
Devil's Path Ancestor

Text. In his previous life, Wei Wu Xian was scorned by millions of people and was notorious. In his previous life, Wei Wu Xian was scorned by millions of people and his reputation was notorious. He died without a body. The generation of magic ancestor, who once raised a fierce storm, was reborn as a ...... The brain-damaged. It is also a fucking broken sleeve brainiac that everyone shouts at! I see that you are sick, I expect that you should see me like this. But cultivate the ghostly path not cultivate immortality, any of your thousands of armies, ten sides of the bully, Kyushu warrior, the flower of the high mountain. But all turned into a shovelful of earth, all collected under the flag, for my use, for me to drive! Noble and charming sultry attack × evil impetuous flirtatious suffer molestation failed to be [be--] CP: blue forget machine (attack) × Wei Wu Xian (suffer) PS. ①1V1 protagonist subject to HE. past life and present life double plot to, husband and wife hand in hand to solve puzzles and fight monsters and children. ② outrageous low magic fairy. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a couple of days.

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30 Chs

Chapter 5 Splash Wild 4 Fighting Corpses

  Several teenagers over there are also new to the hut, all look nervous, but still strictly stepped in the direction of guarding Mo House, and in the hall inside and outside the house full of charms. The servant Ah Tong has been carried into the hall, Lan Si chase left hand holding his pulse, the right hand pushing the undershirt of Mrs. Mo, both sides can not save the treatment, is anxious, Ah Tong suddenly rose from the ground.

  Ah Ding said, "Ah Tong, you're awake!"

  Before she could show her joy, she saw Ah Tong lift his left hand and grab his neck.

  Seeing this, Lan Si chase tapped him three times on several acupuncture points. Wei Wuxian knew that although the people of their family look civilized, arm strength is not civilized at all, this kind of patting, anyone will be unable to move immediately, but Ah Tong as if he did not know, the left hand tighter and tighter, the expression is more and more painful and hideous. Lan Jing Yi to break his left hand, but it is like breaking a lump of iron, not moving at all. Within a few moments, "Ka" sound, Ah Tong's head hanging crooked, the hand was released. However, the neck bone has been broken.

  He had strangled himself to death in full view of everyone!

  Seeing this, Ah Ting said in a trembling voice: "... ghost! There is an invisible ghost here, making Ah Teng strangle himself to death!"

  Her voice was shrill, her voice was harsh, listening to the onlookers' hair and bones, and suddenly believed. Wei WuXian's judgment was the opposite: it was not a harsh ghost.

  He had seen the talisman seals chosen by the teenagers, all of which were spirit-repelling, and the whole East Hall was posted in an airtight manner. If it was a real evil spirit, when it entered the East Hall, the talisman spell would have immediately burned green fire automatically, instead of being silent as it is now.

  It is not that the children are slow to react, but the visitor is really ferocious. The Xuanmen have strict criteria for the term "severe ghost", killing one person per month and haunting for three months, can already be classified as a severe ghost. This standard was set by Wei Wu Xian and is probably still in use. He is the best at dealing with such, according to his opinion, seven days to kill one person will be considered a frequent evil ghost. This thing has killed three people in a row, and the interval is so short that even a famous cultivator can hardly come up with a countermeasure immediately, let alone a group of juniors who have just made their debut.

  As he was thinking this, the firelight flashed and a gust of wind hit him. All the lanterns and candle flames in the courtyard and the East Hall went out in unison.

  The moment the lights went out, screams arose, men and women pushed and shoved, fell and fled. Lan Jing Yi shouted: "Stand still, don't run away! Whoever runs away to catch who!"

  This is not alarming, taking advantage of the darkness and chaos, muddy water to fish is the nature of evil spirits, the more they cry and run, the more likely to attract trouble without knowing. This time to fall alone or confuse themselves, extremely dangerous. But everyone's soul is flying, and how to hear, listen to, not a moment, the East Hall will be quiet, in addition to the sound of light breathing, is the sound of subtle sobbing. I'm afraid there are no more people left.

  In the darkness, a fire light suddenly lit up, that is blue Si chase ignited a bright fire talisman.

  The flame of the fire talisman will not be blown out by the evil wind, he held this talisman to rekindle the candle fire, the remaining teenagers went to calm the others. In the light of the fire, Wei Wu Xian looked at his wrist without thinking, and another wound had healed.

  This time, he suddenly realized that the number of wounds was not correct.

  Originally, his left and right wrists, each with two wounds. When Mo Ziyuan died, one wound healed; when Mo Ziyuan's father died, another wound healed; when Tong, the family servant, died, another wound healed. In this way, there should be three wounds healed, leaving only the last wound with the deepest marks and the deepest hatred.

