
Prologue - Welcome to Hell

Analise Cullen climbed into her F150 and prayed to God it would still start today. When she heard that glorious roar with that faint hissing sound, she thanked the heavens and put it in reverse. As if to mock her, the radio played "If You're Going Through Hell" by Rodney Atkins and she had to laugh, if a little sardonically.

"Yep, that about sums up my life right now.", she muttered to herself. Analise was on her way to the local orphanage to drop off some old clothes the poor children desperately needed. She was positive the matron of the orphanage, Mrs. Barber, was abusing those poor kids, but she still couldn't figure out a way to prove it.

When her truck gave a particularly loud hiss and sputtered, she thought about finally going to old Boone's place to get it fixed. Them being old friends, he's might give her a discount at his mechanics garage "Tipsy Tires". Analise turned onto the highway, humming along to the radio as she went. She was so lost in thought about the train wreck her life had become that she didn't notice the semi truck swerve into her lane right away. She didn't have enough time to get out of the way so she closed her eyes and braced for the head on collision.

There was a loud screech of metal tearing, pain shooting throughout her body as glass from the splintering windshield sliced through her skin, and when she opened her eyes, she was thrown into the dash. Everything went black.

After what felt like a few minutes, a deep chill settled over her. Slowly, light crept back into her eyes, though it was tinted a soft blue. This blue light shined out over a vast expanse of land full of what looked to be jail cells with demonic creatures in them. When she looked at herself she realized she was chained to a large marble pillar, wearing a soft white dress.

When she looked to the areas immediately around her, she saw more demonic creatures, but these ones were chained up like her. As she watched, they slowly began to transform into people. Analise felt a scream bubbling up in her throat , but she tried to tamp it down, thinking, 'This is all just a coma induced nightmare. I'm probably in a hospital somewhere. This is isn't real.' She squeezed her eyes shut, fore she knew when she opened them, all of this would disappear. Except when she opened them, all she saw was deep emerald eyes with golden flames surrounding the pupils.

Analise blinked. He was so close to her. He was tall. At least half a head taller than her, and that was saying something with her curvy 5'9" frame. He had spiky white blonde hair and his strong chin was a little pointed. He was lean, but if the indents in his t-shirt and big arms were anything to go by, he was covered in muscle. This man was gorgeous, but his gaze was unnervingly intense. Then he gave her a devilish grin. She took note on how his upper and lower canines looked a bit longer and sharper than a normal person's would.

"Hello there", he said in a deep, rumbling voice that had an accent she'd never heard before. It sent shivers down her spine. "So you're the one causing me so much trouble. Well nice to meet you, Analise Lileth Cullen. My name is Lucifer Hallowstar. Welcome to hell."