

As the man's last breath escaped him, he whispered, "This is the end..." A warrior who had lost everything, he lay on the battlefield, his body empty of life and energy. In his final moments, he thought back on all he had lost and experienced, and closed his eyes, believing it all to be over. But when he awoke, he found himself in an unfamiliar bed, in a peaceful, modern world. He was bewildered, and whispered to himself, "I didn't ask for this." He had no choice but to try and make a new life for himself in this unfamiliar place, thinking to himself, "I will live a peaceful life this time." However, he soon discovers that he has been given a second chance to reclaim everything he had lost. Will he be able to hold onto it this time, or will it all slip through his fingers once again? Find out by reading the novel. Current worlds: I got a cheat ability in another world and became extraordinary in the real world. My Dress-Up Darling Classroom Of The Elite More to be updated later... Note: The main character of this story will be emotionless from the start, so if you do not enjoy that type of character, it may not be the story for you. However, he is not completely emotionless. For those who want to join in, here is the Discord link: https://discord.gg/NdaZBAbQ8D To read ahead, check out my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/OVERLOAD69

OVERLOAD69 · Tranh châm biếm
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120 Chs

Bonus Chapter: Fight

'Grayfia and Hati are safe as well, so let's get this thing out of the way. You two are really strong in front of the current me, I'll give them that, but the difference of strength has never stopped me before….' Yuuya thought as six Runes on his body shone. With two on his forehead, the first one read KENAZ (Cen) which increases his visual ability to perceive the surroundings and predict the attacks, with the second one LAGUZ (Lagus) to increase my destructive power and enhance the first rune.

Two on his chest with the first one that read EIHWAZ (Eoh) used to increase his endurance and increasing his defenses, and the second one being THURISAZ (Thorn) which increased his regeneration in every aspect.

With two Runes on the sole of his feet to increase his speed and mobility, Yuuya looked at the duo of Rabbit and human who were looking at him and they took their combat form.

'Looks like you can't escape from your bad luck after all…' the voice in Yuuya's head said in an amused tone.

'You don't have to rub it in….' Yuuya answered back in his mind as he assumed a combat stance and the tension in the air reached a breaking point.


The rabbit launched himself towards Yuuya as the ground where he was standing cracked and he was in front of Yuuya almost instantly as he kicked aiming at Yuuya's head.

But moved back as if he knew what was going to happen and the rabbit went past him. But, then…..


Iris appeared in front of Yuuya and slashed her sword in a straight downward slash towards Yuuya's head.

'That is a powerful attack.' Yuuya thought as he moved his spear in a clockwise direction and his spear tip hit the incoming sword.


The sound of the weapons colliding echoed in the surroundings as sparks flew out in all directions and Iris's attack was tilted towards the right side as it passed by Yuuya's right shoulder with a hair's breadth.

'What?' Iris was shocked but it didn't end there as she saw the tail of the spear was heading towards her midriff at a dangerous pace.

'This is bad,' Iris could feel the damage that spear will cause as she moved her sword upward and blocked the incoming spear in a hurry.


And when the weapons collided for a second time and Iris was blown away from her position and the ground cracked with rocks flying all over the place.

Iris landed and saw the Kicking saint attacking Yuuya with a barrage of kicks but his attacks were either dodged or parried.


Their skirmish caused a lot of shockwaves and the surrounding area was destroyed and the ground was cracked in a spider web pattern as rocks flew out.

Then Iris joined in and attacked again in tandem with the kicking saint but their attacks only hit empty air as Yuuya dodged them and then the kicking saint attacked Yuuya's back but was met with the tail of the spear in his flank as he was launched in the air. The Spear was stopped by a barrier but the barrier shattered into pieces.

(What? How?) The kicking saint said as his barrier was broken.

Yuuya looked at Iris who was attacking him with continuous slashes and parried them with his spear as he waited for an opening.


Yuuya thrust his spear at Iris who blocked it with her sword but then a small ball of wind formed on the blade of the spear and expanded.

"KUH," Iris felt a great impact as her body was thrown in the air.

Iris stabled herself in the air and landed on the ground and the Rabbit came near her.

(It is like he can see through all of our attacks in advance, and that spear is dangerous as well it can break through magic defenses.) The rabbit said as he looked at Yuuya.

"…" Iris didn't say anything as her heart was bleeding at the moment.

'Damn it, why does he have to be an enemy? Just when I found a promising candidate for marriage, WHYYYYYYYYYYY?' Iris shouted in her mind as her eyes became fierce.

Then she shot out and unleashed a flurry of slashes at Yuuya. He moved his spear slowly and parried all of her slashes.

