
Developing the Valley(Fusion of ToS into GOT)

A guy transmigrates into a royce and tries to develop the valley. * *I do not own Game of Thrones, Tyranny of Steel or any works I use here. I don't aim to earn anything from this, I won't even create any kind of accounts like p*treon to receive anything. * Just to warn you, in this fic I'm basically merging two works that I really like, Tyranny of Steel and Game of Thrones with just a few changes in the initial arcs. I'm not a writer, my goal is to encourage other people to write a better fic for me to read, either because they thought the idea was cool or just because they hated my writing. I just make a request to let me know when they write so I can read it too. Thanks for reading.

Ydo_Dominnus · Ti vi
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38 Chs

Shaking with fear??

The next day, Lord Yohn Royce summoned Runestone's finest blacksmith/engineer Axel, who was fascinated by Artys' designs, and after some talks, it was decided to build a blast furnace and a bessemer converter, and if it worked as it should, they would produce more.


While enjoying breakfast with his family, Lord Yohn broke the silence; curious about the conversation Artys had with Axel about the projects; he decided to ask about it.

"So Artys my boy, how was your discussion with Axel about the projects?"

Artys gracefully ate the grilled fish in front of him; after wiping his mouth with his napkin, he looked at his father with a dignified expression as he recounted the events.

"Rest assured, Dad, the project will start as soon as possible. Axel needs to gather the manpower necessary to complete the task. I have full confidence in his abilities."

Yohn sighed in relief before a satisfied expression spread across his face. He was relieved that the sudden change in his son's health and behavior was not just a passing fad and was excited about the prospects of this new technology. The news harmed only one person inside the room, and that was Andar. The wily young man quickly donned a mask of innocent confusion as he delved into the details.

"Project? What project? Is something wonderful happening?"

Everyone at the table had bought into the young schemer's innocent facade. All but Artys, although Andar was a good actor, it wasn't enough to fool Artys' keen eye. This young man was really dishonest.

Lord Yohn was happy that his first son was interested in House affairs and was more than happy to share the plan to build the upgraded blast furnace and Bessemer converter.

"My son, his younger brother, brought to my attention some interesting plans for the development of the steel industry in our territory. With this new technology, we will be able to develop steel much more efficiently!"

A look of pride was on Lord Yohn's face as he revealed the plan Artys had devised without an ounce of discretion. Although Andar smiled at the news, he was inwardly furious.

'Where did Artys get this technology from? Why was I not informed of this? Damn it; I have serious plans for the iron ore inside my mountains!'

These were just some of the thoughts that ran through the young man's mind as he looked at his younger brother, who had always been so quiet. Though what he didn't expect was for Artys to return his gaze with half-closed eyes. The look was cold; though not murderous, he had a hint of savagery in him. The eyes of a man who was aware that he had been framed and would surely return the favor at the first opportunity.

The sight that frightened Andar terribly, these weren't the eyes of the quiet, naive younger brother he'd grown up with. However, before he could investigate further, Artys finished his meal and got up from the table; After wiping his mouth with his napkin, Artys looked away from Andar and gave his father an equally convincing facade.

"Dad, can I be excused? I have urgent business to attend to with Axel."

A graceful smile spread across Yohn's face as he had no idea of ​​the rivalry that was brewing between his two sons.

"Of course, my son, go. I wish you good luck with this endeavor."

Artys bowed before exiting the dining room, leaving Andar and the family with several expressions. Andar's right hand, which held the dinner knife, began to tremble as his mind couldn't help but see Artys' squinted eyes, which he seemed to have seen beyond his facade and peered deep into his soul. His hand tremor didn't go unnoticed by the family when his brother Robar spoke up with a little worry on his face.

"Andar, your hand is shaking. Are you okay?"

Andar looked at his hand and noticed it shaking for the first time; as he examined it, Artys's cold eyes came into view once more, and his hand instinctively dropped the knife. As he held her hand to steady himself, he spoke to reassure his family.

"I'm fine; I'm just feeling a little bad, that's all. If you'll excuse me, I think I'll lie down for a while."

After being dismissed by his family, Andar gracefully left the cafeteria, but when he was no longer in sight, he frantically ran to his room and locked the door behind him. After entering the large stone room, he collapsed against the door shielding his eyes with his hands, muttering under his breath.

"What evil being possessed my brother to make him aware of my schemes?"

(N.A.: You may have wondered why the Floor would ally with another lord and risk murder on his brother, when he is his father's eldest son and heir. This is because Lord Yohn loved Artys' mother very much and because he was her youngest and only son, he became the Lord's favorite son, the issue of him being Jon Arryn's grandson and I didn't want to put him as an older brother, because of the age he would be in the wars.)