
( chap 5xà )confusion

This time Rebecca shifted to a white werewolf, this is when the started, Damien charged at Rebecca and then gave her more

then blows Rebecca fell on the floor Damien what happen to you she said while cleaning her mouth she stood up and gave Damien two big slap he fell on the ground she jump on top of him and said Damien I don't want to fight you so please control yourself and stop this fight.

only then when Damien eyes turn back to their colour red, his hair turn back his silky sliver hair then fell on the ground he fainted his fangs went back inside also his claws. Rebecca was so confused she only then remembered what her late father said once the first Prince of vampire meet his one true mate he will sleep for forty five year then wakes up to rule the country v (country of vampire) on less he kiss on of before the sun set he half to be in the middle or top of country v. Named Adam Hall Rebecca was confused so she was his mate and the leader and Queen of the werewolf and witches and now the mate of the vampire Prince heir to the thrown, she was also thinking if she was his mate or her best friend. confusion lusted all over her head then she remembered she half to go and take her mate to country v and then kiss him on the top or middle of Adam Hall and it was 4:30 and the sun set 5:40 in country v, so had only one hour she was not a very good witch so she could not flash to the main place so she decided to take Damien on her back transformed to a werewolf and ran as lightening speed so by 5:10 she was in country v she took another 20mins to use the bush and ask for direction when it was 5:40 made it there she ran to the top immediately she kissed him it turn 5:41, he did not Wake up tears started flowing down her face immediately Damien said is how much you loved me already he opened his eyes he did not expect her to do what her did she kissed him, he was so shocked but he kissed her back their kissed were furious one there tough meet he was enjoying this the out of two of the most immediately Rebecca push him away and gave him a tight slap then pulled him in for a hugged and said don't ever do that again to me do you want me to immediately her eyes open in shocked when he kissed her to make not complete does word then he said Rebecca you die so stop saying nonsense okay I would let myself be killed to not make you die so promise me you won't say does words again Rebecca was about to refused but immediately Damien said promise me tears already flowing down his face and she could not bare to see this hurt so she I promise now stop crying already or do you want me to cry with you to okay let go home now I'm tried OK let go home Damien said.