  But now his wrist, empty, not a single one left.

  Wei Wuxian believed that among Mo Xuan Yu's targets of revenge, Madam Mo was definitely missing. The longest and deepest wound was reserved for her. And it disappeared.

  Is it that Mo Xuan Yu suddenly looked away and gave up his resentment? That is not possible. His soul had long been sacrificed as the price for summoning Wei Wu Xian. For the wound to heal, unless Lady Mo died.

  His gaze slowly moved away and moved to Lady Mo, who had just woken up and was surrounded by people in the center, her face as white as paper.

  Unless she was already a dead person.

  Wei Wu Xian could be sure that there was already something that had attached itself to Madam Mo's body. If this thing was not a soul body, then what could it be?

  Suddenly, Ah Ding cried, "Hand ... hand, Ah Tong's left hand!"

  Lan Si chase moved the bright fire talisman to the top of Ah Tong's corpse. Sure enough, his left hand had also disappeared.

  Left hand!

  In a flash of lightning, Wei WuXian's eyes were snowy, and the sneaky thing, the disappearing left arm, connected in a line. He suddenly burst out laughing. Lan Jing Yi said: "This fool, at this time still laugh out!" But on second thought, since he was already a fool, why bother with him?

  But Wei Wu Xian grabbed his sleeve and shook his head, "No, no!" The Count of Monte Cristo Novel

  Lan Jing Yi was annoyed to pull back his sleeve: "Not what? Not a fool? You stop it! No one has time for you."

  Wei Wuxian pointed at the bodies of Father Mo and Ah Tong on the ground and said, "This is not them."

  Lan Si chased to stop Lan Jing Yi who was about to get angry and asked, "What do you mean by 'this is not them'?"

  Wei Wu Xian said solemnly, "This is not Mo Zi Yuan's father, and that is not Ah Tong."

  The more solemn his face was under his eyes, the more it made people think that he was really sick. But these words sounded creepy in the eerie candlelight. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

  Wei Wuxian proudly said, "Hands, they are not left-handed, they always use their right hand to beat me, I still know this."

  Lan Jing Yi could not bear to spit: "What are you proud of! Look how proud you are!"

  But Lan Si chase was shocked out of a slight cold sweat. Think back: Ah Tong choked himself to death with his left hand. When Madam Mo's husband pushed his wife down, he also used his left hand.

  However, during the day when Mo Xuan Yu caused a fuss in the East Hall, these two people were busy grabbing people and driving them away, and they used to use their right hands. It's not as if these two people suddenly became left-handed before they died.

  Although I do not know what is the reason, but if you want to find out what is haunted, it must be from the "left hand" to start. Lan Si chase thought through this section, slightly surprised, looked at Wei Wu Xian, could not help but think: "he suddenly said this, is really ... not like a coincidence."

  Wei Wuxian only shamelessly smiled, knowing that the tip was still too deliberate, but he could not help it. The good thing is that Lan Si chase also does not pursue, thinking: "In any case, since this Mo Gongzi is willing to remind me, most likely not with bad intentions." Then he moved his gaze away from him, swept past Ah Ding, who had just fainted from crying, and landed on Madam Mo.

  The line of sight traveled down from her face to her hands. The arms were flat and hanging down, mostly hidden in the sleeves, with only the small half of the fingers showing. The fingers of her right hand were snow-white and slender, the hands of a well-bred, non-working woman.

  However, the fingers of her left hand are a little longer and thicker than those of her right hand. The knuckles are hooked and full of strength.

  This is not a hand that should grow on a woman - it is clearly a man's hand!

  Lan Si chase barked: "Hold her down!"

  A few teenagers have twisted Mrs. Mo, Lan Si chased a "sorry", a talisman seal flipped his hand to shoot down, Mrs. Mo's left hand is twisted at an incredible angle, grabbing his throat.

  The arm of a living person is twisted like this, unless the bones are broken. And she was extremely fast, and she was about to grab his neck. At this time, Lan Jing Yi "ah yo" shouted, jumped to Lan Si chase in front of him, to help him block this grab.

  I saw a flash of fire, the arm just grabbed Lan Jing Yi's shoulder, the arm will be green flames, immediately let go of the five fingers. The other half of the school uniform had been burned to ashes and was in a terrible state, while taking off the other half, he turned around and cursed furiously: "What are you kicking me for, you crazy bastard, you want to kill me?

  Wei Wu Xian scampered away: "I didn't kick it!"