Although their attacks might look slow but it was but no means slow no one present was able to see the attacks they can only see blurred images sometimes and only hear the sound of weapons hitting each other.


The sound of metal colliding could be heard all over the place as red and white streaks of light passed by all over the place.

The rabbit interjected in between the clash as he tried to kick Yuuya multiple times but Yuuya dodged his attacks every time.

'I can't attack them recklessly, although I have strengthened my body with runes and magic it is still only a 30 % increase. It is still far from their speed and strength. Unless...' Yuuya thought as he parried Iris's thrust that was aimed at his chest and guided it away from him.


The sound of weapons colliding rang out as sparks flew all over the place. Yuuya swung his spear towards Iris but she blocked it with her sword but she was blown away by the impact of the attack.

'That isn't happening… and you shouldn't use it.' The voice in Yuuya's head answered.

'Ok, then I guess, I'll have to be careful…..' Yuuya answered back.

'It is good that you know…' the voice said as it fell silent again.

'H-How can he have such strength,' Iris thought as she looked at her trembling hand.

"{Blessing of the West Wind}" Yuuya used a spell in Elven Script as a gentle wind enveloped his body increasing his speed.

But Yuuya moved this time as he moved swiftly closing the distance and thrusting his spear forward toward the Rabbit's mid-section. The kicking saint was too shocked about the quickness of the attack.


The thrust tore through the air as it moved quickly, and the rabbit jumped up to avoid the attack and Yuuya swung his spear upward vertically towards the kicking saint catching him off guard.

([Holy kicking Wave] [Holy Ear Impact]) the kick saint said as his right foot was covered in light and he kicked at the spear that was coming towards him…


The ground cracked under the pressure of the collision as both Yuuya and kick saint was knocked back.

Yuuya jumped back after he got his footing and….


Iris's attack hit the ground and she looked at Yuuya who was looking at her with his blank eyes.

'He was able to dodge even that. Seriously why do we have to be enemies…' Iris thought as she saw Yuuya move his spear at blinding speed as he thrust at her from multiple angles both of them collided at high speed and small cuts started to appear on Iris's body as she pushed back and tried to attack faster. But her attacks were drowned in the constant slashes and thrusts from Yuuya she was having a hard time reaching him.

'The magic barrier is like a paper wall in front of him.' Iris thought as the magic barrier that she was using to protect herself was cut in multiple places.

'Kuh, It's like he has six arms.' Iris thought as she looked at the young man that was suppressing her.

"[Single sword flash]" Iris used a super-fast slash and hit the spear in Yuuya's hand.


The spear was knocked off to the side as Yuuya was a bit unstable…

'(Now)' both Iris and kicking saint moved at the same time and attacked Yuuya.

"{Storm of the South Wind}" Yuuya said in the elven script as a wind storm as big as Tokyo Skytree (634 m) kicked up around Yuuya covering him and knocking both saints back.

The winds were violent destroying the ground trees everything that came into contact was grounded into dust it was fortunate that everyone was watching from a distance or their death wouldn't be pretty.

When the storm subsided Yuuya stood in the center as he looked at the saint duo who had their mouths agape.

(T-This isn't normal.) Kicking saint said as a magic spell of that level isn't something you can just pull out of your ass, it takes preparations to use a magic spell of that scale.

"See he is Magic saints disciple for sure, we shouldn't attack him," Iris said trying to convince Kicking saint.

(But he is an 'Evil' before he is a disciple of saint. You should know that even the Magic Saint will kill him if he knows that he turned into an Evil.) The kicking Saint said.

'But I don't want him to die... it is the first time I have met a man who has all of the qualities I want, Why is it like this....' Iris thought as she was lost at the moment but she knew that this matter was of urgency so she shoved the thoughts into the back of her head.

(Sword saint we need to coordinate properly.) The rabbit said as Iris nodded and got into a stance.

'I have read their attack patterns now time to end this….' Yuuya thought as he looked at the two in front of him.

([The Three Divine Steps]) the rabbit said as he disappeared from his position and appeared near Yuuya then did a forward somersault dropping a heel kick on his head.

Yuuya sidestepped to the left as he dodged the kick and It landed on the ground.


(H-How) the rabbit was in disbelief as this was the first time this skill was dodged by someone but he only saw those black eyes looking at him and it scared him to look back at those eyes.

"[Sword Flash]" with a tender shout Iris released a horizontal slash on Yuuya's back.

Yuuya crouched as he dodged the attack and swept his spear in a wide arc the blade of his spear was about to hit her midriff.

'SHIT! If this attack lands I'd be heavily injured.' Iris shouted in her mind.

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