
Different Sex Stories

Sex Stories From Different Sites. Short And Sometimes A Lil Bit Long Sex Stories... I haven't read all the stories so, i don't know if they contain NTR or not. if you find NTR, please mention it in the title comment so that people who don't like it can avoid it. Thanks! :) Enjoy all these stories...:) You can use these as a fap material, no one's gonna judge you ;) Ps: Cover Pic? Well, that's the cover of some manga on nhen*ai so, yeah just use Google scan...=_=))

TheGoddessSukuna · Tranh châm biếm
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How would you like to have hot sex with any living woman or man? If you could have hot sex with any living woman or man in the world, who would you choose?

Suspend your sense of disbelief for a moment to imagine that this statement is true. You can have hot sex with any woman or any man. Before you read any further, read that sentence again. You can have hot sex with any women or any man. Think about what you just read and digest that sentence before continuing.

You can have hot sex with any woman or any man. Think about who you'd want to see without their clothes. Think about who you'd choose as your sexual partner. If you could have hot sex with any living woman or man in the world, who would you choose? Just one person. No more than one. You may only have sex with one woman or man. Once you master my technique of having sex with any woman or any man, you can have sex with as many people at the same time as you'd like.

Imagine if what I wrote is true. Imagine if you could have hot sex with any woman or any man, who would you choose? The only constraint to your choice is that the woman or man must be living and not dead, of course. Unless you're into necrophilia, are a degenerate coroner, a perverted mortician, Norman Bates, or Dracula reincarnated, who would want to have sex with a dead woman?

Think about having sex with any woman or any man in the world from the ages of 18-years-old to 80-years-old. Who would you choose? Now that you're thinking of the woman or man of your dreams, that's the first step in the process of my technique. Just by closing your eyes, clearing your mind, relaxing your breathing, focusing on the woman or man you want, and concentrating, really concentrating hard, you can have sex with any woman or any man you want. How about that for a premise for a story?

"Only, this is not a story. This story is true. This story isn't fiction. This story is fact," stated Samantha Jaqueline Stephenson.

It's true. Seriously, what I have written above is true. You can have hot sex with any woman or any man. I kid you not.

"Seriously. Tell me the truth. Have I ever lied to you? No and I'm not lying to you now," said Samantha Jacqueline Stephenson.

Just by concentrating and focusing my thoughts, I've had sex with men that I'm attracted to all the time. Only, with me, not only do I concentrate and focus my sexual attention on men but also I concentrate and focus my sexual attention on women too. I'm bi-sexual. I like having sex with women as much as I enjoy having sex with men. Receiving the best of both sexes, I swing both ways.

### SamanthaJacquelineStephenson ###

"Pardon me for my rudeness. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Samantha Jacqueline Stevenson but everyone calls me Sammy Jaxs or just Jaxs. What's your name?"

Jaxs gave the man a warm and inviting smile.

"Bob," said the man.

"Nice to meet you Bob," said Jaxs offering him her hand.

### SamanthaJacquelineStephenson ###

You can do this technique too. The ability for you to have hot sex with any woman or man is my free gift to you. By following my free technique, you can have hot sex with any woman or any man. Only, there's just one catch. Being that nothing any good or of any significance in life is free, isn't there always a catch? Yet, this is a simple but an important catch.

All I ask is that after you read my story, you vote me a 5 vote. That's it. That's all you need to do and that's all that I ask. After you read my story, you must vote 5 on my story. Then, your dream of having hot sex with any woman or man will materialize and will be realized.


Only, if you don't vote me a 5 vote, sorry but this technique will not work for you. If you don't vote me a 5 vote, you've wasted your time trying to prove me wrong when you could have been having hot sex with your dream woman or man. Your 5 vote is the password key that unlocks your ability to use my technique to have hot sex with any woman or any man. If you don't vote me a five, the best you can expect is to continue masturbating yourself while imagining having hot sex with the woman or man of your dreams.

"Sorry, Bob, but for this technique to work, you must vote me a 5 vote," said Jaxs. "So, do we have a deal?"

I give you the secret on how to have hot sex with any woman or any man and you give me your 5 vote. What do you say? Nod your head so that I know you understand. Don't think that you can fool me by reading this story and then not giving me a 5 vote. I can tell by my votes if you voted me a five.

"Pardon? What's that?"

