
Real face

Jackson : What's going on here?

An angry Jackson entered the living room. 

Hendry : nothing... I was just telling my sister-in-law how many girls you f***.

He freed ameli from his grip... As Jackson pulled that girl in his arms.

Jackson: Amelia's family know, they made inquiry about me. And if they got a little bit of information about me being f***, then why do they agree to marry her to me? You say ameli. And you stay away from my wife. 

Hendry: soon to be wife 

Jackson: Tomorrow is aur marriage, Cassano Hendry...

Hendry: and today was your bachelor party...tell ameli how good you f*** Your chick...instead of doing your ritual with her

Jackson: Yes, I agree I was with my friend, but I don't f*** anyone 

Hendry: remove your shirt 

Jackson: Why should I? 

Ameli : Jackson remove your shirt

Ameli, who was thinking about Hendry's words as well as hearing both Brothers argument how Hendry said everything in Jackson's face, now ameli had doubts on him. 

Jackson: Ameli, do you believe in him? 

Ameli : Jackson I say remove your shirt

Jackson: you will pay for this

He groaned and removed his shirt and threw it on the floor.

Jackson: see do you see any marks on my body where the marks are? Huh. If I had f*** someone there would be a mark on my body.

Ameli : I am sorry...

Jackson: You F*** trust him, but not me. Your soon-to-be husband 

Ameli : I am sorry Jackson, we just met, and I don't know anything, so because of that I...

Jackson: just because of that you trust him, right, then tell me how long you have know him, huh? Do you know him that much that you trust him more than me? 

Ameli: I am sorry please 

Jackson: Sorry huh are you f**** sorry right?

He grabbed ameli from her arms and jerked her closer to him.

Jackson: then come with me into my room and let me love you the way I want. 

Ameli : Jackson, I'm not ready for this, and I am sensitive there. I easily bleed please...understand 

Poor girl crying and sobbing in pain 

Jackson: do you really think... I am interested in this bleeding topic or are you ready or not? All I want to hear from you is m*** You mean to be f**** and your body means to suck, so shut up and come with 

After hearing all this from jackson, ameli got a shock. Her mind stopped working. She was just thinking that Hendry was right. Jackson is not that person who he showed to the world, to her brothers, to his parents. Does her family really choose him for her? 

She was in pain that she is going to marry this monster. If she knew about it, she would never agree, nor her family, but now she can't do anything for her family. She has to do this marriage. Maybe this is her fat.

Jackson was about to drag Ameli away from there, but he stopped when he felt pain in his right arm...

When he looked at his arm he saw blood as he fell down on the ground and groaning in pain. 

Ameli : ahhh.... She put both her hands and plums in her ear out of fear. It was the first time she saw someone get shot by a gun in front of her.

Hendry looked at her as how innocent she was, and will she even able to handle this monster in her life forever. He came near Ameli, who noticed she started to take her step back out of fear. 

Ameli : Please don't kill me. I don't do anything. 

Hendry forcefully pulled her into his arms because she was not letting him touch her and just mumbling, but Hendry noticed something, something that was different. She is not scared of him, but with a gun and mumbling, don't kill me. Its weird is that something he mistakenly triggered something that he should not

Hendry: shhh calm down. I will not hurt you, OK? 

He tried to be soft, but, his cold, ruthless voice was like he was ordering her, but still ameli get calm. He wipe her tears.

Hendry: go to your room. Tomorrow is your wedding.

Ameli slowly mumbled: but I don't want to, but I have to, which only Hendry hears, but he doesn't say anything.

Hendry: go take a rest 

But Ameli's eyes were on Jackson, who was on the ground in pain.

Hendry: Don't worry. He will be OK. The bullet just touched him. He will not die. 

Ameli left from there after giving the last glass to Hendry.

Jackson : what got in to you mother f***ahhh

He hissed in pain. 

Hendry : jackson (he bends down to jackson and smiles creepily), you're my brother, that's why Jackson i am living you.

He grabbed Jackson's bunch of back hair, pulling them harshly. 

Hendry : but I swear to the devil...if you ever again hurt her, I will kill you...and you know very well, mafia kings don't lie.

Jackson : why do you care about her, huh...as much I remember you never care about anyone except mom, then why do you care about her?

Hendry : jackson, my brother, you aren't in the place to question me...so just obey my command or...you know what I can do.

A dangerous smirk was on his face.

Hendry held Jackson's jaw and harshly opened his mouth, pushing the gun. Inside his mouth 

Jackson: Mmm....i ...promise I will not hurt her again.

He muffled quickly felling gun reached his throat

Hendry : good now, go take a rest. Tomorrow is your wedding. 

Hendry pulled the gun out of his mouth and walked away from there. He called someone while walking. 

Men : Yes boss 

Hendry : Stark ameli Find all her information. You have 1 hour.

And he cut the call.

At ameli room  

She is just so scared, a lot of things are roaming in her mind. First, Hendry tells her everything about her brother, why which brother will not support his brother, and he doesn't care about anyone, rather than his mom and also people call him heart less as well as emotional less than why she saw in his deep black eyes has lots of emotion...why..

Second, jackson, a man who was sweet like sugar in l the morning, but at night he showed his real face. If Hendry said it was true, then he is not less than any monster.

And at the last gun, a bleary thing started to roam in her mind. She was sweating, breathing heavily. She passed her night confused, in fear, being scared of jackson.

Hendry, who came out of his room after refreshing and walking, towered his home office waiting for information 

After some time, he got mail he checked 

Information : 

Name : stark ameli 

Real name : Jung ameli

Profeson : doctor.

She has a fiance's name : Jackson, and is going to marry him.

Hendry chuckled: o really he will ha ha ...he smirked

Family : Brother Laim and his wife Lilly.                                          Second Brother Noah is single.

Her parents are already dead. Some people kill them and her siblings for money and also try to rape her.

After reading this, Hendry tightened his grip on the file. He felt anger rushing into his full body, his blood boiling, wanting to find them and give them death, painful death. 

He continue 

She was just 10 years old. One old man helped her run away from there. In this, all those old men get killed by them ameli successfully runs from there and is dumped in Mr Stark's car. That time, she goes unconscious and becouse in so much shock. After that, he takes her to his home and treats her as his own daughter. 

Taking her home. She forgot everything that happened in her life. After that, they took her to the hospital. The doctor did some tests, and they got to know that, because of the sock, her baby brain had been affected and was unconscious because of that. She forgot that bad memories  

But maybe she forgets everything, but still she has nightmares, gets scared of being alone and being in the dark. Also, if someone tries to touch her.because of that, her brother never lets any man touch her, always with her like a bodyguard. Also, she gets scared by guns, which are just the same as weapons. She feels unknown fear, and why not she when That people shoot her parents and siblings front of her eyes Maybe she forgot but still that fear don't go away.

After reading this, Hendry understood why she was mumbling and steering at the gun with too much fear. He rested his head on a chair. And call someone.

Hendry on call : come to my cabin with everyone.