
Devil's Luck[Arc 5: Worlds Apart]

Zenkichi Hitoyoshi is a young man, destined to be chained by fate in the early story of canon. He was a man without ambition, drive, will and talent to become something great. Well, that'll soon change. For better, or for worse. .... AN: Alright, let's do this one last time, probably. Here's another Medaka Box fanfic that I hope it'll get to a hundred chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash. Edit: I just changed it to Gilgamesh because... Zenkichi basically almost resembles him at this point(I didn't planned for this happen) Schedule and the amount of chapters I'd be popping out? Tuesday and Thursday(UTC +8), 2–3 chapters a week(it's usually just 2 chapters because I'm slow at making anime related stories).

FroztDouluo · Tranh châm biếm
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154 Chs

Chapter 103: Interception

"So, Zenkichi. What are you plans for the future?" Brunhilde asked as she roasted her marshmallow over their small campfire.

Both she and Zenkichi took to rest at a nearby cave when night came, and although they could continue on their journey for his master because they could handle the cold and not eat and drink for months, they weren't in much of a hurry.

Zenkichi knew the original characters could handle this singularity on their own, they managed to carry on to Lostbelt after all, so he didn't have worry much about their safety.

As for the matter of his master's identity, obviously, there could be only one person in this whole world(singularity) that could be his master; it's Last Master aka Fujimaru, though he still doesn't know whether it was the male or female. He didn't really see their face and they didn't clarified it for him either.

Unfortunately however, Last Master was still offline for some odd reason so he and Brunhilde still couldn't communicate with them.

Of course, he tried asking his system but the answer he got was...

[Answer: They're touching grass.]


He tried asking it several times and stopped after a while, the system was still an annoying piece of crap despite the multiple updates it had.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Zenkichi looked up at her in confusion, his mouth bulging from eating his share of marshmallow. He inwardly thanked Shiranui for somehow having all sorts of food hidden... somewhere in her person because there was no way there'd be other students carrying a bag of marshmallows on them.

"Back on your homeworld, I mean. With Ragnarok coming to a close soon, humanity looking to be the victors, I'll go back to my place in a few years time to handle a few things and then live the rest of my life with you. I'm just wondering, with your immortal life, what are you gonna do?"

Zenkichi hummed for a moment, pondering on her words for a long while. "I dunno, rule the world maybe?" he jokingly replied.

"Why not?" Brunhilde raised an eyebrow, confused by his reply. "I mean, judging by the rate of your growth, you'll probably become someone at the same level as a Primordial God in a few years. Why won't you try to do something interesting in your long life?"

"Why? Well... because I don't want to?" he said, shrugging his shoulders with raised eyebrows. "Brunhilde, before I got my abilities and awaken my lineage, I was raised in a seemingly normal household with a loving mother and lived a somewhat normal childhood."

He let out a sigh and looked up at the night sky, stars twinkling above them. "My mother taught me a lot of things in life, and an advice she told a long time ago came to mind. With great power..."

"...comes with great responsibility?" Brunhilde blankly stared at him.

Zenkichi rolled his eyes, "With great power, comes with the freedom of choice." he raised fist towards the sky.

"With power, I have a choice in any matter. With power, I can protect my loved ones. With power, I can make a difference in the world. But ruling the world? Nah, that's not my idea of using my power. If anything, that just seems a lot of work and I promised myself that I'll live my life to the fullest. Being in office or on a throne is just too much of a hassle."

Brunhilde nodded, her gaze softened. "I see. Unlike most heroes who wants to use their power for others or to fuel their ego, you just want to use your power for yourself and the ones you care about."

Zenkichi smiled, appreciating Brunhilde's understanding. "Yeah, exactly. I want to live a life where I can do what I want, help who I want, and enjoy every moment. Being burdened with the responsibility of ruling and leading a nation is not something I desire. I want to be free to explore, to learn, and to cherish the mortal time I have with my friends."

Brunhilde took a moment to digest his words, her gaze never leaving the dancing flames of the campfire. "It's a refreshing perspective," she admitted. "In a world filled with ambition and power struggles, it's nice to see someone who just wants to live a simple and fulfilling life."

Zenkichi smirked, "I'm selfish, got a problem with that?"

Brunhilde softly smiled, shaking her head. "I love humanity, of course that goes for their faults as well. For most of my long life, I've dealt with egoistical, eccentric and scheming Gods. And although you fit being an egoistical bastard, I appreciate your honesty and the fact that you have your own personal goals and desires. It's refreshing to see someone who isn't solely focused on power or dominance. Your outlook on life is a reminder that there is more to existence than just striving for control. Living a life of freedom, exploration, and cherishing the time spent with loved ones is a worthy pursuit. It's important to find what brings you happiness and fulfillment, regardless of societal expectations or pressure. So no, I don't have a problem with your selfishness. In fact, I think it's a strength to know what you want and prioritize your own needs and desires."

She tilted her head, chin on her palm, and a gentle expression on her face. "That's what makes me like you even more."

Although they've already made love, Zenkichi felt his heart flutter at Brunhilde's words. Her acceptance and understanding of his desires brought a warmth to his chest that he couldn't quite put into words.