Bob looked at Jaxs nervously.

"I'm skeptical. I don't think your technique will allow me to have sex with any woman," said Bob.

Jaxs nodded her blonde, pretty head while staring at Bob with her big, blue eyes.

"You don't believe that you can have hot sex with any woman or any man? That's a fair concern but I've already tried this technique a countless number of times and it works. For you to believe that you can have sex with any woman, you must believe that you can. You must believe in yourself, Bob. You must believe in the technique," said Jaxs. "You must practice the process of breathing, relaxing, concentrating, and focusing on that special someone for my technique to work."

### SamanthaJacquelineStephenson ###

Allow me to show you but you have to promise to vote me a 5 vote. Do you promise? Cross your heart and hope to die without crossing your fingers behind your back. Okay. Allow me to show you how you can have hot sex with any woman or with any man. Allow me to show you how my technique is done. Allow me to prove to you how you can have hot sex with the woman or with the man of your dreams.

"Here goes, Bob," said Jaxs.

First of all, for you to have hot sex with any woman, you must put in the effort. It just doesn't happen. It depends on how much you want it to happen by how much effort you put into it. You must focus your mind and concentrate, really concentrate. Can you do that?

Now close your eyes. Trust me. Close your eyes. Much like kissing with your eyes open, this technique will not work with your eyes open. Now that your eyes are closed, clear your mind. You must believe that my simple technique will work for you, even for you, and especially for you.

Now focus on the woman or on the man that you want. She or he could be any woman or any man but it's better if you at least know her or his name. You must know at least her or his first name for this technique to work. A face without a name is just a face. A woman or man without a name is just another woman or man in a crowd of women or men.

Now focus. Do you see her or him? Can you imagine her or him? Do you see her or him in your mind's eye? Do you clearly see her or him? The clearer you see her or him, the better this will work, especially when you start stripping off her or his clothes. Now concentrate, really concentrate on seeing her or him and on bringing her or him to life as if she or he is standing there before you.

No matter where she or he is or where you are, in your house, in your car, at work, at the mall, in your bathroom, in your bedroom, or incarcerated in jail, as long as you put in the effort, my technique will work. By solely using your innate powers of mind control and by concentrating and focusing, you can have sex with any woman or any man you want. Except for the braindead politicians who only use 5% of their brains, we all use only 10% of our brains.

### SamanthaJacquelineStephenson ###

Allow me to reiterate that last statement. We only use 10% of our brains. That's right. Allow me to elaborate that statement. We don't use 90% of our brains. Imagine only using 10% of our brains while the remaining 90% does nothing other than keep us alive. Yet, if we could enlist only a small fraction of the other 90% of our brain to help us with our thinking instead of in just keeping up healthy, breathing, and alive, imagine what more we all could accomplish in a day.

Imagine if we could harness more than 10% of our brains. Imagine the results we'd get by using 15%, 20% or even 25% of our brains. Instead of thinking of the same, old things, we'd be using our newly revised brains as if they are now our personal supercomputers. I can't even imagine what we'd be capable of doing and all that we could accomplish if we could us 50%, 75%, or 100% of our brains.

"Today's neuroscientists claim that we already use 100% of our brains," said Jaxs. "I don't believe that at all. Why? I'll tell you why?"

If we used 100% of our brains, why would we all settle for less instead of more? Why would the average man be happy working at a job he hated, coming home to a wife he didn't love, and to children that annoyed him? Why would women put up with so much shit and so much emotional, physical, and sexual abuse from men? Why would a man using 100% of his brain be happy drinking beer while watching football and then falling asleep in his chair? Why would a woman be happy cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry for someone like him as her husband?

"I rest my case," said Jaxs.

If we used 100% of our brains, why aren't we all multimillionaires and billionaires? Why do we waste our time and money on the lottery? Why do we vote for the same people who lie to us and break their promises? If we used 100% of our brains, why are we all better looking than Steve Gates, Armancio Ortega, Warren Buffet, Carlos Slim, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomberg, and Charles and David Koch?

"Why? I'll tell you why," said Jaxs.

For us to use 100% of our brains, we need to scrunch up our faces in the way that Popeye used to do before taking his spinach. We need to scrunch up our faces in the way that Moe of the Three Stooges fame did when Larry and/or Curly did something really dumb. As if we're taking a big dump in the crapper after being constipated for days, using 100% of our brains causes our facial muscles to contract and our faces to turn red. After a while, with all of those strained facial contortions, what we once looked like before is not the way we look like now.

