
The inheritance of Xiao Xuan

"Damn! Who are you?" The black shadow that was fighting with Xuankongzi stunned the three deadly positions, and the eyes locked in the ancient Yuan. "I am the temple of the soul, and I am taking the ancestor of the temple."焱炎火. The best, don't worry about it!"

"The Lord of the Soul Hall? Didn't hear it." The ancient Yuan sound suddenly became low. "Even if the soul of the Emperor is coming, don't dare to talk to me like this!"

The sound of chilling fell, and the temple guardian law disappeared into the void space, and there was no bone residue left.

"Predecessors, I really let you see jokes." Xuankongzi apologized and bowed to Wu Fang Gu Yuan and others.


Suddenly, accompanied by a terrifying noise, the flaming flame was filled with the dragon as the center. In a short while, the entire Danta Star Field is like hell, and it looks like a sea of ​​fire.

"It's already at a critical time." Wu Fang smiled lightly, and Xiao Yan had been glued together with Xiaohuolong. The flames were intertwined and swallowed each other.

Simply put, which side wins the other side first.

Time passes by.

This state lasted for about three hours, and the sea of ​​fire in the star field shrank, and then a figure slowly walked out from the center of the sea of ​​fire.

"Xiao Yan brother!" Xiao Xuner took the lead and flew into the arms of the figure. "The smoker knows that you will succeed!"

Xiao Yan took Xiao Yan's hand and walked slowly to Wu Fang: "The kid didn't let the seniors disappoint, and successfully refining the three thousand smoldering fires."

After all, Xiao Yan's right hand swung his palms open, and a cute mini version of the little fire dragon jumped into the palm of his hand.

"It's done well." Wu Fang's eyes were with the color of approval.

"Kid, your cultivation is a big step forward! Four stars fighting spirit, you can't wait!" The drug dust enviously stared at Xiao Yan. "Two days ago, you were just a three-stage fighting spirit." Such a speed of cultivation, looking at the entire fight against the mainland, I am afraid that there is no one before the ancients!"

"Xiao Yan brother, you are already fighting spirit! Or four stars!" Xiao Yaner red lips slightly, then slammed the arm of the ancient Yuan, "Hey, I want to be a fighting spirit! Do you have any way? ?"

Upon hearing the daughter's request, the ancient Yuan turned his eyes and said: "When you upgrade, it's drinking water? You have to step by step to solidify the foundation. There is a way for you to become a fighting spirit in a short time, but that is the seedlings, and in the future There will be a ceiling bottleneck. In the long run, it will not pay off."

"Xiao Yan brother, is there no bottleneck?" Xiao Xuner retorted.

"Then you let the gentleman give you the same fruit for you to eat!" Gu Yuan said with no anger. "As for the fire, I will help you find it."

When it comes to fruit, the ancient Yuan is more eager to break through the world outside the mainland. Ordinary people devour a different fire that is an opportunity, but devours two kinds of different fires, even those who fight the Holy Power will explode and die. However, a burning fruit actually solved this problem, and it was possible to use the fire to make the cultivation grow wildly without any hidden danger.

Wu Fang did not answer, let alone that there is no devil fruit in his hand, even if there is, then it has to act according to the requirements of the system uncle.

At least, he still dare not try to violate the requirements of the system uncle.

"Sir, since Xiao Yan has gotten three thousand smoldering fires, may you go to sit in my ancient world?" Gu Yuan sent an invitation to Wu.

"This is what it is." Wu Fang nodded. "There is also an opportunity in the ancient world to belong to Xiao Yan."

The ancient Yuan first was a glimpse. After the reaction, he screamed: "This opportunity really belongs to him. I don't mention it, I almost forgot, who can expect the Xiao family to have a rising day."

"Predecessors, Gu Bobo, what are you talking about? Is it difficult for the ancients to have a different fire?" Xiao Yan heard a slap in the face.

"When you go, you will know." Wu Fang took a shot of Xiao Yan's shoulders, with a little mystery between the eyebrows.

On the horizon of the vast expanse of blue sky, the clouds float, occasionally with a breeze blowing, and a green wave on the grassland below.


Suddenly, there was a violent wave in the sky, and the door of a dark space emerged from the air, and then the figures gradually came out of it.

"Here is the ancient world? It's a rich atmosphere of heaven and earth! If you cultivate here, the speed is probably at least three times faster than the outside world!" Xiao Yan took a deep breath with his arms and his face was intoxicated.

"Xiao Yan brother, if you like it, how long you want to stay for a long time!" Xiao Xuner leaned on Xiao Yan's shoulder and said.

"You still have me in this eye!" Gu Yuan squinted at Xiao Xun, and after a cold cry, his right hand rose.

Suddenly, the grassland in front of it fell down to form a calm lake. The lake surface was full of ripples, and then a horrible space wave filled.

When the spatial fluctuations reach the apex, an extremely sinuous beam of light emerges from the bottom of the lake.

"This...this is..." Under the stunned eyes of Xiao Yan, a black space door leading to the unknown depth tears open.

"This is the door of my ancients leading to the tomb of the heavens." Gu Yuan put a gesture of gesture toward Wu Fang, "Sir, please come with me."

After all, the ancient Yuan digital display into the door of space, followed by Wu Fang.

"Predecessors, what do you tell me about this day's tomb? Is there an opportunity for me to be inside?" Xiao Yan asked quickly next to Wu Fang.

Wu Fang smiled faintly: "This day the tomb has existed in the ancient world since ancient times, and buried numerous powers. Among them, it includes your ancestor, the tomb of Xiao Xuan."

"Xiao Xuan's tomb?" Xiao Yan continued to ask, "Is the ancestor not dead for many years? Is it left in my grave to leave me a baby?"

"The strong ones who are buried in the tomb of the heavens will produce an energy mark. After years of change, these marks will eventually turn into their appearance." Wu Fang looked at Xiao Yan. "This Xiao Xuan said is also you." Ancestors, seeing future generations come, how to give some benefits."

During the speech, Wu Fang and his party have crossed the door of space and came to the tomb of the heaven. In the tomb of the heavens, the peaks of the mountains are suspended. Look closely, these mountains have a common feature, there is a huge cave at the mountainside, there is a layer of enchantment outside the cave, radiant.

"Sir, the peak is the tomb of Xiao Xuan." The ancient Yuan pointed to the highest mountain, and the footsteps were empty, and appeared in the cave outside the enchantment.

"The enchantment set by Xiao Xuan in the past, only me and my descendants, and the Xiao people who have been trained to reach the spirit of the spirit can pass. Unfortunately, the Xiao family has fallen, and has been connected for thousands of years. The fighting spirit has not been born."

The ancient Yuan led Xiao Yan and Xiao Xuner through the enchantment, and apologized to Wu Fang for holding a fist. "Please wait for Mr. to wait a moment..."

The ancient Yuan dialect was not finished. Under his miserable eyes, Wu Fang easily appeared in front of him through the enchantment. The enchantment in front of the cave seemed to be a display.