
Devil Inside (Yandere Cheater x OC Marvel Mutant )

A mutant with the power of pyrokinesis is told to have so much power but is afraid everyone he uses it, he is brought in the fold and on the way finds love but what if that love was fake. And what if his power was never just Pyrokinesis but so much more.

SirZurone · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

The Betrayal


Usually, going through these feelings leads to acceptance, but not for Drake; there was no chance of him just accepting what she did to him.

What he felt was rage!

(End Flashback)

"She dares play with our emotions, make us feel special, and make us willing to do anything for her love."

The sky started to darken, and a distant thunder far above was heard.

The front doors slammed open, revealing most of the X-Men, including Storm, Emma, Xavie, and even a slightly injured Scott.

"What are you doing, Jean?" Xavier shouted before all the Xmen.

"What I am doing is fixing a mistake, so stay out of my way, and Storm, if I were you, I would cut the Storm." Jean's voice was filled with a warning of pain if they tried stopping her.

Storm looked confused as she looked up and saw the sky slowly being covered by a dark cloud, like a sliding curtain.

"Then bind my back and have sex with someone I thought I was friends with!"

Drake's body began to glow like a fire was inside him; he gritted his teeth, clenched his fists until they bled, and then started to shake in silent fury.


Drake suddenly set Alite alight with a massive explosion of fire, breaking her hold. He began to scream in pain as his bones started to twitch and break.

Jean, who was pushed back due to the explosion, rushed to him, noticing he was shirtless and hunched over away from her, and she could see bones moving under his skin and blood all over the floor as his legs and every other bone snapped and was pulled apart, then reformed, before being snapped again and the pain repeated.

"Oh my god, Drakes, what's happening to you?" Her voice shook in fear as she put her hand on his shoulder.

He snapped his neck, and his head twisted backward, but his body didn't move, revealing a twisted face. When both gazes met his eyes, both turned completely orange and burned the brightest orange imaginable. His hands grabbed his head and snapped it back into place.

Cracks began to appear on his body, glowing orange, and he slowly got bigger and bigger with that; his skin turned red and little black spikes came out of his body; his hair turned completely solid, resembling the spikes; and he stood at a staggering 8 feet tall.

Jean fell down in fear as he turned around, his eyes closed, and two horns on each side of his head came out. When they fully came out, he let out a massive roar that shook everything and shattered glass all over the school.

(This is what he looks like; sorry, I tried my best to describe the transformation and what it looks like.)

The sky began to rain ash, and the thunder got louder and more frequent, with lightning striking the surrounding area, mainly the school, starting fires and causing damage.

"What happened to Drake?"Kitty asked Xavier.

"I don't know, but I can't read him at all; it's like he has some mental block preventing me from accessing his mind." Xavier looked frustrated while looking at Drake.

"I don't really care, but something is off with this new form; it smells dangerous." Wolverine popped his claws and got ready for a fight.

As soon as he finished, the hulking monster tried to slam his fist into the stunned Jean, but she quickly put up a force field to defend herself, but when it was hit, it nearly shattered due to it not being fully formed.

"Protect Jean!" Colossus charges in while shouting an order.

Scott used his optic lasers and hit Drake, making him slide back due to the continuous beam, preventing him from killing the dazed Jean.

As Scott stopped his attack, Colossus immediately tried to smack him, but the turned Drake caught the punch, pulled him to his side, and with his other hand smashed his fist into Colossus' back, making him be slammed into the ground.

"Colossus!" Kitty screamed in worry.

"Brother!" Magik shouted as well.

The monster quickly gripped Colossus's head with his nails digging into the side, making him scream in pain, then smashed his head into the ground, a layer of ash on the floor covering his face.

As he was about to continue, suddenly, ropes of magic covered him, stopping him. Then, Magik teleported in front of him and released a massive amount of energy in his chest, making the monster shout in pain and sending him crashing into the courtyard wall.

"Brother, are you OK?" Magik checked on Colossus, to which he responded by grunting while getting up.

"I am okay, Illyana. He is incredibly strong. "It felt like being punched by the Hulk." He rolled his shoulders while talking but quickly fell to one knee.

A roar was heard as Drake charged through the hole and into the yard. The spikes and horns on his body were ignited in a raging fire as he jumped, and when he landed, he slammed the ground, causing a tsunami wave of ash to smash in on everyone.

The X-Men were blinded, and each breath hurt those who inhaled the ash. The ash stuck to the air, creating a shroud around every member.

"Dammit, report to me where is he?" Cyclops shouted while covering his mouth.

As he looked around from left to right, he saw two bright orange eyes in the ash but went past them. He looked back, ready to fire, but they disappeared.

"Where did he go?" Behind him, a towering figure stood. He turned around casually, and infrint of hum was Drake in his monster form, covered in ash with two piercing orange eyes that felt like he was looking into his soul.

"ahhhh!" He shouted in fear as he fell backwards, trying desperately to hit him with his lasers, but as he fired, they went through him, and Drake's figure melted into ash with a toothy grin.

A scream of pain was heard right in front of Cyclops, and at that moment the ash dissapeared, revealing that he hit Jubilee, and she was on the floor with a hole in her. her side as the beast rushed to her side.

"Jubilee is down; she needs immediate treatment." The beast scrambled to administer a painkiller to hold off the pain.

"What hit her?" Storm asked through communications.

Beast looked around and saw Cyclops with his hand on his goggles, pointing towards them.

"Scott, what did you do?" the Beast asked in confusion.

"He was right there, and I took my chance, but it seems I missed instead of hitting her," Scott said.


A loud crash was heard as Drake tackled Collouses into the school. Following behind him were Rogue, Psylocke, Gambit, Storm, Emma in her diamond form, and Jean.

Drake was brutally beating Colluous with consecutive left and right punches, but Colluous caught his fists and then socked him in the jaw, pushing him off. Before he could recover, Rogue came flying in and punched him as well, stunning him.

He shook off the punch and looked around at him being surrounded.

"Stand down, Drake, or we will be forced to neuter you," Emma asked Drake, but in response, she got him charging up fire around him.

"Magic restrains him before he can release his attack!" Storm quickly asked her, but she was already on it.

Chains began to wrap around each of his limbs and then around his body, and his attack was stopped.

Rogue flew in and punched him; then, after her, Colossus punched him in a different direction. Gambit jumped high with his glowing staff and smashed it into Drake's head.

All the Xmen began to basically jump Drake, with Emma and Jean reluctantly attacking as well to calm him down.