
  Chapter 224: Phoenix City Feng Qiuhuang (1)

  Tang San took Xiao Wu, Guang Ling, and Lan Yinzi on foot, passing many villages and towns, and saw all kinds of strange martial spirits.

  For Xiao Wu and Lan Yinzi, most of their attention was on the farmland styles and architectural scenery of different villages and towns, but for Tang San, it was recording the data of various martial spirits and sending them to the local elders. Ask about local history.

  And what about Guang Ling?

  Then she bought some strange metal materials and life-style soul guides, and studied soul guides. She was serious!

  However, there were also troubles along the way, and that was because of the spread of the Son-Mother Soul Guidance Photography Ball, people everywhere had more or less impressions of Tang San and others.

  As a last resort, the four of them could only cover their faces or wear veils when walking.

  "Being a celebrity is really troublesome. There are people asking for autographs everywhere." After walking out of the town, Xiao Wu took off her veil and glanced at the big sun in the sky, "It's such a hot day, even though I covered my face, I was sweating all over. "

  Tang San took off his mask, but there wasn't a drop of sweat on his face, because he had already completed the cultivation of the Jade Bone, Golden Muscle and Divine Treasures, and his physical body had its own magical powers, so it was naturally impervious to cold and heat.

  "Everything has two sides. Isn't being admired by others proof of one's own excellence?"

  "Just get used to it."

  Xiao Wu hummed, "You're still talking about me, aren't you wearing a mask yourself?"

  "I am. To prevent you from being jealous." Tang San said that if he took off his mask, people who wanted to pursue Xiao Wu would gather around him.

  Men are sometimes attracted to each other.

  "Smelly." Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue, then jumped on Tang San's back and said coquettishly, "As a brother, you have never carried me on your back. I'm tired of walking, so now carry me on your back." "

  Don't make trouble, Guang Ling isn't even tired." Tang San put Xiao Wu down from behind and pointed at Guang Ling, "It's really bad, not even as good as Guang Ling."

  So straight?

  Lan Yinzi, who was following nearby, was stunned, and for a moment he didn't know whether Tang San did it on purpose or accidentally.

  "That's right, Sister Xiao Wu, you are now the Soul King, and I, a Soul Sect, don't even feel tired."

  Although Guang Ling had a very good relationship with Xiao Wu, and even "sleeped in the same bed" with Tang San, but for She couldn't stand Xiao Wu eating alone -

  if Xiao Wu had to be carried by the third brother on his back, then she had to, too. If a back could only carry one person, then she could reluctantly hang it on the third brother's neck. , let him hold it.


  Seeing the three of them joking and joking, Lan Yinzi on the side felt a little jealous for some reason. He always felt that the Chinese cabbage he planted was about to be taken over by two pigs.

  Although this cabbage had not been fertilized much since it was planted by him...


  days later, Tang San and others arrived at Phoenix City.

  Outside the city gate, there is a lush forest, mostly sycamore trees. The leaves are large and wide, and they are fiery red, as if they are burning.

  After asking passers-by, I learned that there are more trees in the sycamore forest than the phoenix sycamore. They are covered with red leaves all year round, like fire, which is extremely spectacular.

  "It's really a magical tree. It's red all year round."

  Xiao Wu picked off a sycamore leaf and smelled it. She could smell a faint fragrance, so she took out a medical book from her white jade belt and opened it. , which contains mostly leaves of various herbs.

  Clip it inside for collection or as a bookmark.

  "This kind of leaf has a relatively strong aura of life, and is also mixed with fire properties. After some research, it should be used as medicine."

  Xiao Wu closed the medical book and put it back into his white jade belt.

  The height of the city wall of Phoenix City is no less than that of Tiandou City, but it is completely dark red.

  It is rumored that this city has a history of ten thousand years. The red color on its walls is not a special material, but the fall of a phoenix beast ten thousand years ago. The phoenix blood spilled and covered it, creating an indestructible phoenix blood phoenix bone.

  "I have been to this place before." Lan Yinzi talked about his memories, "Every year in early April, the people in this city would hold a grand gathering called 'Phoenix Seeking Phoenix'."

  "At that time, the youth were ignorant. Men and women can sing and dance in the city, and find the other half they love. If both parties are interested, they can get married under the witness of the phoenix phoenix tree in the city..."

  "In rumors , if the couple's singing and dancing are extremely beautiful, they can attract the favor of the Phoenix God and send blessings."

  "However, no one has ever received a blessing, and this is just regarded as a legend."

