
Devil's Forbidden Angel

“Don't come closer.” Elise whimpered as her back collided with the wall. But, her predator refused to give up. Each step he took towards her made her heart thump. “Who could have known… Out of everyone in the entire world, My Little Elise would be my mate.” In the next blink of an eye, Dietrich’s face was buried in Elise’s neck. “Don't run, angel. It's no use. What's mine has always been mine.” – Elise was the regular nerd with huge glasses. Innocent and shy. Something all guys would have loved to possess. However, finally giving up after not being able to corrupt her. On the night before the prom, Elise's boyfriend broke up with her only to ask out her bully. A simple trigger. The ugly duckling turned into a swan princess. But, what happens when those ice cold eyes set upon Elise? Unable to control their desire any longer? Could Elise remain innocent and run away? Or, would he corrupt her till there was no innocence left?

Larsena · Thành thị
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50 Chs

Swan Princess

"Let's end this. I can't do it anymore."

The words of Elise's ex-boyfriend still rang in her head. Jerkface! Why did he even bother promising the world to me when he was going to disappear one day? Elise thought as she aggressively applied blush on her pale skin.

"Wow girl! Chill!" Christie, Elise's bestfriend said as she looked up from her phone only to find tears in Elise's eyes. "Okay! Okay! Don't let them fall! We can't afford to be late, Elise."

"I hate him." Elise whimpered as he took out a napkin and wiped the tears off from the corner of her eyes. Just what did she do to deserve this? Her boyfriend breaking up with her only to propose to her bully? And, that too the day before prom!?

"Well, isn't that why we are dressing you up, nerd princess? I'm sure that bitch will apologize to you on his knees." Christie turned Elise's chair in her direction applying final touches to her make-up.

"You think?" Elise's eyes innocently stared at Christie while Christie rolled her eyes at her before turning the chair right back in the direction of the mirror. "Have you looked at yourself? One look and you'll probably be sent to prison."

"Why prison?" Elise questioned as she stared at her face in the mirror. It was simply breathtaking. Who could have known the duck was a swan?

Her face reflecting the mirror was the epitome of beauty. Her skin, flawless and glowing, like the first blush of dawn. The delicate sweep of highlighter across her cheekbones caught the light, casting a gentle shimmer that accentuated her refined features.

Her eyes, lined with the deepest black, were framed by long, fluttering lashes that seemed to whisper secrets with every blink. A dusting of rose-gold shadow graced her lids, creating a soft gradient that drew you into their depths. Her lips, painted in a shade of delicate pink, were both inviting and innocent, the perfect complement to the subtle blush that warmed her cheeks. Her brows, arched and perfectly defined, added a touch of elegance to her gaze.

"Because, my nerd princess, you are going to kill guys with one look of yours." Christie smirked at her lame pickup line while Elise was lost in her thoughts.

Was I really this pretty?

"Elise! Hurry up!" Elise's mom's voice pulled the two girls in the room out of their respective fantasies.

"Coming!" Elise yelled back as she grabbed her purse. "Christie, have you gotten everything you need?" Elise asked, sure of the fact she had forgotten something.

In the 12 years of their friendship, Christie has always forgotten one thing or another.

Christie rolled her eyes and patted her bag confidently. "Please, Elise, I've got everything. We're not letting anything ruin this night—not even my scatterbrain." She winked, trying to lighten the mood as she stood up to adjust the hem of Elise's dress.

Elise took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. "You're right. Tonight's going to be amazing," she said, more to convince herself than anyone else. Her heart still ached from the betrayal, but she refused to let that jerkface ruin her night.

She was 18. And, yet to find her mate. She deserved to go a little loose.

Christie nodded in approval, handing Elise a pair of silver earrings. "These will match perfectly. And remember, tonight's not about him. It's about you having the time of your life, showing everyone who you really are."

Elise nodded, her resolve strengthening. She took the earrings and put them on, glancing one last time in the mirror. The reflection staring back at her wasn't the shy, nerdy girl she'd been for so long. Tonight, she was going to make everyone regret the way they treated her.

As they headed down the stairs, Elise's mother greeted them at the bottom, her eyes widening in awe. "Oh, honey, you look absolutely stunning," she said, her voice thick with emotion.

Elise smiled softly, feeling a warmth spread through her. "Thanks, Mom."

"Just make sure you have fun tonight, okay?" Her mother's gaze was tender. "After all, this is the first time you dressed up."

"I will, I promise," Elise said, giving her mom a quick hug. But, as soon as they were about to leave a thunderous roar filled the air as rain began to patter down.

"Oh my! How will you two go now?" Elise's mother questioned the girls while they stared at the sky in distress.

"How about I book a cab?" Christie suggested, pulling out her phone as Elise's mother shook her head. "Cabs aren't safe this late for you girls. Let me call Dietrich. He'll drop you two."

A gasp passed Elise's lips as she heard her stepbrother's name from her mother's mouth. "But, mom… We are grown ups. We can go by cab. You shouldn't trouble brother."

"Oh! Don't worry. Dietrich said he's around this area." Elise's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Dietrich.

Her stepbrother was the last person she wanted to see tonight. He was older, always distant, and had a way of looking at her that made her feel small. But, what choice did she have?

She couldn't miss the prom after dressing up so much.

"Are you sure it's not a bother, Mom?" Elise asked, trying to mask the anxiety creeping into her voice.

Her mother smiled reassuringly. "Of course, sweetheart. Dietrich won't mind at all. You are his sister, after all."

