

"Let those dice you hold decide your future" Follow the adventures of "oh-so-lucky-not" Eris as she find her purpose in life in the world of probability created by the goddess Dicera and maybe bring some girls along the way cause why not? Girls love is hot! -will update a lot at start so expect fast updates for a while and later it will change to around 2-3 updates a week once I work a bit of the story- already at scribblehub with a lot more chapters ahead

Flying_Potatoes · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs

And so it begins (SS)

Sometimes I wonder if all things that happen in life are decided by probability. The way people meet, the way we hunt, we go to the market and fall in love. If by chance this is indeed true, then maybe I...

-year 204 weiss residence 11:54-

"Come here my daughter the lunch is ready!"

"Yes father!" I replied as I quickly run downstairs in excitement. As for the reason why...

"My hunt today is pretty good if I say so myself. Look at this piece Mika." Father proudly shows the roasted boar he hunted early morning.

"Wow that looks tasty father. But are you okay? Did you get hurt again?" I asked worried he got hurt again.

"No worries dear my friend Taro came with me today. Infact I think it's way too easy. I even asked him to go for more but he refused. That chicken." Father replied while prepping the meal at the table.

"Really? " I stare at him waiting his reaction if he is simply faking it.

"Really really. Trust me my daughter you know how strong I am." Father replied while flexing his muscles.

"If you say so father. I trust you." I replied.

Father and me are the only one left in this house. According to him my mother died after giving birth to me. Although if I ask anymore details regarding my mother, father always brush me off or change the topic. That said my life with father here is simple but fun.

"By the way father can I go to the village later? There is something I want to buy." I asked.

"Sorry but please stay for now." Father replied while taking plates on the kitchen.

"Why? I'm old enough already. I turned 16 last week remember?" I replied eagerly.

"Yes I know. But today or this days to be precise are a little dangerous. The village head informed me that there is a disturbance on the cave at the mountain slope on the way to the village. We don't know the cause yet so it's better to be safe. After all that cave is... " Father looked sad as he replied.

(Cave? What's there I wonder. Maybe I should try asking father more.)

"What's in the cave father? Is it dangerous?" I asked curiously.

"Perhaps. I'm not sure but it's better to stay away for now so be a good girl and stay here okay?" Father asked as he pat me on the head.

"Okay father you too stay here then." I replied with a smile.

"Got it. Can't say no to my cute daughter." Father replied as he hugged me.

"Enough father let's eat. The meal is getting cold.' I pushed him away embarrassed.

"Yes. I'm proud of this meal so dig in!" Father replied as we start eating.

The meal is heavy and fulfilling. Roast boar and veggies salad at sides looks little but actually filling as we didn't even finish half of the roast. After meal we simply stay inside. I lay on the sofa reading books while father clean his rifle and blade.



"Carlos are you there! Come out quick!" A voice outside calls for father.

Father runs to the door quickly. Upon opening the door he saw Taro full of wounds.

"What happened my friend? What's with those wounds?" Father asked as he inspect Taro's body.

"A lot of wolves suddenly start attacking the village. Luckily we drove them out but they all returned to the cave afterwards. Since it might be related to "that" i came here to inform you right away as per the village head instructions." Taro replied as he wipe his body. It seems it's all scratches and no deep wounds.

"Do you think it's that? " Father asked worried.

"As I said my friend we are not sure. But wolves gathering to the cave is too much of a coincidence with that thing inside." Taro replied.

"Got it. Let me get my arms first." Father pat taro's shoulder and start taking his rifle and hunting gears.

"What happened father?" I asked meekly.

"Listen sweetheart. I need to check on something. Make sure you lock the door and don't go out okay? Wait for me here." Father replied as he oat my head.

"Return home okay? I will be lonely alone." I said as I hug him.

"Ofcourse I can't let my daughter lonely right?" He smiled and give me one more pat in the head before he and taro left.

I closed the door right away as soon as they leave. However when I am about to go back to sofa I stepped on something. I picked it up and saw a rusted cube.

