
Different Dimension infinite Cheats (Anime)

Character travelling through different dimensions. Season 1; Anime. Witness the rise of Eero in the Dimensions of Famous anime, movies and novels. 1st Dimension; Dragon Ball 2nd Dimension; Danmachi 3rd Dimension; Overlord 4th Dimension; Naruto 5th Dimension; One Piece Stay tuned for Eero most excited journey, Chapter Release - Schedule, 5 - 10 Chapter's each Week. ... patreon.com/ChaosGray Join me on Patreon for advance chapter's, Voting, Opinions and much more.

Chaos_Gray · Anime & Comics
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247 Chs

Chapter 159 Attacked

Inside the guild building, Eero took a new task as an iron adventurer; it was the task of escorting someone, also there were other adventurer teams alongside them.

'It seems Momonga already arrived yesterday not today.' Eero thought, then left the guild building.


Eero then walked toward the city gate along with Ada. After a while, they appeared beside the four vehicle's, two carriages in the middle, chariot in front and back. Four adventurers were standing near the chariots.

"You two also signed up for this task?" one of the adventurers asked curiously.

Eero nodded, then introduced himself and Ada, "I am Eero, and this is my younger sister Ada; we both are iron-class adventurers."

The young adventurer with light golden hair and a handsome face replied, "Well, I am Sid silford, and these are my companions: Jill Hazan, Neo Nantun, and Tiara Cain," pointing at the middle-aged man Jill, another young man Neon with brown eyes, and the girl Tiara in their team with blue eyes and hair.

Eero nodded, looking at them. They also nodded in return. Tiara stared at him, then inadvertently glanced at Ada, who was staring at her coldly in return. Tiara smiled wryly at her, then turned her head away.

Eero speechlessly glanced at Ada, then looked at Sid, asking about the task details.

They are here to escort these carriages containing precious items to the Re-Estize kingdom royal capital city.

Eero then sat down inside the last chariot along with Ada and Tiara. The other three, Sid, Jill, and Neon, sat down in another carriage at the front. Soon, the chariots and carriages moved toward the destination outside E-Rantel.

"How much time will it take for this carriage to reach the royal capital?" Eero asked, looking at Tiara.

'They are not from Re-Estize, or he wouldn't ask such question. No wonder they both give off a different vibe from those in Re-Estize, as if nobles from outside,' Tiara thought, surprised. She then replied with a smile, "It will take a week at most to reach the Royal Capital."

Eero nodded, then glanced at Ada sleeping while grabbing his arm tightly. He smiled helplessly, 'How possessive she has become after the race change,' then started looking outside through the carriage.

Soon, the sun sank and the moon replaced it, with stars glittering in the clear sky.

A few figures were sitting around the fireplace.

"Mr. Eero, why do you both want to become adventurers? You look like wealthy nobles," Sid asked while eating jerky, looking at them. His other companions also nodded, looking at them curiously.

"Well, it's simply because we were bored at home," Eero replied calmly, serious as if not joking.

Everyone around became speechless. Sid and the others glanced at each other and smiled wryly.

Ada raised her hand near her mouth and smiled widely.

"Mr. Eero surely likes to joke around," Sid then said self-explanatorily.

Eero became speechless, looking at their unbelievable expression. 'These guys are joking, right? Why do people become adventurers? Obviously for two reasons: exploration or money. Nevertheless, they already declared us as nobles with a lot of money, so what can I say in return, except bored at home.'

"My brother is telling the truth. We were bored at home, so we decided to become adventurers and explore the world," Ada then said with a smile.

Sid and the other adventurer were startled, then nodded. They somehow still couldn't believed it.

At this moment,


Something pierced the air,

Instantly, Eero raised his hand and grabbed an arrow near his neck.

"We are under attack, hurry up, take cover," Sid hurriedly said.

Jill threw sand on the fire, extinguishing it. Everyone rolled behind trees around, hid themselves, peeking at the attack direction with an extremely fast heartbeat.


Eero speechlessly broke the arrow in his hand, stood up turned his head, glancing at the figure standing above a tree branch far away.

"Brother, should I capture them or kill them?" Ada asked, her brow furrowed angrily, looking at the broken arrow in Eero's hand.

On the other side,

The bandits standing around, all of them disguised in dark clothes.

"Captain, I missed. As expected, that guy is the strongest among them. We should attack him first," the archer spoke, standing on the branch, then sat down and spoke to the burly man standing below.

"Second Prince has orders. At any cost, we have to intercept the carriage and kill those adventurers," the burly captain spoke.

"Oh, can you tell me more about the Second Prince and interception?" a voice sounded between all of them.


Sweat condensed on all of their foreheads. 'When?' Burly captain turned around, his eyes widened in fear, looking at the twisted dead bodies of all his companions, his heart almost stopped beating witnessing such a horrifying sight.

"We are henchmen of the Second Prince. I am a royal knight and here to intercept the carriage, which is loaded with important products the Third Princess smuggled from the Baharuth Empire," the royal knight spoke. The more information he gave, the more his heart fell into extreme fear because he was speaking against his will, somehow telling everything non-stop.

'Monster, I shouldn't have come here. I should have rejected such a task. I should run away, run away immediately.' Crazy thoughts rushed through his mind. His soul is almost on the verge of collapse.

Next second, his eyes widened, and he fell to the ground without breath.

Eero glanced at the captain's dead body on the ground speechlessly. 'It seems my soul weaver class skills are too much for humans here. I should avoid using them for interrogation next time.'

Eero waved his hand, and a diagram appeared below all those corpses around. White flame lit up on their bodies. Slowly, all of them disappeared into ashes.

Then he returned to the adventurer and Ada.

Sid and the others standing in daze gulped, looking at Eero with extremely pale and frightened expressions. 'Unbelievable. How can humans have such outrageous strength, even stronger than those adamantite-class adventurers?' They thought to themselves in horror.