
Diana (Her First Kiss)

What happened when you wake up and find yourself ugly? Not only that but your life is also turned upside down!! Diana Delton loses her mother at a tender age, and her father remarries to make his only daughter happy. But her happy life turned upside down when her father got into a ghastly accident. During this period Delton Dyan finds out he had been cursed by a wicked witch, and Diana his only daughter is the only cure to the curse. Diana's first kiss must take away by her soulmate. If the wrong person takes away her first kiss, they we live in cursed life forever. "Did you think Diana will be able to find her soulmate with her ugly face? Get your popcorn ready and find out!!

Lateefat_dauda · Thành thị
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11 Chs


Location: Latco kingdom Emperor land

Diana's point of view

"Diana!! Diana!! what are you still doing, stupid girl!! are you not done yet!!" Daisy (My stepsister) yelled in anger.

"Almost done!!" I said and continue washing her undies.

"What the hell are you still doing here? are you not meant to be done since!!" My stepmother shouted and I shake in fear.

"I'm almost done, am just watching the undies Daisy brought a few minutes ago. "I said and a thundering slap land on my cheek immediately.

"You useless girl, there is nothing you can do well in your life!! I give you twenty minutes to set the dinner table. " She said and carry the bucket of dirty water that is full of Diasy's undies, she empty it on me and then push me away before walking away in anger.

I stood up from the floor and rushes in and check the timetable. Gosh!! they were having paster today. I rushed to the kitchen to start the preparation of the food to avoid another beating today

I open the cabinet and brought it out the pasta, and the other ingredients.

I started cooking the pasta and mixed the season at the same time. I pure the pasta in a steeve when it was boiled to my satisfaction. By the time the pasta drained, I was done mixing so I combine the pasta with the vegetables, and then I toss it in the seasoned dressing.

I set up the dining immediately after cooking and everything look perfect. How I wish I can also test the taste of the food before serving it, but I dare not. My annoying stepmother places a camera everywhere in this house so she's watching my every move. I can't eat normal food in my father's house, I can only eat their remnant.

Well, a little introduction won't hurt.

I am Diana Delton, call me Ana for short. If you are looking for the definition of ugly, you will know it immediately after you set your eyes on me.

I am twenty years old and a college dropout, though I wrote a scholarship exam this year at my dream school "Emperor college. Hope I will be one of the five lucky students that will be selected this year.

I live with my wicked stepmother (Celine). She turned me into a slave after my father was involved in a ghastly accident, which make him lose his sight and backbone. Since then, I have been living under her shadow.



I was taking a nap in my room when someone bang in like a goat disturbing my cool nap.

Not any other person, but my annoying best, he is the only bone in the neck.

"Martin!! try to borrow some sense from Bingo ( my dog) before you enter my room. "I said in anger.

"Are you trying to say that I don't have sense?" He yelled faking an annoying face.

"If you have sense, why did you enter my room like that? are you a goat?" I asked and he hiss out loud.

"Not like you had a girlfriend or something!!" He said and rolled his eyes.

"I hope that eyes will not fall someday. "I said and he rolled his eyes again while making an annoying sound with the gum in his mouth.

"Gray!! did you remember you have a live interview by 2 pm?"He asked and I check the time immediately.

"What the hell Martin!! why are you just telling me now, when is almost two? "I yelled and rushed to pick up one of my car keys.

"I think it is time for me to look for another personal assistant. You are too dumb to call PA. "I added before rushing out of my mansion, while the fool rushed after me.

"Sorry Boss. "He shout and rushed toward me, but I ignore him and jump into the car, while the driver drove out of the mansion. I look behind my back and see another two cars with bodyguards following behind.

I alight from the car and the reporter and my fans rush toward me.

# How did you feel about your new record!!

#Gray!! I love you!

# Wow!! He is more than handsome!!

# I can't believe I finally see my idiom close!!

# Please when are you releasing your new song?

I ignore the comment from my fans. I get into the building in time with the help of Martin and my guards.

$ Good day everyone, am with the most popular celebrate today.

It is not any other person but the popular singer 'Grayson Vince'. The interviewer said giving a bright smile which I return.

$ Welcome to our station Mr Grayson. "The interviewer said with a flirty smile.

"It is my honour. "I said and give out one of my charming smiles.

$ Mr Grayson Vince, can you please tell your fans how you became one of the most popular singers worldwide?" She asked with a wide smile.

"Well, let said, I always focus on my goals, I remember when I started my music career, my father never support it, but my mother tell me not to give up on my dream. I followed her advice and I always focus on what I like. I became what I am today with the help of my mother and my best friend, Martin. "I said with a light smile.

$ Wow!! that is interesting Mr Grayson,

can you advise your fans who are also facing a difficult time just like you did before you became a popular model and singer? "She said

"Well, the only advice I will give them is persistence,

never say never,

and never give up on your dream,

a walk to succeed is not a small journey, many people start the journey but it is only a few succeed.

No matter what people say or how they act toward you,

never listen to them and believe in yourself.

So Graycian, always has it in mind that 'PERSISTENCE' is the key to success. "I said with a smile.

$ Thank you, Mr Grayson, for honouring our invitation. "The interview said.

"It is my honour. "I reply

$ Let's go for a short break when we return, you will be able to ask Mr Grayson a view question. "The interviewer said and press a remove.

Martin rushes to me after that with a bottle of water.

'He is acting like a good PA when he almost made me late.

I hiss and collect the bottle from him not without sending him a glare.

Martin was busy flirting with almost all the workers.


$Welcome back to CA station, now it is time to receive calls from the fans.

Let's pick the first call.

# Hello, my idiom, I am Eva your top fan!! I love your song a lot!!

"Thanks, Eva. "I reply and she shouts happily

# Ho my gosh!! my name sounds more like music in your mouth, I love you, my future husband. "She yelled before another call enter.

# Hello, Gray, I'm Ryan and I love all your lyrics.

"Thanks, for loving my lyrics Ryan!! and I promise not to disappoint you all. "I say with a smile

# Gosh!! I can't believe am speaking to my role model. "He said before the call ended.

$ This will be the last call for today but please before the end of the interview.

Thank you once again, Mr Grayson.

"You are welcome. "I reply with a little smile.


I sat on my sofa burning in outrage as I watch the interview.

I can't believe that tiny mouse takes everything away from me.

I use to be loved by everyone before Gray came out from nowhere and take my position away from me.

Many companies have already stopped calling me to be a model for their product, my music career is about to end because of him.

Ninety per cent of my fans are now following Gray.

He stole almost everything away from me, I need to eliminate him before it gets out of hand.

I pick up my phone and call one of my guys

# Hello boss. "He said from the end

"Axe, I need you all in our hideout tonight. "I said and hung up.

Grayson Vince, your time is near." I said and turn off the TV before going into my room.