(I wonder what is this... Did father forget this? Whatever I will just put it back on his table.)

When I walk to his table I saw his small bag filled with ration, bullets and knife.

(Did father forget this? Oh no. It might be bad if he don't have this. Luckily he just left maybe I can catch up to him... Alright I will take this to him and run quickly.)

I take all the stuff and decided to chase after father.

(Luckily the way is just a long one road downhill so I won't get lost.)

As I run towards the village i noticed some bush rustling in the side.

(Wait... Is that?)

I slowly move backwards as fear starts to creep in. And after a second three heads comes out. They are wolves.

(Shit! I need to run away quickly.)

I'm about to run forward but I saw 2 more wolves coming from the road to the village starts approaching me.

(Oh no. Father... Help me...)

I slowly move backwards but I didn't notice there was a cliff behind me and fell down.

-path to the cave, 7:23-

(It hurts... My body feels so heavy. Did I fell...)

I slowly open my eyes and saw the cliff above.

(Luckily I'm still alive. But it hurts.)

I slowly raise despite feeling pain all over my body. There are visible scars on my skin maybe from the cliff earlier but good thing there are not much blood on the ground meaning i probably ended up with only few bruises. As I look around I saw a path behind me. There are torches erected towards a path that leads to a cave.

(Is this the cave they are talking about? Maybe father is there.)

I decided to walk towards the cave. Along the way there are dead wolves laying on the ground probably killed by father. Upon reaching the entrance I saw a huge door. It's slightly open.

(Perhaps father is truly inside. I need to hurry.)

I tried to walk faster since I can't run with my legs still shaking inside the cave. As I go deeper I notice something.

(It should be dark inside now but why is it still bright inside? I see no torches here. Maybe there is something here...)

No idea why it's still bright inside, i simply continue walking onwards.

After walking for a while I reached a dead end. In front of me, in the wall, some markings are inscribed.

(Wow... Is this a mural? There are beautiful drawings here.)

I continue looking around till I find something in the corner. In the wall there is a crystal like object sticking out. It's color red and somehow feels hot.

(I wonder what is this.)

I tried touching it when suddenly light flows from the crystal in the markings in the wall. It spread quickly followed by an earthquake.

(What's happening? Did I started something? This crystal?)

I quickly run to the side and hold at the wall to wait till the quake stops. After a minute or so it finally calmed. When I look around I saw another door appeared.

(Maybe it's a mechanism that leads deeper inside. Either way I need to go.)

I quickly entered the new door and head deeper.

After walking for a while I suddenly heard a scream followed by some laughter.

(Someone is there. I need to hurry. Wait for me father!)

I run towards the sound as fast as I can. It seems I forget my pain in the legs since I just run ignoring the pain. Upon reaching the room there I saw a woman holding my father's body by the neck.

"FATHER!!!" I shouted as i slowly move towards them.

"Hmmm. What do we have here." The woman dropped father's body and float towards me.

I stand in fear as she slowly come towards me. I slowly move backwards and tripped falling on the ground.

"Wait..." The woman stares at me curiously.

"So it's you. Hahaha... HAHAHAHAHA" She started laughing hysterically.

"Not only that bitch's husband even their daughter came to me. How lucky this day is. Looks like I don't need to find you after all." She said and quickly move towards me turning her face closer as if looking at my eyes.

"Wh...what did you... Do to father..." I asked with a shaking voice out of fear.

"Don't worry about that dead body. I don't need it anymore. I'm actually feeling good since YOU are the one who released my seal." She said as she lift my chin to see my face.

"Released? When?" I asked without any idea what she meant.

"On your way here you touched a crystal right? A red one. Then followed by an earthquake. That is the sign that my seal is released." She replied with a smile.

(Shit... So it's because I touched that crystal...)

"Yep you are right little one." She replied reading my mind.

"What... What do you want? Why did you kill father." I asked as tears started flowing from my eyes.

