

"Every wish has a price. That price can range from a random person in the world dying or it could end up being your own soul being taken. Us Devils don't care how good of a person you are, once that wish is made your fate is sealed." Never make a deal with the Devil...That is a lesson the protagonist has to learn the hard way as the price of his wish ends up being the lives of his parents. As reality sets in, he tries to escape the contract but he no longer can as he is now "Devilbound". After making his wish, the Gates of the Underworld is now opened and devils have been terrorizing the human realm. His only hope of protecting his home is to fight back the Devils along with his three Devil Girlfriends and Devil Slayer. Enjoy an action packed and romantic tale in the story, Devilbound.

FiveClover · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


My morning started off terribly. After seeing my dead parents, I was left with no choice but to bury them. I forced myself to get ready for school and walked alone in the cold. I couldn't get the image of them out of my head. Every second I thought of them, my parents.

"Lukas!" Flanna called out to me.

I snapped out of my trance and looked at Flanna. "What?"

"You seem very out of it today. What's the matter?" She asked.

"It's nothing.." I said and kept walking to school.

Flanna gave me a worried and concerned look. She wanted to ask me again, but she just decided to not press the topic at all.

The day at the academy was as normal as ever. I followed the same formula as always. I would go to school, sit in the cafeteria, eat breakfast, go to my classes, and finally go to the Student Council room and prepare an event.

I forced myself to smile around the other students. It wasn't until I was finally alone where I could finally grief and regret my decisions. I sat in the student council room alone and stared at the desk. I listened to the clock ticking and heard the door open.

"Lukas. You're still here? You gotta stop worrying your parents and go home." Flanna said.

"I don't have to worry about that anymore." I said.

"What?" Flanna asked. "What are you talking about?"

I paused for a bit. "My parents are dead. It's my fault.."

Flanna looked at me with shock and couldn't believe what I was saying. "Lukas, what are you talking about?"

I stood up and placed my hands on the desk. "What's so hard to comprehend? My parents are dead because of me..! I...I made a wish and now they are dead...I am.."

Before I could finish my sentence, a being crashed through the window and landed in the classroom. I heard the sounds of panicked screaming from the students. The monster in the classroom looked at me and grinned. It looked at Flanna then ran to her and grabbed her. She screamed and groaned as the monster began squeezing the life out of her. I helplessly watched. I was too afraid to move. Not only did my parents die, but I stood there as I watched my best friend get the life squeezed out of her. Her screams was bloodcurdling.

-C R U S H-

The monster killed Flanna and tossed her aside then began to walk to me. It reached for me and groaned in pain as a bullet went through its arm. It looked in the direction the bullet came from and noticed a void was open.

"The fact you stood there while your friend was being crushed to death is pathetic." Aella said and sighed.

"Cut him some slack, it's only natural to freeze in the presence of an Underhulk." Ophelia said as she walked through the void.

"It is one of the most dangerous beings from the Underworld." Yomi said.

The Underhulk roared and dashed to Aella and the others. They dodged out of the way and I just stood there like a coward. Aella fired red lasers at the demon monster and the lasers pierced the Underhulk. It let out a pained howl and roared, pushing the three Devils backwards. It rushed ahead to me and punched my face. I groaned and flew out the broken window.

"No!" Ophelia yelled and flew after me and caught me.

The Underhulk jumped out of the window and landed on the ground then struck Ophelia with a wild swing and blew her away while she still held me in her arms. She grunted as she rolled on the ground. Yomi flew down and sliced the arm off the Underhulk and it let out a loud pained roar.

"Shut up!" Aella bellowed and blasted the Underhulk with a red laser through the head and killed it. The Underhulk fell to the ground and its body turned black and disintegrated.

"H-Hey! Wake up!" Ophelia yelled as she noticed me growing unconscious.

"The human is dying..?!" Aella asked, sounding worried.

'I deserve this...I got my parents killed. I got Flanna killed...I deserve this death..' I thought to myself. I felt the coldest finally settling in and felt some form of relief.

"I can not let you die yet." A voice said to me and I quickly opened my eyes again.

I quickly noticed my three Devil Girlfriends looking down at me with worried expressions on their faces. "Why am I still alive..? Why can't I just die?"

"Because it's in your contract to us. We are your lifeline. You can not die unless we die." Aella said.

I chuckled and closed my eyes. I laughed softly. "Of course I can't...Of course I fucking can't!" I yelled and sat up. I hated myself even more. I'm forced to live in a world where I have no parents and my best friend is dead.

I stood up and the three women watched me intently. I began to make my way home and they all follow me. I looked back and stopped walking.

"Why are you following me?" I asked, coldly.

