
Devourer in Naruto

The soul of an anti-social sociopathic otaku gets reborn in Naruto with a few abilities. Follow him as he climbs to the top in his quest for survival. I'm not a writer just a normal guy that likes Naruto, so expect the novel itself to not be of outstanding quality but I think every Naruto fan would find the story itself interesting if you can overlook the bad writing style. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content belongs to their respective owner(s).-

Note_Ihf · Tranh châm biếm
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33 Chs

Chapter 18

Indra stood with his hands crossed behind his back in one of the three training grounds allocated to the clan members, he's been supervising the training of the other clan members, occasionally shouting out instructions when it was required. Hearing footsteps behind him, he turned to address Megumi that was walking towards him, "What is it?".

"Indra-sama, the captive has woken up," she said

He nodded in acknowledgement before turning his attention back towards the nine clan members training. Focusing on them, he highlighted the ones with somewhat good talent, and the ones without, this did not mean anything as they were all untalented. Them being alive is due to the grace of him, if the new Hatake clan operated as it did before the rebranding, they'd have died by now. 'At most, they'd attain chunnin level strength... Tch!!! this investment is not proving to be worth it,' the thought, frustrated at their lack of talent.

'When Konoha is formed I'd look for talented children to adopt into the clan.' he thought. 'Why was I sensing Danzo vibes just now?!'

A few hours later Indra walked back into the house intending to deal with Uzumaki Mito. Sending a message to Megumi, asking her to take Mito to his office.


In a luxuriously decorated room, a red-haired woman slowly opened her eyes, immediately seating up wondering where she was.

"Where am I?"


Screaming in pain, the red-haired woman clutches her head. Bursting into the room, a white-haired girl with a tanto strapped to her back hurried to the side of the woman to check what's wrong with her. "Are you okay," the white-haired girl asks after the screaming subsided.

"Where am I little girl?" she asked.

Turning around and pointing to a door inside the room, "That's the bathroom, you've been out for a week, you need to clean up and call me Megumi not little girl," said Megumi.

"Ok," she whispered back walking towards the bathroom.

*clang* *clang*

Megumi spun with her tanto unsheathed deflecting the chains jutting out of the red-haired woman's back. Somersaulting backward, out of the way of the attacking chains, she used the wall behind her as a springboard launching herself towards the red-haired woman, twisting out of the way of the attacking chains, Megumi appeared right in front of the woman before she could react, punching the face of the woman, sending her to the ground.

Megumi stood in front of her with the tip of her tanto directly on the forehead of the red-haired woman causing blood to flow down her face. "You're still useful to Indra-sama, that's the only reason I haven't killed you yet," she coldly said to the downed woman. Lowering the tanto, "That's the bathroom, I'd come later on to take you to Indra-sama when he's ready to see you," she told the red-haired woman before proceeding to walk out of the room.


[Indra's Office]

*Knock* *Knock*

"Indra-sama I've brought the captive," came the voice of Megumi from the other side of the door.

"Hai come in."

"Did Mito cause you any problem Megumi?"

Looking at Mito before she replied, "No she did not Indra-sama."

Indra smiled upon hearing her reply, 'Nothing happens in here without my knowledge,' he thought before telling her to leave.

With both of them left in the office, he pointed at one of the chairs in the office, "You can sit," he said before walking towards the nearest shelf. "Do you want something to drink? You don't mind pineapple juice right? I'm only 13, I think? so I don't have sake." he said already pouring her a glass of pineapple juice.

"Why didn't you kill me? what am I doing here? where is this place?" taking the glass, she fired continuously not even giving him the chance to answer.

"Told you I had no plans of killing you, as for why you're here, it's simple! you're very valuable." came the reply from Indra.

"I swear I'm just a random Uzumaki clan member, I don't even have a bounty on my head. The Uzumaki clan won't pay much for my safety, so you don't have any reason to keep me here. Just let me go please, I won't even tell anyone about you," she tearfully said.

"Haha, very impressive Uzumaki Mito-san, but enough with the theatrics. Everyone you play that little performance for might have believed you but sadly I already know who you are, younger sister of the Uzumaki clan head Uzumaki Ashina, fiancee of the Senju clan head Senju Hashirama. You're worth a lot Uzumaki Mito."