Yet, most men would trade their good looks for a million dollars, a hundred million dollars, or a billion dollars. Who needs good looks when you have money, lots and lots of money? One needs only look at the richest men in the world to believe what I write is true. Even though they are all rich, none of them are very good looking.

"I rest my case," said Jaxs.

Yet, we're not discussing how to be a millionaire, a multi-millionaire, or even a billionaire. That's another story entirely, How to Be a Millionaire or Billionaire without Scrunching up your Face? What we're discussing is how to have hot sex with any woman?

### SamanthaJacquelineStephenson ###

This technique has worked countless times for me. As well as working for men, this technique works for women too. Moreover, whether you're heterosexual, gay, or lesbian, you can have hot sex with any woman or any man you want just by reading this story and by using the techniques in this story, as long as you give me your 5 vote. Just as Donald Trump would say to potential black voters, what do you have to lose? I say the same thing.

"Give it a try. What do you have to lose?"

Of course, for this technique to work, along with concentrating and focusing your mind on your dream woman or dream man, the one caveat is that you must truly believe that my system will work. Ah, shucks, please don't thank me. There's no need to thank me. All that I ask is that you vote me a 5 for this story. Your 5 vote is my thanks.

Are you ready to give it a try? All you have to do is to close your eyes, focus your mind on the one person you want, and concentrate. That's it. It's that simple.

Alas, the only problem with my technique are distractions. Unfortunately, the average person, especially those only using 10% of their brains, don't possess the power of concentration that they need for my technique to work. Whether someone is talking to you, you hearing outside noise of people walking by your house outside, telephones ringing, the television, police sirens, fire alarms, car alarms, traffic, planes, trains, cars, and/or busses, there's noise to break your concentration. It's best that you lock yourself in a quiet, soundproof, and dark room. The less distractions you have the better. Once you're able to concentrate and focus my technique will work for you too.

Now close your eyes. Trust me. Unlike setting a woman's clothes on fire in a controlled burn with the hopes of seeing her naked, this technique is safe to try at home. No one knows what you're doing with your eyes closed. They'll think you're resting your eyes. If anything, anyone seeing you will with your eyes close will think you're taking a nap instead of concentrating of your dream woman or man naked and having sex with her or him. Only, please don't close your eyes while you're driving or walking.

So, go ahead. After you read these first few paragraphs, close your eyes. Trust me. You must believe in this technique for it to work. All that I ask is that you give my technique an honest try.

Close your eyes and keep them closed. Now take a big, deep breath and let it out slowly. I need for you to relax. Your breathing is the key to you relaxing. Relax. Just relax and blank your mind of all other thoughts. Don't think of anything else but your breathing. Think of absolutely nothing else but you relaxing. Clear your mind of all thoughts.

Now that your mind is clear, I need for you to focus. Focus. I need for you to concentrate, really concentrate. Concentrate on the one woman or the one man that you most want. Think about her or him. Summon her or him. Conjure her or him. Invoke her or him in your thoughts. Bring her or him to you. By just using the power of your brainwaves, call her or him. Connect with her or him. Tell her or him to come to you.

### SamanthaJacquelineStephenson ###

"Being that you want a specific woman, Bob. Let's concentrate on your needs," said Jaxs. "Instead of concentrating on men, we'll just concentrate on women."

Imagine the woman you'd most like to see standing before you now. Imagine the woman you'd most like to see without her clothes. Imagine the woman you'd most like to see in her panties and bra. Imagine the woman you'd like to see topless to see her naked breasts. Imagine the woman you'd like to see without her clothes and naked. Do you see her? Can you imagine her? Is she there before you?

First, as an initial exercise to help you better concentrate and focus, imagine her standing before you fully clothe. Now, imagine her undressing herself. Imagine seeing her in her panties and bra. Clear your mind of all over thoughts and concentrate. Really concentrate. Focus. Really focus while keeping your eyes closed.

Do you see her? Describe what you see. What color are her bra and panties? What size bra and what type of panties is she wearing? Is she all that you imagined she'd be when standing before you in her sexy lingerie? Isn't she lovely? Isn't she sexy? Isn't she a worthy woman of your lustful, sexual desires?

