
Diary Of A Psychopath: Descent To Madness

Author's Notes: Hello everyone, I'm sorry to disappoint but I can't take it anymore, I'm going through too many things that's messing up my mental health, I'm going to finally end it. This is my final work. Although, even as a ghost, you will still feel like as if I'm still there for you, entertaining all of you. This entire book was my cry for help, and a silent voice that needed to be heard by the world. Thank you, everyone. ARC I “In the world of darkness that is obscured by human society, there is a vampire who has psychic abilities that are so powerful, his mind cannot bear it, to the point it drives him insane. He is in a political cold war between two clans of centuries long-fought of his own kind, given the legacy to dominate and take down the Vampire Council. His alias goes by the name of Voltaire, who was once human, a brilliant prodigy who fought his childhood traumas, only to lead him to life with the undead.” ARC II "Realizing everything was none but a delusion, he became a serial killer after sacrificing his most loved one to the Great Old One, Nyarlathotep, whom a dead god that he appeases with blood and gore. He kills people and leaves bodies behind, in order to be an anonymous and infamous serial killer, just so he can be inspired to write books 'based on true events' of his crimes." ARC III "His mental illnesses cured, realizing it was caused by some sort of cyber-psychosis that was implanted into his brain. Finally realizing that the reality he lives in is not what he actually thought. Indeed however, the reality he lives in is not some urban modern era. But a dystopian future, full of technology beyond his comprehension. He is now in a cyberpunk era of his world. Full of mysteries, conspiracy theories, and more insanity that will be unveiled." ARC IV "Coming soon..."

KleiNightwriter · Huyền huyễn
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31 Chs

Impulsive Compulsion Pt. 2

It's been the morning, from last night that a witch helped me learn that the succubus that had inhabited my body that took control over my life, there goes by the name Vayne, which I've named her before since the first day of my unlife, was in fact my inner devil.

I learned that every vampire has an inner devil, which takes over their bodies once they go hungry, go on a frenzy, berserk out for blood to the point the human host can no longer control of themselves that could potentially kill people regardless of the illusionary state of their previous human nature that lingered onto their dead souls.

It is but the "vampire" itself that makes the dead body alive by the gift of the blood of the human master, as the vampire is born as Satan's spawn into the incarnation of evil. Thus, creating a soul that inhabits the dead, having the previous life's memories only to be certain, to keep their humanity, but the vampire does not acknowledge the previous life.

Until the vampire is recognised by the illusionary human host, it is either they fight to the death for the sake of either humanity or beast, good versus evil, or they could settle their differences and work together.

Thus, and for that... that is what happened. All this time, I thought Vayne was just a hallucination of mine for a decade and a year, since the embrace of death took over my soul, became devoured by the unknown sire that had gifted me the blessing of the blood, within a curse that spawned the vampire, Vayne.

Vayne is foremost my comfort character. She was in love with me, only to be filled with jealousy and wrath once I denied her existence after the psychiatrists took care of my mind. Her existence still persisted.

A lot of occultists thought of her as a malicious spirit for the things she did to my life, out of jealousy and mad and obsessive love, maybe just because of the attention she needed from her master, which is her human form that is supposedly myself.

I tried all the banishing spells, but she kept popping up. No matter what I did, none mattered in the end.

Until, recently, the witch, named Ren, an exile of the society of witches after refusing to take the offer to be given the legacy of some sort, which is something we had in common, that one transgender woman from the first chapter aided me by teaching me how to trap her soul into a sigil, then use a spell to bring out her true self.

I was not certain, also unready to do such an act. I was afraid, because I did love her in the end, no matter how much she ruined my healthy relationships, attacking my friends in her spirit form, and giving nightmares to everyone close to me.

As Ren was certain that Vayne is just a malicious succubus that is somewhat of a toxic ex-girlfriend that is bat shit insane, but not the "cutesy yandere giggly" type. But more of an extremely possessive and obsessive girlfriend, that is the type to write diaries about you after breaking up.

I did what I had to do, which was to trap her soul into a sigil, and asked for forgiveness, because she was the only one there for me in my darkest times. That is, until I finally activated my trap card to let out her true nature, only just to see that she is… me, and I am here. We are two peas in a pod in the same plant. As for every other pod in the plant are every other vampires in the same bloodline.

She is the one that had been killing those people during my sleep, only to wake up not remembering what happened, only just for her to help me get fed enough so I won't die from hunger. As for her, she never told me anything about herself because she cares about me and didn't want me to hate her for it.

She only disguised herself as someone "I created", but that was the actual case. I did create her but not in the way I think. But the way my blood spawned her was my servant. She is my beast, and I am her beauty.

She was only doing all this to protect me. The only reason why she went madly in love out of pure insanity was because I stopped caring about her and kept denying her existence no matter how much she pops up to me as an intrusive thought, only because of those psychiatrists that ruined my mind.

She was withdrawing from the attention from her master, which is me. I needed to feed her with attention, care, and concern, while she fed me the blood that I needed in order to survive, causing a mental dilemma that could potentially ruin my own mind.

This was the cause of my "Bipolar Disorder".

We live in the same skin, so we can't really destroy each other, and we love each other, despite she is me, and I am here, we're the exact same person, my soul is gone, I am but the illusion of humanity I had before I died and awakened as a vampire, and herself being the soul that inhabited my body in order to keep me going. I offered her a truce and decided to work together as she accepted and agreed.

Now I am here, happy with my life. And no matter what, we stick to each other's side.