  It was him who kicked. The inner side of the outer coat of the blue family school uniform is embroidered with fine thread of the same color with a dense spell of true words, which has the miraculous effect of protecting the body and protecting life. But when you meet such a powerful, used once will only be invalid. In an emergency, I can only kick Lan Jing Yi, let him use his body to help Lan Si chase a little neck protection. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers. The arm of the man who did not belong to her came off her left shoulder, and the five fingers actually flexed and stretched freely, as if moving the muscles and bones, the blood and veins and veins beating on it could be seen clearly.

  This thing is the evil thing that was summoned by the yin flag.

  The dismemberment of the body is the standard tragic death, just a little more decent than Wei Wu Xian's death, but not too much. Unlike the case of broken into pieces, the dismembered corpse will be tainted with a part of the grievances of the deceased, eager to return to another body, eager to die a full body, so it will try to find other parts of the body. Found, perhaps will be satisfied with the rest from now on, perhaps will make more noise. And if you can not find, this part of the limb will have to retreat to the second best.

  How to retreat to the second best? Find the body of a living person to make up for it.

  Just like this left hand: eat the left hand of a living person and take its place, draining the essence of this living person's flesh and blood, abandoning the body and moving on to the next parasitic vessel until the rest of its corpse is found.

  Once the arm is on the body, the person being parasitized dies instantly, but before the flesh and blood is sucked out of the body, it can still walk under its control as if it were still alive. After it was called in, the first vessel it found was Mo Ziyuan. The second vessel was Mo Ziyuan's father. When Madam Mo told her husband to get out, he uncharacteristically pushed her back. Wei Wu Xian originally thought that it was because he was hurting over his son's death and was tired of his wife's brutality. But now that I think about it, that's not at all how a father who has just lost his son should look. It was not the woodiness of a discouraged heart, but the dead silence, the silence of the dead.

  The third vessel was Ah Tong. The fourth container is Mrs. Mo. Taking advantage of the confusion when the lights went out, the ghost hand shifted to her body. And when Mrs. Mo died, the last wound on Wei Wu Xian's wrist disappeared.

  The Blue Family teenagers saw that the talisman seal did not work, but the clothes worked, and untied their outer clothing and threw it out, covering the left hand, layers upon layers as if a thick white cocoon wrapped it. A few moments later, the white clothes burst into flames and the green flames rushed to the sky. Although it works for a while, but not long, the school uniform burned up, the hand will still break out of the ashes. When no one was looking, Wei Wu Xian ran straight to the west courtyard.

  The corpses that were captured by the teenagers were standing silently in the courtyard, as many as ten of them. The spell that sealed them was painted on the ground. Wei Wu Xian kicked one of the words, destroying the entire formation, and slapped his palm twice. The corpses stirred, and the whites of their eyes suddenly rolled up, as if awakened by a thunderbolt.

  Wei WuXian said, "Get up. Let's get to work!"

  He had never needed any complicated incantations or summoning words to drive the corpse puppets, just the most common and straightforward commands. The corpse standing in front trembled and struggled to move a few steps, however, as soon as it got close to Wei Wu Xian, it looked like it was scared to death and actually fell to the ground like a living person.

  Wei Wuxian cried and laughed, and clapped his hands twice, this time much lighter. But this group of corpses is probably born in the Mo family estate, died in the Mo family estate, not much have seen the world, instinctively to follow the caller's instructions, but somehow fear of the person who issued the instructions, crouched on the ground whimpering and did not dare to get up.

  The more ferocious the evil fury, the more comfortable Wei Wu Xian is able to drive. These walking corpses have not been trained by him, can not afford his direct manipulation, he did not have the materials at hand, can not immediately make the props to moderate, even haphazardly can not. The green flame in the east courtyard was fading, when suddenly, Wei Wu Xian's heart lit up.

  The dead who are extremely resentful and vicious, why do you need to come out to find them?

  There was one in the East Hall, and more than one!

  He flashed back to the east courtyard. The ghost hand was banging around in the sword fence. They were doing their best to keep the sword hilt from breaking out, and had no time to notice who was coming in and out. Wei Wuxian stepped into the east hall, one left and one right, lifted the corpses of Madam Mo and Mo Ziyuan, and shouted in a low voice: "Don't wake up yet!"

  A call came out, and instantly the souls returned!

  After a moment, Mrs. Mo's and Mo Ziyuan's eyes turned white and their mouths emitted the sharp whistle that is characteristic of a harsh ghost returning to its soul.

  In a high and low whistle, another corpse also trembled and rose up, too low to follow a weak cry, it is Mrs. Mo's husband.

  The cry is loud enough, the resentment is enough. Wei Wu Xian was very satisfied and smiled: "Recognize that hand outside?"

  He ordered, "Tear it up." Phoenix Power Game World Novel

  The three mouths of the Mo family were like three black winds, instantly scraping out.