  "But Wuhun Temple has explored the city. The phoenix phoenix tree in the center is not a plant soul beast, but people who have survived for more than ten thousand years and live nearby all year round, even if they are not soul masters, can live to be over ninety years old."

  "So, this phoenix. The city is also a retirement home for the nobles and high-level officials of Wuhun Palace in Tiandou."

  Tang San nodded slightly, remembering that in the original work, Ma Hongjun failed to inherit the Fire God, so he settled for the next best thing and chose to become the Phoenix God.

  Maybe the inheritance of the Phoenix God lies on the phoenix tree in the center of Phoenix City.

  The four of them entered the city and headed straight to the center of the city.

  At this time, it was March 28th, only three days away from April.

  Therefore, every household in the city has phoenix statues and lanterns at the door, phoenix patterns on the windows, or red flags.

  Along the way, many men and women were in pairs, discussing the "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" event in three days' time, and made appointments to sing and dance together then.

  Some men and women even kiss directly on the street to express their love for each other.

  Such things are not uncommon in Phoenix City.

  Especially a few days before the "Feng Qiu Huang" grand event is about to begin, you can find men and women confiding to each other in any corner, describing their respective oaths of eternal love.

  "How could they say these words? Isn't it too cheesy?" Xiao Wu heard a couple singing poems using sausages and bread as metaphors, and felt goosebumps rising.

  Guang Ling, on the other hand, had her ears covered by Tang San, who told her clearly: Children cannot listen to these adult poetry.

  Guang Ling: "..."

  In fact, Guang Ling knows everything about men and women.

  After all, she was born in a small village and her family was so big. She usually slept in the same bed as her parents. How could she hide what she did?

  However, Guang Ling was still very moved by Tang San's protection.

  Lan Yinzi interrupted the three people's "living treasure" behavior, pointed to the phoenix phoenix tree in the center, which was about a hundred meters high, and said: "Look, that is the rumored residence of the Phoenix God, the phoenix phoenix tree. "

  Where Feng Wutong is located, there is nearly a kilometer of open space around it, which is covered with dark red bricks. There is a guardrail around it. It is not high, only five meters, and ordinary people can climb over it.

  However, people from the Wuhun Palace and the City Lord's Mansion formed a patrol team on the outside to prevent others from intruding.

  This place is only open on certain holidays, and is closed the rest of the time.

  "Brother Eli, did you see anything?"

  Tang San concentrated, but maybe because his mental power was still far away from the god level, he couldn't see what was hidden in the Phoenix Wutong. He could only I feel a strange burning heat... But only humans with extremely strong mental powers can sense this burning heat. Ordinary people cannot detect it. At most, they are passively affected and activate their qi and blood.

  The reason for longevity is the passive influence of that searing heat.

  "This phoenix phoenix tree contains a trace of the remnant soul of the phoenix beast." Electrolux possesses divine consciousness and can sense the origin of the phoenix phoenix tree at a glance. "From what I see, this phoenix phoenix tree should have given birth to It has spiritual intelligence, but due to the influence of the remnant soul of the phoenix beast, it has been unable to transform into a soul beast. "

  "If it can perfectly swallow and absorb the remnant soul of the phoenix beast, it may be able to directly become a soul beast of more than 900,000 years.

  "The remnant soul of a god is an incredible tonic for mortal beings." "

  And if a soul master like Fengniao obtains that remnant soul, it may be possible for him to achieve success. "God of the Phoenix,"

  although the remnant soul of the phoenix beast is considered a real soul, more advanced than Electrolux, to him, the phoenix is ​​just a beast after all.

  Apart from his noble blood, what else could compare to him?

  Not to mention that the other party only has a residual soul left.

  If you want to concoct it, Electrolux has many ways.

  For example: turning it into a zombie puppet like an undead.   

  "So, the annual 'Feng Qiu Huang' event is actually an opportunity for the remnant soul to absorb the power of faith?" Tang San thought of a possibility.

  "The power of faith?" Electrolux was stunned, sitting cross-legged in Tang San's spiritual sea, rubbing the Holy Staff of the Dead in his hand for a while, and then said faintly, "I almost forgot that the gods of this plane, Except for those strong men at the God King level, they all seem to pay special attention to absorbing the power of faith."

  "If some of the "Douluo Continent" in your memory can be used as a practical reference, then the Poseidon Trident on Poseidon Island is probably the best. It's because Poseidon deliberately stayed in the mortal world, perhaps not to choose a successor at first, but to cultivate it with the power of faith and upgrade it to a super divine weapon."