Christie shrugged at the option with a dreamy look on her face. "Well, at least we'll arrive in style. Dietrich drives that sleek black car, right? Better than a cab, if you ask me. And, he has a very handsome face." Her statement made Elise's mom chuckle as she picked up her phone to call her son.

Elise moved away from the group as she walked to the window. Her eyes stared up at the dark sky, unable to shake the unease settling in her stomach.

She hadn't seen Dietrich in like 6 years now. Her mother had been married to her stepdad for thirteen years. Though, he recently passed away a year ago, leaving Dietrich the title of 'Alpha King' of The Wolvine Pack and the position of CEO of Wolvine Enterprises.

(A/N : Since, the numbers are causing trouble I thought it would be good to clear up confusion. Elise is currently 18. 13 years ago is 18 - 13 = 5. Elise was 5 when her parents got married. Please note, I am solely talking about Elise. The flashback happened when she was 6. It means they had already been married for a year before the incident happened.)

Dietrich and Elise's relationship was…complicated beyond explanation. Dietrich was always mysterious no matter how hard Elise tried to get close to him. And, ever since he'd gone overseas for his studies, he'd become more aloof. It was as if he didn't care about his little sister at all. And, that part made Elise question what wrong she had even done to him.

Elise's emotions were all over the place because of the breakup, the last thing she needed was to meet her brother for the first time after 6 years.

"Brother! Brother!" A six year old Elise ran away from her new stepbrother, jumping up and down in pure happiness. "Catch me if you can."

"Elise. Stop it. I'm not playing with you." Dietrich's cold reply didn't affect Elise in the slightest bit as she ran and ran, hoping her brother would come to catch her.

Dietrich sighed, watching as the little girl darted between the trees, her laughter echoing through the woods. "Elise, I said stop," he called out, his tone sharper this time. But Elise, too caught up in her excitement, didn't listen.

She giggled, her small legs carrying her deeper into the forest. The sunlight filtering through the leaves created playful patterns on the ground, and to Elise, it felt like she was in a magical world.

"Brother! You have to catch me!" she shouted, her voice high-pitched and full of joy.

Dietrich rolled his eyes, annoyance creeping into his expression. He was only a few years older than Elise, but he already had the air of someone far more mature. He didn't have time for silly games, especially not with someone's child who decided to take his mother's place.

"Enough, Elise. We need to go back," he yelled, turning around to walk away, hoping she would follow. But as he walked a few steps away the sound of her laughter, he realized with a sinking feeling that it was getting fainter.

"Elise?" he called out again, this time with a hint of concern. There was no response.

Dietrich quickened his pace, his eyes scanning the dense trees around him. The sun was starting to dip lower in the sky, casting long shadows that made everything look darker, more ominous.

"Elise!" he shouted, panic edging into his voice now. He reached the spot where he last saw her, but there was no sign of her. Just the eerie silence of the woods.

"Elise!" he yelled again, his heart pounding in his chest. The forest, which had seemed harmless in the daylight, now felt like a vast, endless maze. He could barely make out the path they had taken, and the realization that his little sister was lost out here alone sent a jolt of fear through him.

"Where are you?!" Dietrich's voice cracked as he shouted, the cold demeanor he always tried to maintain slipping away. The only response was the rustling of leaves in the wind.

Tears welled up in Dietrich's eyes as he feared he failed father. No. He couldn't disappoint his father. If he disappointed his father, his mother would punish him again. Dietrich sank to his knees, his clothes getting dirty from the muddy ground.

The woods seemed to close in around him, the once familiar trees now looming like dark, menacing figures. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig made him flinch. But then, in the silence, he heard something that sent a chill down his spine—a soft, almost imperceptible hiss.

Dietrich froze, his heart skipping a beat. Slowly, he turned his head, his wide eyes locking onto the source of the sound. A few feet away, slithering through the underbrush, was a snake, its long body coiling as it drew nearer. The sunlight glinted off its dark scales, and Dietrich could see the forked tongue flicking in and out as it tasted the air, sensing his presence.

He wanted to move, to scream, but fear held him paralyzed. The snake was close—too close. He could see its eyes, cold and unblinking, as it fixed its gaze on him.

The world seemed to slow down, and Dietrich's heart pounded in his ears.Just as the snake reared its head, ready to strike, a flash of movement caught Dietrich's eye.

"Brother!" Elise's voice rang out, shrill with urgency, as she appeared seemingly out of nowhere. In her hand was a long, sturdy stick she had picked up during her playful run.

Without hesitation, she swung the stick at the snake with all her might.The snake recoiled, hissing angrily as it slithered back into the underbrush, disappearing from sight.

Elise stood there, panting, her small chest heaving with the effort. The stick clattered to the ground as she dropped it, her face pale but determined.Dietrich remained frozen, still processing what had just happened. Slowly, he lifted his head to look at Elise, who was staring at him with wide, fearful eyes.

"Brother… are you okay?" Elise asked softly, taking a tentative step toward him. But, Elise had exhausted the stamina of a six year old as her vision faded, making her fall to the ground with blurry vision.


Elise didn't wake up for a week after that. She couldn't even shield her brother from her parents. Neither did she get to know what happened after she lost vision.

The only thing that graced her was her brother's gaze colder than ever.

I'll be grateful if he doesn't throw me out of his car. Elise sighed for the sixth time, staring at the sky when the doorbell finally rang.

"Elise! Go! Dietrich is here."

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