
Did you and will you love me ?

DaoistbVl9vK · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


The weekend is finally here, in the cold Saturday morning Anemone was getting ready to go spend the day with the boys. They all agree to meet up at Levi's house. Her driver dropped her to the huge house gate, as soon as she stepped near the gate the doors instantly open and she stepped in making her way to the mean door. She ring the doorbell and the door was opened by Levi which had messy hair giving the feeling he had just woke up, she chuckled softly at the boy's situation and said in a soft tone

Anemone: morning

Levi: morning you are early

Anemone: no you woke up late it's 10am

Levi: but I thought we said we will meet for lunch

Anemone:oh really ,sorry

Levi: come in

He let her in and she was kind of surprised by how beautiful the house is with good furniture a marble floor and grey walls.

Anemone: I love your house it's very pretty

Levi: thanks ,so do you want to do anything

Anemone:umm since I arrived a little bit early can I cook you breakfast please

Levi : umm sure the kitchen is over there I'll go freshen up ok

Anemone: ok

She went to the kitchen and started to get ready for cooking with what she had.

She was peacefully cooking when felt a giant Palm caressing her waist and a weight on her back

Anemone: Levi what are you doing

Levi: shh you're warm

she didn't said anything and continued cooking

Levi:I love your waist it's so slim

Anemone: umm thanks I guess

Levi : its smells nice

Anemone: oh yeah does are creeps

Levi: I'm not talking about that YOU smell nice

Anemone: what is up with you you're weird

he then realized what he was doing and backed away from her

Levi: I'm sorry I didn't mean to

Anemone: no it's ok I kinda liked it

she said blushing

Anemone: it's ready you can eat

Levi: can I have something else

he said smirking while she was confused

Anemone: oh you don't like creeps

Levi: I do ,but I really want something else right now

with that he got closer to her and put her on the counter

Levi : you know I found you really attractive and hot

Anemone: what do you mean

Levi: well I want you

Anemone: are you kidding me right now

Levi: do I look like it

Anemone: what do you want then

Levi: oh nothing special just you need to sign up something

Anemone: what is it

Levi: a contract that prove you are mine

Anemone: so that's what you want I'm not like the other you can use for your pleasure

Levi: oh kitten come on you have nothing to lose

she remained silent thinking about what to do " I always wanted to know what happens to the girl he picked and I heard allot of rumors" she thought. she sight and look at him

Anemone: fine I'll do it

Levi: oh amazing it's gonna be fun, I'll give you things at the end of the day ok

as soon as he finished his sentence the doorbell ring and they went to welcome the two boys

They had a great day together watching movies ,talking ,playing games in general having fun. Time had passed till 8pm, John and Teo decided to go back home while Anemone stayed knowing exactly what was waiting for her.

After the boys were gone Anemone was sitting in the living room as Levi told her to wait there. he came back with papers ,pen and a box , he placed all the things in front of her

Levi: there is the contract please sign it

she hesitantly sign while glaring at him once done she handed him the papers and he smirked

Levi: congrats now you are mine only mine which means you only do what I say ok

she nodded not wanting to talk

Levi: first you can only talk with me or the boys second you always have to be with me no body else and last you can't do somethings without letting me know is that clear to you

Anemone: yes and what is in the box

He opened the box while smirking

Levi: well nothing much

He got out a really nice neck-tie necklace all black with kitten written on the inside at the back

Levi: from now on you have to were this and do not remove it only I can, understood

Anemone: yes

He then put her the neck-tie necklace on and he kissed the her neck softly making a shiver run down her spine

Levi: only I can touch you I would have liked to taste you all over but you're still too young. now you can go home and inform Me when you are there see you on Monday

She just nodded and went home

This relationship is going to be epic as they both don't know how things will turn out....