The tears and fearful look on her face were already replaced with a stoic one "So what is it you want?" she asked.

"I don't need anything from you, you'd be staying here for the unforeseeable future. You won't be treated like a prisoner as long as you don't do something stupid," pausing slightly before continuing. "This is a separate dimension that only I can access so remove any thought of escape from your mind.

As a shinobi I'm sure you still want to continue training, my personal training ground would be available for your use during your stay here so feel free to use it, Contact Megumi when you're ready to use it and she would show it to you."

"That's all for now, I'm sure you can find your way back to your room," he said dismissing her already.

"Mito, I'd prefer you consider your stay here a vacation instead of you being a hostage. You're free to wander around too."


Two shinobi were jumping on trees seemingly tracking something or someone, "I can still feel traces of her chakra Tobirama, but it's becoming faint," Hashirama stated with the signs of worry all over his face. They both got to a clearing with bodies of dead shinobi everywhere, countless trees destroyed in a linear path, and a sealing formula on the ground already showing signs of fading.

Going closer to the sealing formula they squatted, placing their hands on it, they both looked at each other frowning, "Anija, this is an Uzumaki sealing formula," Tobirama said, pausing slightly before continuing. "Mito was here and she fought these shinobi but I don't think they were strong enough to require sealing. So someone else was here, someone she knew she couldn't face."

'Fuinjutsu: Release'

Hashirama places his hand on the sealing formula, the formula releases a bright light before collapsing, "There's nothing in it," he exclaimed.

"Can you sense the chakra of whoever attacked her, Anija?" asked Tobirama.

"No I can't, either the person didn't bother using chakra or they used so little, it's no longer lingering around," Hashirama replied.


"This was done by those Uchiha. Anija, this is the job of Madara." Tobirama stated, outwardly releasing his chakra, creating intense pressure around him.

"Tobirama!!!" Hashirama replied releasing his own chakra. "Madara has nothing to gain from killing or capturing Mito, If Madara was here I'd be able to sense his chakra, he can't hide it from me. And if you look carefully you'd notice Mito's chakra ends here, like she just disappeared."

"I told you before now, the only way the Senju would be at peace is if the Uchiha were dead."


White smoke suddenly appears beside them, a tiny scroll floating towards Hashirama.


The entire area was obliterated instantly by the chakra released by Hashirama, a crater forming with him right at the centre of it. "I will kill him!!" Hashirama stated murderously.

"Anija!!! Anija!!" Tobirama screamed out, struggling with the pressure his brother was releasing. "What was written in the scroll, Anija?"

[Uzumaki Mito would be vacationing with my clan for the foreseeable future, Signed Hatake Indra.]

[Indra POV]

I sat down on my office chair seemingly lost in thought. 'Was sending that note to Hashirama stupid?! might seem so, but it was necessary. I absorbed his chakra gaining wood release but I didn't gain the most important chakra from him 'Ashura'. I need both Ashura's and Indra's chakra to gain the Rinnegan but I can't walk up to Madara and Hashirama and kindly ask them for it, the only way for me to gain it would be in a fight, and I'd very well create a conflict between the three of us just for that.

I might be invisible amongst the shinobi of this world but among the truly overpowered Otsutsuki clan, I'm just another fodder. I'm not a full Otsutsuki yet, I am an Otsutsuki all right but not one at the same time. The way the Otsutsuki bloodline works for me is like the Kama, I was born to humans so I possess the human DNA too. Awakening the Otsutsuki bloodline acted like planting a Kama on me, turning me Otsutsuki but I didn't awaken completely and I still haven't been able to, so until I awaken my last Otsutsuki ability, I'd be like Kawaki in Boruto after Isshiki died, 80 percent Otsutsuki but still human, and if you watched Boruto you'd know Kawaki can still receive the Kama. This means I can receive the Kama of another Otsutsuki too, I don't know if 'Devour' would work on a Kama that's placed on me, and I'm not willing to put my life on the line testing that possibility.'

A cold smile appeared on my face as I slowly disengaged from my thought.