
Diaries Of Dark Entanglements: Balance and Power

Our story begins on a planet called Gieă in a Continent called 'Eclispe of the Oceans' where chaos slowly unfolds with its influence slowly spreading into the entire world. This is a paced story that follows multiple characters shaped ruthlessly by desires and passion. A young dragon princess thirsty for acknowledgement, A prisoner breaking free from fate, A shadow who would die for his master, A light without a source and a question without an answer. Some of these special individuals fight for power, some fight to destroy, some fight to save, some fight for freedom, some fight for love, some fight for vengeance and some fight from duty. They all bleed, some of them fall, some grow and some lose sight of their purpose while consciously or unconsciously trying to find one thing,.. Balance. In a world riddled by chaos where 'good people and bad people' have been replaced by the terms 'winners or losers', where greed determines justice and vanity replaces passion, where energies conflicts, wars emerge and ruthlessness gets imprinted by experience into the hearts of even the most innocent and brave heroes. They stand for their desire and themselves with a riddle left unanswered from the very beginning of time,.. "What truly is balance?.." Follow our main characters through their dramatic struggles for answers as the choices they make influences themselves and their world. THIS IS A SLOW-PACED STORY AND THERE WOULDN'T BE LOTS OF ACTION SCENES AT THE BEGINNING BUT AS TIME PROGRESSES, SCENES LIKE THIS WOULD BE MORE COMMON. TRUST ME, THIS IS A STORY WORTH THE INVESTMENT OF READING!.

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***Two weeks later..

***The Upper sector of the Outskirts of 'Eclipse of the Ocean', Clingford's Academy..

 It's been exactly two weeks since the death duel and just as Navi had predicted, the noise of it all is beginning to quiet down.

 Since the conclusion of the death duel, the guilty winner of the duel have been no where to be found on the Academy's grounds. There are rumours that say that she is spending time recovering with her new 'sweetheart' outside of the Academy.

The late(Dead) duel Challenger and loser has been given what they called a 'Honour Burial' which is a dignified way of saying that 'they burnt him up on top of a wooden alter' while a bunch of 'Mourners' or rather sympathisers paid their respects as his smoke and ashes pollutes the air.

The Campus in still in a state of recovery from the harsh slap of reality.

 Navi couldn't care less about the mood in the Academy, he has his own recovery to do. Days of meditation, Healthy eating and rest has brought up his condition back to normal yet he has no intentions of diving back into dream world today because as of right now(This morning), he has finally clocked his third month of staying in the Academy.

 Although his first martial break comes in after one day, this didn't stop him from getting that one free weapon that comes with being in the second tier of his segment!.

 Waking up this morning, Navi goes through his usual routine, -shower, dressing up, eating, three hour meditation- and then finally, he makes his way to the weapon's hall with his usual calm confident steps and messy yet handsome bearing.

 The weapon's building is basically another one of those complex yet simple asain styled buildings with guards by its doors and edges but the only difference this time is the carvings of different elegant weapons into its side walls.

Pale blue wall coatings, glossy red artistic roof with pointed edges, patterns carved into its wooden structure and a stony pathway going up to a small flight of stairs that leads to the building's only visible entrance and exit(Doors).

A rather tall two side gate can be seen completely open with two stature-like Guards holding their ground by its sides.

 With a traditional banner that says 'WEAPON'S HALL' placed in front, Navi can tell that he has come to the right place.

 He moves straight towards the hall's entrance and is rather surprised to not have been stopped by the guards. Entering inside, Navi is immediately greeted by a small wooden space occupied by a woman who seems to be the receptionist of these halls.

Sitting behind a curved wooden desk, the receptionist woman seems to be meditating with her eyes closed though she is an obvious sitting position with her upper body visible over her desk.

 Navi stops his steps for a moment as he stares at the robed middle aged looking woman who soon opens her eyes slowly before landing her gaze on Navi's staring finger. Pursing her lips calmly yet impolitely, the woman asks..

 "What do you want?.", The woman says with a not-so-inviting tone as she lightly tilts her head before adjusting her posture a bit.

 Silent, Navi moves till he's in front of the woman's table and then he tenders his wooden disciple identification slip.

 "I'm here to receive my free weapon.", He says politely and calmly.

 The woman takes up the wooden slip and inserts a bit of her mama into it before returning it back to Navi with a nod.

Noticing how the woman has scanned his slip, Navi's brows furrows as heakes a few connections at the back of his head though he pauses his thoughts and remains present.

 "Follow me..", The woman says with a slightly unwilling sigh.

With casual movement s, the receptionist woman pushes herself off her comfort seat then she walks around her desk and towards a locked and heavy looking pair of doors at the centre of the wall.

 With a metal key in hand, the woman unlocks the door before pushing the doors open with some visible effort.

 *CRRREEEKKK.*, A long metallic creak sound scratches against Navi's eardrums as a whole new space slowly opens up to his sight.

 The first thing that grabs Navi's attention are rows and rows of different weapons that were neatly arranged in what Navi assumed to be the true weapons hall.

 Each Weapon type has about twelve different models with each one looking more dangerous than the last.