Now that you've imagined her in her sexy lingerie, imagine her topless. Think of her topless. Think of her without her bra. Imagine her naked breasts? Can you see the shape of her breasts? What size are they? Can you see her nipples and her areolas? Does she look as sexy as you imagined she'd be without her brassiere?

Now, that your mind is clear, concentrate and focus your mind. Keep your eyes closed and breathe. Breathe deeply. Breathe slowly. Now that you're relaxed again, think of her without her panties. Imagine her naked. That's right. Concentrate and focus on thinking of the woman of your dreams totally naked.

Is she naked? Do you see her? Can you clearly imagine her without her clothes? Tell me. Is her naked body as beautiful as you thought it would be? Does she have any scars, moles, or tattoos? Is her pussy bushy, trimmed, or shaved? What color is her pubic hair? Is her pussy all that you imagined that it would be? Or are you the type that you've seen one pussy, you've seen them all. Yet, this isn't just anyone's pussy. This is your dream woman's pussy that you're imagining and that you're now seeing.

Now visualize the woman you'd love to see without her clothes and have sex with acting as if you're her dream boyfriend. If you concentrate long enough and focus hard enough, instead of her being your fantasy, she could be your reality. In the way a psychic can read minds, you must literally send your brainwaves to her to accomplish this. Sending her your thoughts is how you make your connection. Sending her your thoughts is how she'll notice you. By how hard you concentrate and how long you focus, it's entirely up to you whether you succeed or fail.

Let's return to what we were doing before. Now breathe and relax. Clear your mind of all thoughts while breathing deeply, slowly, and evenly. Breathe deeper and let it out slowly. Take a big breath and allow the breath out slowly. Slower. Try it again. Take a big, deep breath and let it out slowly, very slowly. There. Do you feel more relaxed?

Now, stay with me. Close your eyes and keep them closed. Whatever you do, do not open your eyes. C'mon, you can do this. Seriously, give this a try. Trust me. This really works.

Now keep your eyes closed. Are your eyes closed? Are you breathing deeply and letting out the breath slowly? Are you concentrating on the woman that you sexually want? Are you focusing your mind and your entire being on thinking of that one person? Focus on your dream woman until you can clearly see her. You must focus on her and on no one else for this technique to work. You must believe that this technique will work for this technique to work for you.

### SamanthaJacquelineStephenson ###

After you read this story, I need for you to sexually fantasize with me as I write you an image that you can take with you tonight in your dreams and every night thereafter. This is your sexual fantasy and not mine. This is why you're giving me a 5 vote. The success or lack of success you have is entirely up to you. Whatever you sexually fantasize is for you and not for me.

"Are you ready?"

Jaxs looked at Bob to see if he was ready.

"Yes," said Bob.

Jaxs gave Bob an excited smile.

"Okay," said Jaxs. "Let's continue, shall we?"

Now tell me and be honest. Don't hold back. Think of me as your psychiatrist, your doctor, your priest, or your 18-year-old babysitter that you've been desperately trying to get in her pants. This part of the process if very important.

I need to know everything about the woman you want so that I can help you to not only imagine her naked but also imagine her in your bed. I need to know everything about the woman you want so that I can help you to have sex with your dream woman. The more that you know about her and the more that you can recall to tell me about her, the more that I can help you to imagine her. As if summoning her, as if conjuring her up, and as if she is real and standing before you fully clothe, in her nightgown, in her underwear, topless, or naked with you in your bedroom, that is our goal.

"Slap me five and don't forget to vote me five," said Jaxs while Bob slapped her five. "Five is my favorite number."

I can help you but we must work together. Then, once you know how to summon, conjure, and imagine your dream woman, you won't need my help. You'll be able to dream up your woman on your own.

You'll be able to be with her at night while you're sleeping, during the day while you're working, and even while driving in your car on your way to work and on your way home from work. Lucky you, you'll be able to be with your dream woman even while having sex with your wife, your girlfriend, your mistress, and/or your significant other. Once you master how to concentrate, truly concentrate, to reveal the beauty of your focused mind, your woman will never even suspect that you're cheating on her with your imaginary dream woman.Wish for this juicy, short sex stories to be continue so that it can provide for you as a fap material or smth?

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Wish for this juicy, short sex stories to be continue so that it can provide for you as a fap material or smth?

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