
Devouring disaster

Lin night accidentally through the devouring stars, came to this unknown world full of disasters and bloody spread of change Exotic viruses, lurking hideous monsters, coming cosmic adventurers... In this world of crises, only strength is fundamental. Rely on Powerful attributes and top savvy, Lin night beyond Hong and Thor, the creation of the Fuelfire martial hall, become the first speaker of the war Jingong. Billions of years after that Month, the original universe, three thousand cosmic seas, origin continents, many source worlds... Everywhere, there are legends of him.

wanneng · Khoa huyễn
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39 Chs

Publish Chapter 2: Kill the Senior Beast!


The fiery roar of the engine broke the silence of the wilderness.

Two dazzling headlights shone out from the canyon like columns of light.

Then an army green SUV sped up to the mouth of the valley.


With a quick brake, the tire made an intimate and intense friction with the ground.

When the SUV came to a stop.

Lin night grabbed the edge of the door, flying down.

The national road beneath us is already in tatters.

As far as the eye can see.

This stretch of road to the end of the wilderness, countless broken cars, trucks, buses... The rust has left only the skeleton, like a steam

Like a car graveyard.

The wreckage of the vehicle was visible everywhere, with dense black blood stains.

All are suddenly silent narrating the cruel and bloody past.

Jumping on a large banyan tree, Lin night took out an infrared telescope and carefully surveyed the distant wilderness area.

About two kilometers from the canyon.

A pig-like monster with a head the size of a heavy tank is huddled around as if it were eating.

Lin Night looked slightly, as if he had found something unusual.

Surrounded by these pig-like monsters was a black and red earth stained with blood.

The blood-stained ground was strewn with broken bones, debris, limbs, broken army green uniforms and undetonated grenades...

The crimson was particularly glaring in the moonlight.

"Damn it!!

See this scene, Lin night anger rises, fundus ignited fierce intent.

The other hand pressed on the knife box, and the veins popped.

After a hearty meal, the herd of pig-like monsters turned and walked leisurely toward the canyon.

"I have arrived at my destination and found dozens of monsters!"

"But reconnaissance soldiers... All have been sacrificed!"

Gently move the headset, Lin night voice deep.

Command: "..."

There was a brief silence, followed by the voice of command on the headset.

"Mr. Lin Night, you are free to hunt monsters!"

"All monsters killed this time will be recorded as battle achievements!" Remember to save your strength for the next task."

'No problem! Lin Night nodded gently and answered.

"Whoo whoo whoo"

After two deep breaths, Lin night forced down the heart rage.

Leaning against a tree trunk, his cold and indifferent eyes watched the pig monster coming closer and closer, and quietly pulled out his sword.

Beyond the canyon.

The pig monster is getting closer.

When these wild boar monsters came within 20 meters of the forest night.

He's moving!


With one foot on the ground, the forest night figure shot out like a swift cheetah.

On the cracked pass road, Lin Night looked a short distance ahead, like a flexible cheetah jumping onto an overturned bus.

A few meters away, 17 giant one-horned boars slowly fanned forward.

A pair of bloody pig eyes, human eyes locked.

Lin night's right hand back to hold the sword, eyes burning at these attributes of the point, the mouth of a cruel smile.

The hair of the one-horned wild boar is brown, and the mane stands upside down one by one, like a steel thorn, which is disturbing to the soul.

The dark brown horns are more like a sharp knife.

Under the moonlight, the sharp cold awn was reflected on the one-pointed knife.

"The one-horned boar is only an appetizer, the real big ones are the two at the back!"

Lin Night whispered, thoughts quickly turned.

Look around these one-horned boars.

He looked not far away at the two red, heavily armored pig-like monsters - bloodthirsty tanks.

As birds that have been in the wilderness for more than a year, it's easy to tell from their size alone.

These are two advanced beast level bloodthirsty tanks.

And they are the most fearsome of these pig-like monsters.

The greatest threat to the forest night.

"Ow --"

Found the target, two small head of the level of the blood-thirsty tank a roar, directly against the Lin night charge.

Bloodthirsty tanks look thick, thick and slow.

But the speed of running is extremely fast.

Far away, Lin night can feel a strong wind.

But he did not back away, but slightly narrowed his eyes, silently watching the movement of other one-horned boars, his right hand quietly clenched the sword.

As the two bloodthirsty tanks charged, the one-horned boars quickly retreated, clearing a path for the two leaders.


They spread out, fanning out, trying to cut off all the way to the back of the forest night.

"Oh, here it is!"

Lin night eyes suddenly a cold, the whole body tense, can enter the peak state at any time.


One of the bloodthirsty tanks is extremely fast, as if a high-speed tank, directly into the bus under Lin night.

Lin night pedaled on the door, immediately dodge away.


There was a loud boom.

The bus was torn apart by the bloodthirsty tank, its wheels rolling out in all directions.

The moment the forest fell.

Another bloodthirsty tank attack followed, giving him no respite.

The gaping mouth of the pig breathed fishy breath, and the fangs glinted to hunt the cold awns.


In the sharp teeth of the bloodthirsty tank, the distance from the chest of Lin night is but an inch, he suddenly turned sideways at a very amazing speed.

It's not a simple sideways turn.

Because of the speed of Lin night's side, falling into anyone's eyes, it will be shocked at his terrible explosive force that is jaw-dropping.

Sharp fangs, almost close to Lin night's chest across.

It was at this very moment.

Lin night right hand raised, a dumb black knife light lightning swept to the neck of the bloodthirsty tank.


Sparks flew, and the sword was blocked by the heavy scales at his neck.


At this brief pause, a dark shadow swept straight at Lin Night's head.


Almost by instinct, he swings the knife.

The sword and the shadow collided violently, making a harsh sound of gold and iron.

Splashing sparks, Lin night a knife shock back sneak shadow.

Looking back, it turned out to be a tail like a thistle.

Without hesitation, Lin responded quickly.

He saw a force at his feet, the whole person once again swung the knife to the neck of the bloodthirsty tank.

Lin night arm suddenly a shock.

A great power burst out of his body and passed down his arm to the sword.

"Double strength, boom!!" A low murmur of applause exploded in the heart of the lake.

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Table of contents previous chapter next chapter

The already sharp knife light, the speed again skyrocketed, carrying a terrible power.


Two strokes in quick succession.

The sharp blade tore through the heavy scale armor of the Bloodthirsty tank, cutting off most of its neck.


The blade goes right through the wound, right into his neck.

Between the wrist flips, the long, narrow sword swirls in the back of the neck.




There was a constant crackling sound.

Drawing out the sword, Lin night potential vigorously sank a foot directly kicked to the head of the bloodthirsty tank.


Receiving a kick from Lin Night, the huge pig monster staggered backwards and forwards.

Blood gushed from the wound, creating a rain of blood.

Finally, the senior animal soldier's eyes gradually lost color, unwilling to close his eyes, slowly fell down...