
Jan 23, 2020

A/N i thought this might be interesting to do so i done it. If you have any comment let me know.


Well, my relationship ended again. i really dont know if i liked her or no. because i am not emotional about the break up. And i really dont show emotions anymore. Could that be the reason behind the break up? I feel attracted to a person but i dont show any emotions to them.

Sometimes i feel as if i belong alone and i dont need anyone. because no one really tries to understand the true me. I have been thinking about death alot. i even held a knife to my wrist and throat. Dont know why i didnt do it i used to do it alot. The pain felt good. I really want to end my life. Can I? Will I? What makes me always second guess myself? Why do I have a tiny part of me saying live?

Ik you shouldnt kill yourself its a sin. But what if thats the only thing that can make you happy? Sometimes i wonder if there is a person for everyone..but many dont find it. I realized that people are full of Greed, hate, and lust. Where have the love and trust gone in this world. People die or commit suicide all the time everyone says they care but do they really?

People on the news act like its a show. I get that it is somewhat. But have you every wondered that if someone tells them what to do? say? dress?

we say we are free but are we really?

Many people think that just going to church is the pathway into heaven or they think they must go to a church and pray. But it isnt. You can be in your own home and pray and still go to heaven. cant you?

Preachers stand up at the pulpit and preach about the bible. But do they go by it? They say people are hypocrites but they are judging people. dont the bible say dont judge people?