffering, even if only for a few hours.

The sultan's daughter had tried and tried to have an orgasm by herself, without other's help, without being watched by another person, without being under the feet of another person...under those of her own servant. But every attempt had been in vain, no matter how much it touched herself, the desired orgasm seemed absolutely unattainable.

Still not understanding why she felt like that just at the sight of Aya's feet, Jasmine spied the other servants working at the palace for days, trying to see their feet for even a moment. It had not been easy, because women always worked with shoes on, and it was almost impossible for a princess to observe a servant in her moment of rest. In the end, however, Jasmine was successful and she carefully looked at many pairs of feet in those two weeks, the feet of young servants and those of older ones.

That "research" greatly changed her attitude towards those women, who probably noticed a less spoiled and almost more docile princess, as if observing almost obsessively the lower part of a person, had put the beautiful princess in awe in front of her own servants. But once again her efforts had been in vain, those feet had no effect on her. The question in her mind was always the same:

"Why Aya? Why her feet?" Jasmine would trade all three of the Genie's wishes for an answer. But the Genius was far away and he would never return...just like Aladdin.

Aya was a beautiful woman, Jasmine knew it and understood it more and more carefully watching her in those days. She repeatedly wondered how she had not realized before how special that girl was, with that hair that seems to have been born from the gold that covered the majestic royal palace. And those wonderful eyes, eyes that seemed to read into her soul. After several days of reflection, Jasmine concluded that even the beauty of the "jewel of the desert" was nothing compared to that young servant who seemed to come from another world.

Strange how a person's thoughts can change so quickly, a few days before the Princess considered herself the most beautiful woman in Arabia, and now that place, in her eyes, had been stolen from her by her humble servant.

"I'm still the princess" the young woman said to herself to cheer herself up. And the wishes of a princess could not remain unfulfilled. And in that moment, she only wanted one thing.

- You called for me, Your Highness? - Aya asked slowly entering her lady's chambers.

Jasmine nodded and with her hand invited her to come closer. The girl blushed as the servant approached her bed, not knowing how to find the courage to ask Aya to help her again. But she had to convince the girl to do something different this time, maybe the young servant could please her in another way, putting her face between her royal legs for example. Besides, what had happened two weeks earlier could not happen again, a princess could not be at the feet of another person, especially those of her own servant.

- Aya, I was wondering if you...well, if you could help me again - Jasmine said after a hesitation, avoiding the gaze of the golden-haired girl.

- What do you mean, your Highness? Would you like me to make you a hot bath perhaps? - Aya replied, struggling not to burst out laughing. Of course the young woman knew perfectly well what the princess wanted, but it was too funny to see her embarrassment.

- No, that's not what...Um, I...I would like a... -

The word "orgasm" was said with a voice so loud that was almost imperceptible and Aya did not miss the opportunity to humiliate her lady once again.

- What? I'm sorry, your Highness, but I didn't hear what you said -

- An... an orgasm! - Jasmine finally almost screamed, full of shame - Please Aya, let me have another orgasm like two weeks ago -

That pathetic sight filled Aya with joy, who would have thought that the powerful princess Jasmine would have reduced herself like this, begging her own servant, just to be able to experience a pleasure that had been denied to her, God knows why. Aya smiled and thought that she really had a fantastic idea, really a wish well spent.

- Ooh - Aya said, pretending to fall from the clouds - So the princess wants my feet again? - The young girl was having fun like never before.

- Yes! Um...I mean...no. Not your feet. Maybe you could do other things for me, like... -

The princess's words were immediately interrupted by a giggle from Aya.

- Don't be silly, your Highness, we've already tried it and it doesn't work. And I see how you are looking at my feet, almost drooling like a dog -

Those insolent words hit Jasmine like a slap, how dare a servant compare the Princess to a dog?

"But is she really wrong?" Jasmine thought, more and more humiliated. Then aloud she tried to reply:

- But I... - before being interrupted again.

- No buts. Here you go - Aya said quickly taking off her shoes and showing her beautiful feet. Then, with a triumph, she added - on your knees! -

Jasmine was no longer able to think at the sight of those divine feet, all those thoughts she had had in those days, that a princess could not be at the feet of another person, were instantly swept away. Aya had given her an order, she couldn't keep those feet waiting, she couldn't risk the girl getting tired of her complaints and walking away. The princess almost threw herself at the feet of her servant, this time she had no intention of being scolded, she would have been as close as possible to the feet of that beautiful woman. Jasmine bowed as low as she could, anyone wouldn't believe his eyes, seeing the princess in such a humiliating pose, her face a few inches from her own servant's feet.

- You could begin by kissing my feet, your highness. It seems only fair to show some respect for the only things that can solve your problems - Aya said with a chuckle, enthusiastic about having the powerful princess Jasmine prostrate at her feet.

Jasmine wasted no time and immediately she moved to follow the new order from her servant, like if she was waiting for nothing else. The princess's lips, lips that every Arab man dreamed of being able to kiss, timidly approached Aya's feet and when they touched that beautiful pale skin, an infinite shiver passed through the womb of the Sultan's daughter. It was useless to object, it was what she had to do, her body did not lie. That was her place.

Jasmine kissed those feet with such fervor that it seemed her life depended on it. There was not a single inch of those feet that was not touched over and over again by the sensual lips of the princess, now lost in that ecstasy of pleasure. Her hand slipped between her legs once again but a small kick in her face briefly brought her back to reality. Jasmine looked up and for the first time that night, her eyes met Aya's amber ones.

- Not yet - the young servant said, looking at the pathetic princess prostrate at her feet.

Jasmine obeyed once again and after pulling her hand away, she began to smother Aya's feet with kisses. The golden-haired girl smiled and, with a quick movement, she put a foot on the head of the princess and pressed it, pushing Jasmine's face against her other foot, now the only one to receive the many kisses of the future ruler of the kingdom.

- Good Girl- Aya said amused.

Jasmine was strangely happy to receive that compliment and, if possible, she increased the pace of her kissing even more. The princess lost track of the minutes, for how long she had been worshiping those gorgeous feet? What would have happened if someone had entered her rooms at that moment? Jasmine quickly pushed that thought away, she didn't care. Kissing those feet, this was the only thing that mattered at that moment and this is what Jasmine did with incredible passion, until Aya took her foot off her head and said:

- Follow me, your Highness - Aya laughed at that last word, and she was right, Jasmine thought. Not so High now, as she, on all fours, followed a girl who should have been her humble servant, to a chair next to the mirror, where Jasmine used to comb her long black hair.

And that, it was exactly what Aya did after sitting down. But not before saying:

- You know, princess, it would be really nice if you could clean my feet with your pretty tongue. Only clean feet can give you an orgasm worthy of a princess -

Jasmine, hearing that magic word, lost all inhibitions and, after lying on the floor on her back, began to lick the soles of that goddess who sensually combed her hair, admiring her own beautiful reflection in the mirror and using the face of a princess as a footstool.

"A footstool equipped with all the comforts" Aya thought smiling, while the princess's tongue tasted every inch of her soles, from her heels up to her long and sensual toes, with black polish.

- I can't resist anymore- Jasmine managed to say for a second, before resuming her tongue bath, licking between the toes of that girl who now had infinite power over her.

Aya said nothing and watched the princess's hand return between her legs, while the young woman was lost in that particular and wonderful taste that had practically made her a slave of her own servant.


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