  That left arm had broken a long sword and was breaking through the fence. And just as it came out, the three ferocious corpses without left arms pounced on it in unison.

  In addition to not daring to disobey Wei Wu Xian's orders, this family of three also carried a fierce resentment against what killed them, and took their anger out on that ghost hand. The main kill is undoubtedly Mrs. Mo, female corpses tend to be extra ferocious after the necropsy, she is cloaked in hair, the whites of her eyes are covered with blood, five nails grow several times longer, the corner of the mouth white foam snorting, screaming almost overturned the roof, extremely crazy. Mo Ziyuan followed his mother, together with her bite and use, his father followed, to make up for the other two murderous corpses attack gap. Several teenagers who were struggling to hold on were stunned.

  They had never heard of this kind of fierce corpse fighting situation in books and rumors, the first time they witnessed such a bloody scene, they looked at the jaws of the eyes, simply can not look away, only think ... wonderful!

  Three corpses a hand fight is evil, suddenly, Mo Ziyuan whistled and dodged away. His abdomen was pulled out by that hand, leaking a few cuts of intestines. Mrs. Mo roared at the sight, shielding her son behind her, grasping the momentum more fiercely, nails breaking through the air actually have the power of steel swords and iron swords. Wei Wuxian could see that she was already unable to stand up to the situation.

  Three just dead vicious corpses together, but also can not suppress this arm!

  Wei WuXian stared at the battle, the tip of his tongue curled slightly, his lips pressed a sharp whistle, want to send out. He blew out this whistle, can provoke the driven vampire greater hostility, may be able to turn the tide of battle, but then it is difficult to ensure that no one can find out that he is playing a trick. A blink of an eye, the hand like lightning, and fierce and accurate pinch off the neck bone of Mrs. Mo.

  Seeing the Mo family three mouths defeated, Wei Wu Xian was just about to blow the long whistle at the bottom of his tongue, at this time, from the sky came two clanging strings.

  These two sounds seem to be plucked by hand, very ethereal and clear, with a cold pine wind chill. The demons and monsters in the courtyard who were killing each other heard the sound and froze.

  A few teenagers from the Gusu Blue clan instantly glowed, as if reborn. Lan Si chase raised his hand and wiped the blood on his face, looked up with joy and said, "Hanguangjun!"

  As soon as he heard these two heavenly zither sounds, Wei Wu Xian turned around and left.

  Another string sounded, this time at a slightly higher pitch, piercing the clouds and breaking the air, with two solemn points. The three murderous corpses retreated one after another, covering their ears with their right hands at the same time. However, Gusu Lan's barrier-breaking sound was not so defensible, and before retreating a few steps, a slight bursting sound came from their skulls.

  The left arm, which had just experienced a vicious fight, heard the string sound again and suddenly dropped to the ground. Although the fingers are still flexing, but the arm is silent.

  After a short period of silence, the group of teenagers could not help but cheer loudly. This cheer is full of ecstasy after the robbery, the frightening night through, finally waiting for the family support, even if after being "disorderly and noisy to insult the family style" the reason for a severe punishment, they can not care.

  Waving at the moon for a while, Lan Si chase suddenly noticed that someone had disappeared. He tugged on Lan Jing Yi and said, "Where is he?"

  Lan Jing Yi was just happy: "Who? Which one?"

  Lan Si chou said, "That Mr. Mo."

  Lan Jing Yi said, "Huh? What are you looking for that madman? Who knows where he ran off for fear of being beaten by me."

  "..." Lan Si chase knows that Lan Jing Yi is careless and straightforward, never think carefully about things, and do not make more suspicion, thinking, better wait for the Hanguang Jun to come, and then tell this person this matter.

  The Mo family is still sleeping, but I do not know whether it is really sleeping or not. Even if the Mo family east and west courtyard fight corpses frothing with blood, others will not get up in the middle of the night and early morning to see. The lively look is also to pick. The screaming lively, not to see the best.

  Wei Wuxian quickly destroyed the remnants of the dedication formation in Mo Xuan Yu's room and rushed out the door.

  It's a good coincidence that it's the blue family that's coming; it's the blue forgetfulness that's coming!

  This is one of those who have fought with him also fought, hurry up and withdraw. He was in a hurry to find a ride, passing a courtyard, there is a large mill inside, set a mouth chewing flower donkey, see him running over in the wind, as if a little surprised, actually like a living person to squint at him. Wei Wuxian and it stared at a moment, immediately struck by a little contempt in its eyes.

  He went forward and dragged the rope out, and the donkey barked loudly at him and complained. Wei Wuxian even coaxed and dragged it, and tricked it into getting on the road, stepping on the white of the breaking dawn, and running up the road.