"Well I am simply annoyed and getting sealed for years made me pent up so I simply release it to him. Too bad he died because of you." She replied with a grin.

"Because... Of me..." I said eyes wide from shock and realization that father died because of me.

"Yep because of you. No one to blame here but you." She replied teasingly.

My mind broke I simply stare at the open space as I keep asking myself

(Why did I not follow his order and wait inside the house. Because of me my father died.)


I look at her after hearing the clap she made.

"Alright since i got released I am feeling good today so do you want something? Or maybe a wish? I may not look like it but i am a goddess you know? If you want I can also bring your father back to life." She said with a big smile on her face.

"Really? Can you bring him back?" I asked as I wipe my tears seemingly found a new hope.

"Yes yes. But it's not fun if I just do that right? So how about you do it. Of course using your luck." She replied while floating behind me.

"My... Luck?" I asked.

"Ping pong. That's right . Do you want to try playing a game?" She whispered in my ear.

"Yes please. If it will bring him back again." I plead.

"Alright I heard you loud and clear. Now behold!" With a raise of her hand two dice appeared infront of me. One is colored gold and the other is red.

"What is this?" I asked.

"This is the game. All you have to do is roll this two dice. Each side of dice have a certain ability imbued in it. And what you roll will be yours."

"Ability?" I asked.

"Ping pong!. There are two dice as you can see. The red one got the abilities, control,charm,repel,cancel,release and create. While the gold one got heal,revive(undead),refresh, immortality,time and revive(holy)." She explained.


"Right. All you need to do is roll this dice and get revive and voila your father is back. Isn't that easy?" She said.

"Is that all? No strings attached?" I asked

"Yes. I told you I am feeling good right now so after you roll this I will leave you right away. So how about it? Want to try?" She asked with a smirk.

"Gladly! Wait for me father I will revive you!" I replied enthusiastically.

"Perfect now roll them both at once!'

I pick up the two dice and pray before throwing it on the ground.

"Please be revive please be revive Please goddess of luck help me!' i pray with all my might as I throw the dice. But unbeknownst to me a grin appeared in her face.

The dice continue spinning upon hitting the ground and after a while it stopped.

I slowly open my eyes and saw...

"Congratulations! From now on you got the skills create and immortality." The woman jumped around while praising me.

"Eh..." I stare at the two dice on the ground.

"Here to your long lasting life~" she said teasingly as she throw confetti around me

"This can't be..." The words came out of my mouth as I notice all the pain and bruise on my body started healing quickly.

"Oh look at that the immortality are in effect already~" she said.

"Can... Can I try once more? Please!!! Just one more roll." I beg her as I kneel infront of her.

" Nope. The dice tells no lies. That is your luck. Your fate. Your life's probability." She replied.

"Probability..." I can only repeat that word as I stare at the ground the reality slowly sinking in.

"Well then since you are my very first dicer I will give you this stuff." She throws 4 white dice and 1 rusted die.

"The white dice are basic stats dice. You can increase your stats by simply rolling those as for the rusted one that is a secret for now. It will reveal itself once you reach a certain level. Consider that as a service from me and thanks for releasing me seal."

I can't hear what she says clearly and my eyes starts to become blurry.

"Oh and lastly if you are wondering what is my name then you may call me Dicera. Now that I'm free again I can finally change this world to my likes. Don't worry for you are one of the lucky ones that will get a front sit as I change this world. Now till we meet again at my "castle at the ends of the world".

She flies away leaving me alone in the collapsing cave.

This day marks the end and the beginning of the world. When the world called earth got changed into the world of Dicera. The world of luck, the world of fantasy and the world of probabilities.

Hello guys FlyingPotatoes here bringing you my yuri work titled Dicera

decided to start the story with a side story showing how everything started.

as always feel free to leave a comment or review of you like my work. i always reply to your comments and enjoy doing so

that's all for now thanks for reading and have a great day~

Flying_Potatoescreators' thoughts