

"Let those dice you hold decide your future" Follow the adventures of "oh-so-lucky-not" Eris as she find her purpose in life in the world of probability created by the goddess Dicera and maybe bring some girls along the way cause why not? Girls love is hot! -will update a lot at start so expect fast updates for a while and later it will change to around 2-3 updates a week once I work a bit of the story- already at scribblehub with a lot more chapters ahead

Flying_Potatoes · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs

The world out there (MS)

Morning after the incident I head to the academy to ask some stuff.

I head on as usual after greeting my 2 guard friends in which they bombard me with questions in regards to the event happened yesterday but nonetheless they are all glad I am back to health.

After I reach the counter I greeted the receptionist which I knew already after taking toms of quest.

"Heya there~" I approach her counter.

"Oh good day to you Eris. It's great to see you back again in action after what happened last time." She greets me back.

"Yep can't let myself get accustomed on laying down the bed whole day."

"That's certainly true." She replied with a giggle. "What's your purpose of visit today?" Back to professional receptionist mode.

"Planning to take a quest but might as well ask some stuff first." I replied.

"Sure you can ask me for information. What is it?" She adjusts her glasses.

"It's about the zones. How many are there?" I asked curiously.

"I take it you never went to general class right?" She asked in return.

"Yes...haha" I answered while scratching my head.

"Well it's not mandatory but it explains things like this. Anyways let me explain." She takes off her glasses and wipe with clean cloth before wearing it again.

"Aside from zone 1 there are multiple zones out there. But there are only 6 recorded zones. Probably because some zones out there are places that no one manage to return to tell the tale. Or that zone posses secrets that no one are willing to share. That said there are 6 zones that are known by all. And among this 6 you can only visit 5 of it." She explained.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Well calm down. I'm about to explain that."

"Oh. Sorry."

"It's fine. Anyways going back, the 5 largest zones you can freely visit are this zone 1 dubbed 'land' for it's entire topography are consisting of 70% land and 30% water and the most water here on land comes from area 3 dubbed 'water' for the whole zone 3 is nothing but water zone. It is said that an ancient city got swallowed by the water body which now lies below the deep waters of zone 3. Next is the zone 2 dubbed as 'desert' is a place with the highest number of merchants. It is a place where businessmen around the world gathers and trades. Next is Zone 4 also known as the 'lost isles' it is rumored that anyone who enter here can't return easily. That said I can prove that it is possible to return. It's just not simple. And lastly is the zone 5 which is dubbed as 'tempest'. It's a land above the super large mountain as if the whole place is a plateau. The weather is cold since the altitude is high and the ruling power there is the great moon empire which is rumored that 'who ever sits at the throne are blessed by the moons' that said we are completely no idea how since that empire are pretty secretive." She expanded the zone information.

"What about the 6th?" I asked.

"That is the place no one wish to enter unless you are a Royal ranking or a Singularity that wish to fight against the people inside."

"So that place is hard?"

"Not sure what you meant by hard but the reason being is that the whole zone 6 are where the 'cult of Dicera' inhabits."

"A cult? Dahecc is that?" I asked surprised.

(Seriously even here there are numbskulls like them same in my last place?)

"Basically a group of cultist that wish to summon Dicera back here on land so she can rule the world. Or so their propaganda says. That said, nothing good happens if you approach them so make sure to stay away okay?" She warns me.

"Yep. They look annoying bunch."

*Chuckles* "got to agree on that. Luckily we have the nature singularity here on zone 1 so this place is safe."

"She loves this place isn't she?" I asked.

"Yes. I believe the reason she started protecting this zone 6 years ago is because she saw a vision."

"A vision?" I asked.

"Yep. It is said that one day, a girl bearing the key to drag the imposter back to hell will appear. So she decided to protect the place where new souls appear which is the spawn point at zone 1."

"I see. That is admirable."

"I cannot agree more!"

The two of us laugh before I head my way to the teleportation area and went back to grinding at area 10. I started alone until my party members arrived roughly an hour later and joined me grinding.

(They are all motivated to kill monsters now. Even Emy who is afraid of humanoid enemies no longer flinch when we kill monsters despite how bloody the ground are after.)

I nod to myself as I watch the three kills monsters with me with high motivation.

-meanwhile in a certain room-

"How is the greed project? Any updates?" The girl on red dress

"Forget about that. We got interrupted." The stern looking man with white hair replies.

"Don't tell me it's her again!" The fat man wearing an outfit like a priest slams the table.

"Yeah. That nature singularity and her detestable clairvoyance." The young girl holding a teddy bear bites her lollipop.

"Now now. It's just a test to see how the trait greed adopts to a monster with similar property. Infact she helped us something big right?" The bulky man that appears to be the one siting at the center table grins.

"Allow me to explain." A lady wearing lab coat comes in holding research data.

Everyone looks at her and wait.

"It seems 6 years ago, the nature singularity saw something. I believe it goes something like this 'It is said that one day, a girl bearing the key to drag the imposter back to hell will appear. So she decided to protect the place where new souls appear which is the spawn point at zone 1' I believe everyone is aware of this right?" The lady wearing a lab coat asked.

"Yes we all know. So what?" The girl holding a teddy bear replied.

"Nowadays, her movements are becoming more annoying. And thanks to the 'greed' project I confirmed something." The lady in lab coat said.

"And that is?" The fat man wearing a priest attire asked.

"She found the girl in vision."

Everyone in the room became quiet.

"So you think the key on dragging the imposter above to hell arrived already?" The one siting at the center table asked.

"That... Is what I believe sir." The lady in lab coat replied.

"I see. So it's about time. Let's start the next step. You better entertain me now got it?" The man sitting on the center table looks at the two now standing.

"Heh just enjoy the show!" The young girl with a teddy bear smirks before flying away.

"Well then. I have some business to attend first so I am leaving now~" The girl on red dress head out.

The man sitting on the center table can only watch the two leave with a smirk on his face.

Now lets sit back and enjoy the chaos~

The man on the center table laughs in which his laughter echoes the whole room.