  "But later he wanted to leave the divine world, so he planned to use it. The Trident of Poseidon is left behind. After all, it has gained experience. In the future, it can be reproduced in other areas beyond the jurisdiction of this god's realm. "

  "After all, that artifact is the embodiment of Poseidon's martial spirit before he became a god. As for the weapon. For soul masters of martial arts, if the martial soul is broken, they can spend time and practice to condense it again... It can be deduced that if the martial soul is turned into a divine weapon and passed on to others, the Poseidon himself is actually also You can gather it together again, but it will consume a lot of cultivation and energy. Most gods will not do that. "

  "But it is not impossible to give up your own artifact in order to escape from the divine world. After all, they have experience and can do it. The act of recasting the artifact and leaving it to the successors can also save the successor the time of refining the artifact, allowing the successor to more quickly control the power that the god's position should possess."

  "Tsk. , this world is really blessed by nature."

  At this point, Electrox once again marveled at the magic of Douluo Continent, and then answered Tang San's question: "You are right in guessing, that remnant soul did absorb the power of faith at a specific time. The power of faith contains the soul, but it is impossible to resurrect. The power of faith is too little, and the means of using it..."

  "Although I don't know how to use the power of faith specifically, I can estimate the remaining soul. The use of the power of faith is the same as the crude use of soul power by most soul masters. "

  It's no wonder that Electrolux stood at the top and looked down.

  Although Douluo Dalu possesses mysterious and magnificent martial souls, the method of using the soul power is equivalent to primitive people just learning how to tie sticks and stones together.

  As for the subtlety of soul skills...

  they are the soul ring effects of soul beasts. What does they have to do with soul masters?

  "Brother Tang, how about we take the opportunity to take the remaining soul of the phoenix at night? I am sure that I can refine it into the undead phoenix and turn it into our summoned beast." Electrolux suggested, "In the future, this land There will definitely be god-level experts on the continent, Rakshasa, Angel, at least two, and we have to be prepared."

  Electrolux also read "Douluo Continent" through Tang San's memory, and he could only say, At present, there are only some settings that can be referenced, such as the plot. Except for the appearance of angels and Rakshasa, everything else is unknown.

  For the safety of Tang San and himself, it was imperative to "hire" a god-level undead as a bodyguard.

  "Bodyguard?" Tang San looked at Feng Wutong, but he had other ideas, "I would rather Feng Wutong can refine the remnant soul of the Phoenix beast and become a soul beast."

  Electrolux frowned, thinking What, he asked tentatively: "Nirvana?"

  "I live toward death for nirvana." Tang San's eyes flashed, "Compared to getting a bodyguard, I would rather this sycamore tree can become My ninth soul ring, soul."

  "Of course, it's just a backup. If you encounter a better choice in the future, you can change it."

  Electrolux pondered for a moment and nodded: "That's fine, it's a summoned beast or something. Just find the corpses of some soul beasts and soul masters, and then go to the killing city, where the fallen can be used as waste. "The fallen

  , with their hearts like monsters, have broken away from the human realm and can be used as materials for the undead . , without any psychological burden at all.

  Even if there are innocent people, Electrolux itself won't care much.

  Before he died, countless innocent people died directly or indirectly by creating an army of the undead for revenge.

  "The City of Killing is indeed a good place to collect 'raw materials' for you." Originally, Tang San hoped that after it became popular, he would use the City of Killing as a gathering place for the fallen to study the psychology and physiology of the fallen.

  Unfortunately, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

  The addition of Electrolux changed his future plans for the Killing City...


  Third brother." Xiao Wu interrupted the exchange between Tang San and Electrolux, pointing to a church not far away. , above the main entrance, there was a statue of a phoenix, "Is that the Wuhun Palace in Phoenix City? Why are there so many people around?"

  Tang San saw the angel symbol of the Wuhun Palace under the phoenix statue and nodded, Said: "It is indeed the Wuhun Palace, but the Wuhun Palace in Phoenix City is indeed very unique. The phoenix logo is actually on top of the Wuhun Palace logo. Come on, go and have a look."

  Walking to the entrance of the Wuhun Palace, Tang San patted the men lining up in front and asked, "What are you doing here?"

  The man turned around and saw that Tang San was wearing a mask. He was a little wary, but after seeing the three girls behind him, he felt dazed again. ——Although Xiao Wu and others are all covered with veils, except for Guang Ling, who is a good-looking type, the other two will amaze countless people even if they only see half of their faces.

  I heard the man say: "You are from out of town, right? This is the place to sign up for the 'Feng Qiuhuang' dance. My girlfriend and I are queuing up to sign up."