The spears came in different forms and with different shaped heads. Some were looking heavy, some light, some sharp and some spiky as they all stayed organised in their own wooden brackets.

 The whips all has their own segments so does the daggers, the hammers, war hammers, the long bows, Cross bows, the shields, the spiked shields, the axes, the staffs, the spikes, the gauntlets, the war gloves, the attachment Claws, the clubs, the spiked clubs, the weapons for throwing and finally, the Swords.

 They had all the types of swords for disciples. From long to short, from curved to straight, from slim to greats, from heavy to light, from singles to doubles and from wild to tame.

 Looking around, Navi could help but swallow a little at the destructive pieces of artworks gathered in one room but then he gets snapped out of his calm daze.

 "Don't even think about it. ", The not-so-polite female escort says to him with pursed lips and a quick tone.

 "The only weapons you are allowed to lay hands on are weapons with zero level tags on them.", The woman says while immediately popping Navi's growing bubble.

 Navi looks around once more and sees small pieces of paper(Tags) on the weapons with most of the best and most lethal looking ones having the tag(#) while the more tame and normal ones have the tag(0).

 Navi takes in a small and deep breath. He should have know better than to think the Academy would truly give the same weapons to all tiers.

 Shaking his head, Navi approaches a specific set of weapons. Apart from his twin daggers, there are only two other weapons that has gained his interest in mastering.

One of the weapon's he plans on mastering has to be a ranged weapons and the other one would have to be one he feels a wild affinity for.

A wild yet beautiful weapon he has seen in action and is familiar with the brutality it can unleash in the right hands.

 The Claymore Sword.

 The sets of swords present were multiple and easily numbering close to a hundred yet Navi moves his sight and body straight at the rack for Claymore swords. Before even entering the weapons hall, he has made his decision thus making the rest of the weapons present nothing but distractions.

 Twelve cold Claymore swords lays in the racks. The swords were all unsheathed with their sheaths hanged by the sides of their menacing blades.

These blades were of different lengths, designs and wideness with their shades showing clearly that they were made of different materials thus making each of their blades to show a different yet lethal kind of light reflection.

 Six of the Claymore swords on the rack which looked obviously better and more lethal has the (#)tag on and so, they were out of the bracket of options. Navi stares at the remaining six Claymore swords for a while before reaching out to touch the first one's handle.

 He somehow gains a feel of the entire sword's handle and soon he lets go of it,.. it didn't feel right.

 Navi touches the next for a few seconds and then he lets it go. He touches the next and the next till for a few seconds till he have touched all six Claymore sword handles atleast for a few seconds and gotten a feel of them.

 He looks at the rows of swords for a while more then he pulls a specific one out of the bracket. He feels its weight in his small hands and finds it a little overwhelming but his mind is made up. This sword would be his first partner.

 "I'm taking this one.", Navi says calmly as he takes the sword's sheath the sword's shealth from the rack before sliding the blade into with a buzzing *SHING* sound.

Holding his now Shealthed sword, Navi feels an increase in lethality.

 The not-so-polite receptionist raises a brow in slight surprise as she is obviously not expecting Navi to make a choice so quickly.

Most people that come in here often gets distracted by the other fancy metal-work in the place and may end up spending hours in here before finally making what is to them: A tough decision.

 Seeing someone like Navi who completely shuts off the distraction and goes for the kill is a rarity and one she truly seems to appreciate.

 "Come on out.", The receptionist says with a lighter and more polite tone as Navi's ability to make smart, calm and unwavering decisions obviously earned a few points with her.

 The Martial robed female receptionist leads Navi back out to the reception/greeting room as she locks the weapons door once more.

 After a couple steps with Navi following behind, the receptionist sits back in her chair and then pulls out a scroll, a quill and an ink bottle.

 "Anything you would like inscribed on your weapon.. like for identification?.", She asks while already writing down his name, the day's date and the type of weapon he chosen into a scroll with the feather of the quill dancing boldly in her hand.

 Navi thinks for a moment then he says a cold 'no'. The new Claymore sword in his hands is just the one that feels most compatible with him, he has plans to replace it soon so there's no point in forming any bonds.

 The Receptionist nods then asks him to take off the (0)-tag before dismissing him off with a new blade unstained by death.

 Navi walks straight back to his quarters with his new weapon strapped on his back. His restriction over weapon training is finally lifted today -since its officially been three months since he have signed into the academy-.

 His muscles were aching to swing the blade through left and right arks and his mind is thirsty for a complete feel of the weapon but he keeps himself under control.

 Tomorrow is his first martial break, starting training today means nothing but intense body ache as he moves his load and body back to his house.

 There is a lot of things he would have to do in preparation for tomorrow with the first one being to get his full load packed.

 Some of his more valuable items like the set of twin daggers and the padded white martial suit he wore on day-one are in his rented and very secure Academy's special cabinet.

 Retrieving the items took quiet a while for Navi because the place where these valuables are stored would be crowded with other disciples who are also preparing for their martial break.

 It took till afternoon but after retrieving his items and packing all of them up neatly, Navi remains in his room for safe guarding.

He leaves for home tomorrow.

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