

The human mind is always working, the toughts inside our mind sometimes are really weird i'll write about strange things that i think during the day.

What is exactly how was created the universe?

Someone says that is the work of some supreme entity and other thinks the origin is two rock who smashed each other, both ipothesis are logic explaination given bi religion and science but effectively, they dont risolve the root of the problem, the origin.

Let's start with the riligious hypothesis, one or more almighty god created the world that we now know and "poof" from nothing planets start and his inhabitants where born with some sort miracle but what exactly is a miracle and how can it be analyzed, there is a logic behind or it follow only the will of its creator? The most plausible answer is the second, being it exactly a miracle it probably follow the thinking of the entity that created it, think as if you where shapinig something that you can't percive into something existing, now it exist.

Who is the creator and when he was born? You can say he always existed from the start but when was the start and from what mechanism he was created is a mistery , he atleast know how he was born? The most logic solution that i can find is that we can't comprehend because we are two different beings, just like you can't explain to the fish how to use vocal cords that it doesn't have we can't understand something beyond the concept of time and space thus making all the argument worthless.

With the scientific thinking, the universe was born from a big collission of asteroids that propagated itself and maybe is sill propagating, the first question we can ask ourselves is what is outside the universe? Probably the void, i think like exhist the law of gravity there exist the law of nothing that makes possible create matter from compressed nothing or void, but what scientific phenomenon have generated so much energy and can we recrete it?

Like the first expample we probably will never understand the origin but , with continous research maybe we will find a mothod to generate something from nothing and vice versa, giving us infinite resources.

But this is only a fool's ravings and now im sleepy.

So... first chapter... yay.

DaoistDumbKarpcreators' thoughts