"I'm glad you feel that way, Brunhilde," he replied softly, his gaze meeting hers. "And I'm grateful to have someone like you by my side. Your strength, both as a warrior and as a person, inspires me."

He reached out, his hand gently resting on top of hers.

The two shared a smile before leaning in to kiss each other under the starry night sky.

The night was long and cold, yet also comforting and full of passion.


The next day both Zenkichi and Brunhilde continued on their journey to finding the former's master. This time however, Brunhilde stayed by his side and they were flying through the sky to save time.

And yet, despite their speed, all they could see so far is still the endless desert filled with ruins and large craters.

Although it was a fascinating scenery, Zenkichi only felt deep sadness and melancholy upon seeing the barren wasteland; he knew most of the storyline of this world, this singularity. Of how this was once the prosperous kingdom of Jerusalem but the land and its people were incinerated by the crusaders and then the Lion King, an alternate version of Arturia Pendragon that didn't die after the battle Battle of Camlann, ending up becoming a wandering ghost and then Divine Spirit.

Thinking about the Lion King, a horrifying realization came to his mind.

'The Holy Selection.'

"...We need to hurry!"

"Huh? Why? Didn't you say that the Last Master would be fine?"

"I'm not worried about them! I'm worried about–" Zenkichi's eyes widened as he felt someone, no, multiple people on the ground with his skills.

It would've been something to celebrate, they've finally found people after so long, if he wasn't feeling a great sense of danger and an amalgamation of magical energy that felt like a cannon aimed directly at them.



A flash of light enveloped both of them, Brunhilde transformed into her Völundr form; turning into steel armor that covered most of his body. Zenkichi clenched his armored fists and activated The Iron, Blut and his Divine Authority to further amplify his durability and defense.


The white clouds parted as multiple beams of powerful concentrated magical energy that could pierced through and destroy Mt. Fuji, shot towards Zenkichi and Brunhilde.

Zenkichi narrowed his eyes at the attack and a silver layer of light enveloped his whole body, he crossed his arms, bracing for the impact. The beams crashed into him, causing a tremendous explosion that sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

The force of the impact scattered the clouds around them, showing the bright blue sky, fiery sun and the huge ring of light.

'They're really not holding back, huh.' Zenkichi thought as the smoke cleared, revealing him still standing, without a single scratch on him. He looked up, his gaze intense as he scanned the area for their attackers.

"Show yourselves!" he called out, his voice echoing across the desert.

Almost immediately, a group of figures emerged from the cloud of dust on the ground, looking up at Zenkichi with a dignified expression. There were two groups, clearly from different factions; one group wore knight armor while the other was a woman with a revealing outfit and a large moving Sphinx behind her.

"Hah! So you're a God?" A fully armored knight with horns stepped forward, their helmet retracted to reveal a blonde girl with a confident and arrogant expression on her face. "You're pretty strong but... I don't really see it."

"Sir Mordred, don't underestimate him." Tristan, with his long flowing red hair, lightly strummed his weapon and slightly opened his eyes. "The king sent us three to check up on this Divine Spirit for a reason."

"Tch. Yeah, yeah. I know," Mordred clicked her tongue and a serious expression crossed her face. "Hey, you! We're the Knights of the Roundtable! I'm Mordred, this melancholy guy here is Tristan and that silent serious guy is Gawain."

Everyone stared at her.

Mordred stared back at them in confusion, "What? Is there something on my face? Augh, don't tell me I got dirt on my face again..."

'No, we're staring at you because of what you said in this situation.' They thought, sweatdropped.

Zenkichi shook his head, thinking about it for a while, and arrogantly replied, "I'm the God of the Sun, Zen! How dare you attack me like that, you puny mortals. Little girl, what give you the right to speak to me like that?"

"HA?! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY?! HUH!? YOU FUCKER!!" Mordred's contorted into anger and she would've jumped at him if she wasn't held back by both knights besides her.

"The God of the Sun, Zen?" Nitocris mumbled in confusion, she tried remembering any Gods with that name but was drawing a blank. "I'm sorry, but I don't recall any deity by that name in Egyptian mythology."

Zenkichi smirked, his arrogance seeping through his words. "Of course you wouldn't know. I'm a transcendent being, far beyond the scope of your mortal understanding."

'Zenkichi? What are you doing?' Brunhilde asked through their mental link.

'What? I just want to mess with these fuckers for attacking us like that.'

Gawain stepped forward, his expression serious. "Enough games. We have been sent here by his majesty, the Lion King. You have two choices, servant. You either submit to our king or die by our blades!"

Zenkichi snorted and a golden spear appeared in his hand, "I pick the third option, fuck off!"


AN: No time limit, no major limitations on his quest to save the world. Zenkichi's out here going to have fun....

Valentine's coming up huh, sniff. Another year being single🥲

Nah, fuck romance. Gimme Xianyun or Nahida!!

❄️Shout-outs to the best Reincarnators of my world of patreon: 

•terrence L mccall







•Shaheer Khan

❄️A bigger shout out to the who ascended to become a One Above All!!

•Daniel Reis 


•Adrian Durand


Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!


A friend of mine wanted to share this, an ad or something.

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