
Devil billionaire : Naughty girl, fight me if you can!

How does it feel if you have to live around the most annoying person you have ever seen in this world? Akira Kyle, a beautiful girl from a rich family who runs away from home and has bad luck. Meet abercio Arion, the cold, cruel and annoying CEO of Arion group. "Hi, bad girl how dare you run away before paying off your debt. "Shouted Abercio, when he managed to find Akira Kyle. "Shit! why do I have to meet this demon again. "grunted Akira who kicked Abercio and ran away.

Imroatul_hasanah · Thành thị
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189 Chs

13. The hidden ex-lover

"Thank you, Steven. I don't know how I should live my life without Jasmine. I really love Jasmine. Our daughter Akira went to the hospital last night. But until now she hasn't come back. I've ordered all my men to look for her, but until now there has been no news. " Jason replied briefly.

The man was no less shrewd in acting against Steven. Jason had a very pale and languid expression on his face. As if he was very sad and very lost over the death of his wife. Especially now that the whereabouts of her only daughter was also unknown. It would be even better, if Akira never came back. That way, all of the Kyle family's possessions would belong entirely to him.

Jason hung his head languidly. The stage for this play did not end there. No wonder he hadn't seen Akira since earlier.

"Oh, my dear niece. Where are you at the moment? I hope you are all right out there, or this uncle of yours will not be able to live in peace forever." Steven said in response to Jason's words.

Steve put on a sad face, almost even shed tears. as if he could not hold back his sorrow which was multiplying at this time.

Steven had lost his younger sister and now his niece, who knew where she was.

"You crocodile! You think I don't know, if your tears are fake and all your sadness is just a lie. Steven, I know what you want is not much different from me. But I will not let your rotten intentions be accomplished easily. Treasure of the Kyle family will only be mine. " Jason thought to himself.

Jason immediately took the handkerchief that was in his pocket and gave it to Steven. Then warmly embraced his wife's older brother.

Even though physically they were seen hugging and caring for each other. But in reality in their hearts, both of them scolded each other and swore at each other. The two of them were like a wolf in sheep's clothing in front of Akira. The two of them looked kind and sweet, but ready to devour in secret.

Steven glanced at the beautiful woman who was clutching Jason's right arm. Her face looked sullen and angry. Apparently Jennifer felt uncomfortable with Steven's presence at the place.

"Oh, this female fox is brave enough to come to this place." Steve muttered in his heart. Steve knew that Jasmine and Jason's relationship had been a little bit problematic lately. But he did not think, if Jason would dare to bring his mistress to attend the funeral of hisl wife. He was cruel, even after she died, Jason still had the heart to torture his wife with the presence of Jennifer.

His two eyes began to stare at the beautiful woman from toe to tip of hair. Steven's secret ex-lover had not changed at all, still so beautiful and charming. Her body was sexy, her red lips opened like a rose. Still made Steven so crazy over her.

The two of them had made love a few years back. However Jennifer left Steven. After she knew, that this handsome and gorgeous man was not the main heir of Kyle's group. This made Steven so hurtful.

"Oh, there is Miss Jennifer in here. Hello, miss. You are very beautiful today. What an honor, a great star like you would came to my sister's funeral." A grin spread across Steven's face. Anger, disgust and the desire to humiliate the cheap woman in front of him had bursted from his heart. How could Jennifer left him, only to become Jason's mistress who was just a wild grass in the Kyle's family. Meanwhile, Steve was a member of Kyle's family. Even though he was only a stepchild? But Steven knew that now was not the right time to do that.

"Oh, thank you Mr. Steven for your compliment. Of course I have to be present at my friend, Jasmine's funeral."

Jennifer who felt that Steven was doing it on purpose to make her panic. Jennifer had to hurry up and took Jason away from Steven's presence, or that man might messed up her relationship with Jason, who was only a little longer she could reach the peak of her glory by becoming the big madam of Kyle's residence. Yes, Jennifer will get the status of the Big Madame of the Kyle Family. After she married Jason later.

"Mr. Jason, we'd better meet the other guests."

Jennifer grabbed Jason's hand, to take her lover away from her former lover.

"Sorry, Steven. I have to go first."

Jason spoke to Steven while looking back at his former brother-in-law.