
Devil's Pact King of Assassins

If, for example, you have only a few hours left to live, how will you face it? ...... Kevin, an ordinary geek, was shot dead on the spot by the pursuing police after committing a heinous crime of a dozen lives in a fit of rage! When he was on the verge of death, a soul contract from the abyss gave him a new life, and because of the experience of death, he awakened the demonic eye of death, which is known as "god-slaying"! In the limited time that the devil gives him, Kevin must complete one mission after another to gain more time to live! The Lonely Walker ...... Infinite World Walking in the shadows, chasing the footprints of the moon's shadow, piercing the endless abyss with the short sword in his hand! This is the strong rise of the King of Assassins!

Dada088 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
120 Chs

Chapter 29 - The Lickers at Restaurant B

kevin couldn't help but nod his head darkly, it was up to him to shut down the Red Queen and unlock the T-virus code lock.


Red Queen, English name "RedQueen", Chinese translation for Flame Queen or Red Queen, also known as the Red Queen, is a supercomputer appearing in Resident Evil, tasked with the responsibility of detecting the "hive".


I believe that anyone who has seen the Resident Evil movie will have an extremely deep impression of the Red Queen.


In Resident Evil 1, after the T-virus is leaked, the virus spreads through the air conditioning ducts throughout the Hive, and after the Red Queen detects the virus, she locks down the Hive. After detecting the virus, the Red Queen sealed off the entire "Hive" and killed all the staff in the "Hive" by the Red Queen. ...


In Biochemistry V, it was in control of countless biochemical legions, almost wiping out human civilization in one fell swoop!


kevin took a few steps into the door, a huge room full of small containers with lots of dirty test tubes stuck in the bottom of them.


"Kaplan, what is this place?"


"Restaurant B." Kaplan stared at the mini-computer he was holding, then looked up and around and added, "That's what the map says."


"Is it possible you're looking at it wrong?" Jedi couldn't see how this place looked like a restaurant.


"No, he's not wrong, this is indeed the restaurant."


kevin's words held deep meaning, holding a short sword in each hand.


"Or perhaps, the Umbrella Corporation is keeping some secrets here." Matt, looking very talkative at this point instead, continued, "Something they don't want anyone to see."


Matthew stared at Matt for a moment, then gave a puzzled look at a sure-looking kevin before ordering, "Jedi, you and Rae stay here and watch the prisoner while you guard the exit."


As for kevin, he ordered not to move, let him be, although there is a huge doubt in his mind, but they are the elite, everything is to fulfill the mission first!


The medic shook the detector in his hand and reported, "Sir, the gas index is non-existent in this room, and I'm wondering if there's some kind of system malfunction."


Matthew came quickly to the medic's side, leaned down to look at the detector in her hand, and said, "Okay, there may be survivors here, let's line up in a search formation and stay tight."


The squad of mercenaries hustled around and began to spread out in all directions, searching for survivors.


Receiving several reports of no findings in a row, Matthew finally gave up and turned his head sideways, looking to Rae and Jedi, and asked, "Can you guys?"


After looking at a few people over there, Rae replied, "Sir, no problem!"


Matthew held up his headset, "Stay in touch."


Then with a toss of his head, "Action!"




kevin suddenly spoke, drawing everyone's attention.


"What's wrong?"


Matthew frowned, he instinctively felt that kevin seemed to be harboring a huge secret about this hive and, at the same time, about the lives of their team!


"From now on, you're all under my command, any questions?"




Grumpy Rae was actually so angry that she spoke English instead of the common language of the Abyss! With an unkind face, she stared at kevin and craned her neck.


Look at this, it's a beat to flatten kevin.




Matthew frowned, reached out to stop Rae, looked at his watch, and said, "You have one minute to convince me."


"I'm the supreme commander, is that reason enough?"


Rae turned dryly, looking as if she was going to go vent to Matt.


"Okay, all stop, what I'm about to do will save your lives."


kevin's face gradually stared down, his eyes were calm, fifteen points of spirit value, making it easier for him to control his emotions than normal people.