"Because we all live under the same roof and we gotta make sure you get home safely." Aella said.

"I don't want you three anywhere near me anymore. You're all nothing but trouble." I scowled. I kept walking forward and once again they follow me. "Stop following me!"

"We can't! You're bound to us and even if we did disappear, you can't die unless we die and like we've said a few times before, we are literally three of the strongest Devils known to exist!" Aella yelled back.

Ophelia and Yomi watched sadly as they could sense how hurt I was.

"I take my wish back. Can't you void the contract please?" I asked.

"No we can't unfortunately...All contracts made are absolute. The only ones who can void them are the Demon Gods and they don't void many contracts as they've only voided three contracts in history." Aella said.

"So what do I do now..? I can't get rid of you, I can't get my parents nor my best friend back. Am I just to suffer alone?" I asked.

"You aren't alone. We are your Girlfriends, you can depend on us. We will explain everything when we get home okay?" Aella said then gently held my arms.

I lowered my head and let down my guard. The least they could do was give me an explanation and the least I could do is listen. We continued our way home and it was just silence all the way home.

Once we got home, I set my bag down and walked to the couch. The three stood in front of me and I looked at them.

"Are you going to talk or just stand there..?" I asked.

"Alright, to explain what's going on, after you made your wish, the Gates of the Underworld has been broken and now Devils can freely enter the human realm and terrorize whoever they please, but that isn't your fault. After making your wish, I grew too weak to properly close the gates and now the demons are able to enter as they please." Aella explained.

We all heard a crash and looked around. An agile white demon ran from the kitchen to the living room and jumped towards me. I grunted and avoided it then looked at it. The white demon grew in size and summoned a giant club like weapon.

"Shit it's a Hell Spawn! We can't let this thing corrupt the human!" Aella yelled.

"Can you stop calling me just a human? My name is Lukas!" I said.

"We can't let this thing corrupt Lukas! Someone get him under the Demonation Process now! I'll hold this spawn off!" Aella said and summoned her pistol.

"Hurry with us Lukas!" Ophelia instructed and grabbed my hand then ran to the back. I followed her quickly and we entered a room.

Yomi followed behind then stopped and used her powers to form a magic wall between the living room and the hallway entrance.

The Hell Spawn dashed to Aella and swung his club. Aella avoided the attack then summoned multiple magic circles and fired beams at the spawn and tagged him multiple times. She fired red lasers from her pistol, but it seemed her magic had no effect on the Hell Spawn.

"What the hell..?" Aella asked in slight disbelief.

The Hell Spawn dashed to Aella once again and swung his club, this time hitting her. She groaned and her back hit the magic wall then she slid down the wall.

"Shouldn't we help her?! She's struggling out there!" I exclaimed, obviously worried about Aella.

"We can help her after this process is done! She's the strongest out of us three and the most durable! Let's get the process started okay?" Ophelia said.

I reluctantly agreed and noticed her tap her staff and a magic circle appeared behind her. Magic particles floated around us and a bright dark red light shined.

Aella teleported behind a counter and used her aura to recharge her pistol. "Dammit. My energy hasn't fully recharged to take on a Hell Spawn. I guess I have to use this.."

Aella began to move her hair that blocked her covered eye. She was about awaken her hidden power until she felt some powerful demonic energy. She let her hair cover her eye once again and she stood up.

I walked ahead and blue flames surrounded my body. The Hell Spawn looked at me then ran to me. I dodged the attack and struck the Hell Spawn through the chest. My eyes shined brightly and blood began to fall on the floor. I gripped the Hell Spawn's heart and squeezed it until it popped like a bubble. I took my hand out of its chest then watched it fall.

"Say hello to the new Lukas!~" Ophelia smiled.

"How much power did you give him?!" Aella asked in shock.

Ophelia tilted her head, thinking about how she should answer. She found her answer and went with it. "Well he did have the soul of Achilles, so I just gave him the powers of Achilles."

"You made him-" Aella started then looked panicked.

"What's the matter?" Yomi asked.

"Not only is he a Devilbound, now an Asura, but now he's a LITERAL DEMIGOD! He's going to be targeted by the entire Underworld! He's got the Spirit of Achilles! Our boyfriend just went for a minor threat to Final Code! Demon Slayers will also come after him!" Aella said.

"W-Wait I didn't mean to make him a main target! I only did the process as intended!" Ophelia said.

"Now we really have no choice but to fight by his side when the moments happen. They will find a way to kill him permanently without us being dead.." Aella said.

Yomi and Ophelia shared the same expression of worry on their faces. I looked at the three and didn't understand a word they said but knew it was bad.
