

What's the one thing that devils cannot stand, besides human compassion? The answer is simple.

A consecrated blade. For your average devil, it'll strike fear into their hearts and make them second guess picking a fight with you. However, there are some devils, specifically ones from the lower levels of Hell, whose power go far beyond what a simple consecration could stand against. To them, a consecrated dagger would be like a toy knife.

So to compensate for the power imbalance between higher-ranking devils and us, we form pacts with daemons, spiritual entities whose great powers defy the laws of the physical realm. The daemons give us the strength needed to slay even the mightiest of devils, but of course - like everything else - that kind of power comes with a price; a steep one.

Yet here I was, face to face with the daemon named Bellator, ready to sell my soul. The only problem, besides the fact that I was giving away my right to have any kind of desirable afterlife, is that this daemon was playing dumb.

"Hm? Why haven't I heard about these 'pacts' from any of my friends? I'm sure word would of got around to me by now about how you puny little humans are bargaining for our powers! Hah! It's so like you humans to do such unhinged things, it's almost laughable!" The daemon, taking on the form of a voluptuous, naked woman tattooed from head to toe, tilted her head in amusement. Her beaming blue eyes watched mine, searching for any hint of frailty in my conviction.

"You're not going to fool me, Bellator. I know how you daemons work. Stop playing games, and hurry up and give me your power." I gritted my teeth, getting increasingly annoyed by this daemon's nonchalant behavior.

"Oh? Hurry up and give you my power, huh? Such an eager soldier, you must be quite respected among your ranks." Bellator smirked, her eyes shining with mischief. "But I'd be careful what you wish for, if I were you."

"What's that suppos-"

In an instant, she entered my body, and I could feel the blood drain from my face as I fell to the ground.

Did I ever mention exactly what happens to you when you make a pact with a daemon?

First, you die.