"Give me a grenade."


kevin thrust his left hand back into his short sword and reached for Matthew.


"Give it to him."


With a toss of his head, Matthew signaled Jedi to unhook one of the grenades from his belt and hand it to kevin.


"All of you come with me, look closely, and, prepare yourself, it's disgusting."


At the thought of the disgusting look of the half-finished lickers in the movie, kevin couldn't help but frown, he hated the feeling of being dirty and had a little bit of a cleanliness fetish.


Ailith and the others and the mercenary squad's faces changed slightly when they heard this, kevin swearing so much made them have a premonition, I'm afraid, what kevin said is true, in the hive, there is really something unknown to them that can threaten their lives!


Leading a group of nine, kevin walked up to a container, and the thick alloy door in front of him quickly dissuaded him from cutting through it with his short sword.


Kevin had always scoffed at some of the infinite streams that talked about plot advantages and not interfering with the plot and such.


The presence of the indentured servant is the biggest distraction to the plot!


Even if an indentured servant was far away in China, a small move on his part could trigger a huge butterfly effect, perhaps directly causing the Umbrella Corporation to make up its mind and just blow up the hive!


The butterfly effect, is because its a small change, can accomplish a huge impact!


Even if kevin mixes in with the mercenary squad and does nothing, his presence, subtly affects the psyche of these mercenaries, and god knows what those psyches, will result in?


In fact, the moment the Compactors intervene, the plot is already in a different light!


Instead, kevin, like this, intervenes strongly in the plot and is able to take things, instead, in the direction he wants them to go!


The difference between executing a plot, and writing a plot, is not insignificant!


"Watch and remember what's in here!"


kevin turned back and spoke, the short sword as easily as zapping and casting a thin sheet of paper, piercing through a layer of iron on the outside of the container before making a large gash, revealing what was inside!




As the container was damaged, freezing gas was constantly ejected from it, causing the nearby ground to be instantly dyed with a layer of white frost!


It wasn't the freezing air that made the crowd suck in cold air, but the huge pile of disgusting frozen meat in the container!


A dirty, messy hose was stuck among the frozen meat, in which blood was gurgling!


The brain, split in half, yellow in color and disgusting as excrement, even made kevin frown.


"Oh my God! My God! What is this?!"


Alys was filled with horror as the licker seemed to bring back memories!


The expressions of the other several people were similar, basically frozen, their lips wriggling and unable to speak, obviously the surprise in their hearts had reached the extreme!


"I'm throwing a grenade, get out of the way!"


The freezing gas leaks, and the licker's vigorous metabolism begins to rejuvenate its body almost within seconds!


Matthew and the others couldn't care less about being surprised when they heard this and rushed away!


KEVIN pulls off the grenade's detonator ring and places the grenade directly on top of the Licker's brain!


With that, KEVIN also came running at a quick pace, lunging towards the ground and plopping down on top of the ground that was making him feel so uncomfortable!




Kevin did not have time to think about the hygiene of restaurant B, there was a loud bang behind him, followed by a strong wind blowing from the back of his head, and the sound of "pang pang" of heavy objects crashing in all directions!


The licker's tough muscles became very hard and brittle after being cryogenically frozen, and were directly smashed to pieces in the midst of the violent explosion!


Especially its disgusting brain, which had completely disappeared!


"Man, what the hell is this!"


Rei looked at the licker's tongue, which was still slightly wriggling even though its head was gone and its body was broken, and said, "That's disgusting," and looked over at Kevin.


The rest of the eight people, also each turned their gaze, towards kevin, who had just climbed up.


"Well, there's not much time, so I'll make this short."


KEVIN patted his clothes and sped up his speech, "All you guys need to know is that this thing is a product of Umbrella Corporation's initial research. They possess extremely strong combat power, and with two heads, it's enough to wipe out our regiment!"


"Is it that much of a stretch? These guys aren't much better!"


Rei kicked the licker's tongue away, unimpressed that they could have quite a few grenades in their hands!


"If it wasn't frozen, a human's dynamic vision could barely catch their movements! And with their sharp claws, they can easily tear through steel plates!"


"How many of these are left?"