  "Your girlfriend?" Tang San was confused, obviously the person in front of him They are also men. This team is basically all boys.

  "How can I bear to let her line up?" The man said with a serious face, "I can do this kind of drudgery, and the people in front of me are the same as me. By the way, you are bringing three female companions?"

  " The four of us are travelers traveling together, passing through Phoenix City." Tang San smiled and did not answer directly, but led the three girls past the crowd and walked into the hall.

  "Looks like he's a soul master..." The man thought about whether he had said something rude just now. To civilians, most soul masters were arrogant and bad-tempered people who would take action if they disagreed.

  After entering the Spirit Hall, Tang San took off his mask. Thanos, the local hall master, immediately stood up to greet him, bowed and said, "I have met the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall."

  Although the Continental Elite Tournament has ended, because of the Son The influence of Mother Soul Guide Photo Ball, the recorded video of this game, is still spreading.

  Wuhundian naturally recognized Tang San's appearance.

  Although recently many people have dressed up as Tang San, Xiao Wu and others and become the first batch of cosplay candidates in Douluo Continent, but anyone with a discerning eye can tell whether they are real or fake.

  Not to mention, Tang San in front of him also showed the Order of the Holy Son - granted by Bibi Dong personally before leaving the Spirit Hall.

  "No need to be polite." Tang San waved his hand casually, "We are just passing by and came to join in the fun. The main reason is that I want to take a look at the Phoenix Wutong."

  "I will arrange it immediately!" Thanos said hurriedly.

  "There's no need to alarm the others. Isn't the Phoenix Ball going to start in three days? Just sign up for us." Tang San stated his request.

  "This... is a piece of cake."

  Thanos breathed a sigh of relief. The Holy Son was easy to talk to, and he was happy and relaxed, but -

  "Four people?"

  "Guang Ling and I were in a group, Xiao Wu and Lan Yinzi were in a group, no one Is it stipulated that girls and boys can't dance?" Tang San asked with a smile.

  "There is indeed no such rule..." Thanos was speechless, but nodded in agreement.

  "Why are you in the same group as Guang Ling?" Xiao Wu pursed her lips and puffed out her cheeks like an anxious rabbit.

  "Okay, we can exchange dance partners then." If not comforted, Tang San felt that Xiao Wu would attack him at night tonight and take away his precious virginity.

  Xiao Wu then snorted and said, "That's more or less the same."

  Thanos, who was standing by, secretly sighed that the Holy Son knew how to play, with a look of shame on his face...


  days later, early April arrived.

  The entire Phoenix City is lively. The streets and alleys are filled with long tables, which are connected together. There are all kinds of delicacies on them. You only need to put one into the coin box placed at the entrance of each street. Gintama coins can be exchanged for a pass card, and you can enjoy the delicacies of this street as you like.

  Tang San, Xiao Wu, Guang Ling, and Lan Yinzi found a random street and enjoyed the fine wines and special delicacies here. Apart from the sour smell of love exuding around them, they were quite happy.

  After all, there are no nobles here looking to get close to them.

  Moreover, the four of them covered their faces in their own way. Except for Xiao Wu's long braid, which attracted some attention, no men or women came up to chat with her.

  In terms of eating and appearance, the four of them just held the food, opened their masks, The veil is stuffed into the mouth, without any aristocratic elegance and dignity.

  In this Phoenix City, there were mostly aristocratic children and high-level retirees of Wuhun Palace and their children. Seeing the way Tang San and others ate, even if they saw the half of their exposed faces that looked good, they would not get close.

  Commoners and nobles are two completely different circles. In most cases, behavior is enough to judge identity and status.

  However, when the "Feng Qiu Huang" event really begins, the nobles and common people in Phoenix City can gather together. Common women can dance with noble men, and country boys can also choose aristocratic women to sing, and they can have fun together regardless of each other.

  Both men and women can refuse this selection process, but it cannot exceed three times. If it is exceeded, they will no longer be able to participate in the dance.

  Under the witness of the Phoenix God, on this day, everyone in Phoenix City is equal, and there is no distinction between high and low, high and low.

  At least, that was the propaganda Tang San heard.

  But the final dance party really started, and Tang San was sure that even if commoners and nobles could dance on the same venue, there would definitely be few pairs where commoners (girls) and noble ladies (gentes) held hands and sang and laughed together. .

   Chapter 222 has been harmonized, but I don't quite understand. Is JIU·Nian`Yi`Wu`Jiao`Yu also a sensitive word?

  (End of chapter)