
Did you and will you love me ?

DaoistbVl9vK · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
10 Chs


It's was nearly the end of November, winter had already taken place give the early Christmas vibe everyone loves. It was a normal Saturday morning with the cold breeze, giving a soft morning. Anemone and Levi were peacefully sleeping in each other arms cuddling each other looking all soft, she was the first to wake up admiring the beautiful sleeping face she was close to, at the time he looked so still cute. " he won't wake up of I do something real quick, right?" She thought before getting on top of him giving him soft kisses on his neck, while she was enjoying her moment she suddenly sensed a hand on her waist, and thighs.she looked up only to face does piercing hazel eyes which made her gulp, she has made a little mistake.

Levi: what a nasty kitten! Feeling needy huh?

She didn't said anything and leaned on to kiss him passionately, he instantly kissed back with the same energy. He bite her lips hard making her open her mouth letting him slide his in, exploring every corner of her mouth. He was slowly starting to undress her ,she let him do being to carried away. He was about to unclip her bra when she stopped him earning a groan from the latter.

Levi: please baby! You're always teasing me, perfectly knowing you can't pay for your act.

He said with an angry pout on his lips making the younger chuckle .

Anemone: just wait, just some days left.

Levi: speaking of this.....

Anemone: what is it.

she said placing her head on his chest cuddling him.

Levi: actually my dad wants me to go on a business trip right after graduation.

She jumped up looking at him with a confused expression at the latter's statement.






"So you really gonna go?"

She said sitting on the bed watching the latter getting dressed for his last day of school. He came to her and softly lead her down while kissing her, she kissing back relaxing as the stress was getting kicked out. They parted away and connected their forehead together.

Levi: it's gonna be okay kitten, don't worry

Anemone: but I don't want to be alone all over again..

He hugged her tightly as she was about to burst out crying. He tried to calm her down by telling sweet words and making smooth circle on her back.

Levi :you're not alone, love, and you will never be. You can still hang out with the boys and we can video call, and if you're still feeling down just take a flight to me, okay?

She nodded and they kissed once more before going downstairs to take their breakfast and go to school for Levi's last time.

The graduation went well, everyone enjoyed their last moment with the younger classes they were close to. It's eventually came to an end everyone had to go back home.

He was packing his stuff in a big suitcase and two other, with the latter listing every single thing that could happen while he's gone, she said one thing that made the latter turn to her with shock. He cupped her little face with his big large hands and looked at her dead in the eyes, that always intimidated her.

Anemone: what if you find someone more pretty than me over there ?

Levi : hey listen up here, I will never lead my eyes on any other woman then you, I will never touch any other woman then you, I will only love and cherish you til my last breath, understood?

She nodded with tears in her grey eyes.

Levi: I think it's time to give it you now

She tittle her head in confusion when the latter let go of her taking a little box from the drawer that was always locked, but now it's not anymore. He opened the box front of her, her eyes just stick to the thing in the box as she couldn't say anything.

Levi : I thought of giving it you after you birthday but I think you're ready now

He said as he slide the beautiful silver designed ring on her finger. She just looked at him with shinning eyes he always like to stare at, mumbling ' I love you ' on his chest.

Levi :you look as beautiful as the moon, love.

He said pecking her lips lovingly. After some more packing and little cries, they drove off to the airport where the boys were waiting for them .

They did there goodbyes with a lot of tears shading here and there at the thought of being separated for so long. It was finally time for him to go as they hugged one last time, the boys left the couple to say some more words.

Levi: baby I want you to do something for me

Anemone: I'll do anything for you

Levi: ok on your 19th birthday I want you to go to my lawyer, he will just give you papers you have to sign and do not read any single word okay?

Anemone: okay, but what are does papers I don't need to know about?

Levi : love trust me, I'll tell you when I come back on your 20's , don't worry love.

He said hugging her tight one last time before going, his figure slowly disappearing ....


Sorry sorry guys for late update😔

I was busy with school stuffs and all that but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.....love you guys and love yourself 💜