
Detonating Desire

The League of Villains started to attack U.A. in pursuit of kidnapping students with uncontrollable quirks. One specific girl is currently their main target. In a failed mission, Akane's class dorm has been burned and the class is forced to be split up to bunk down with the other dorms on campus. Class 1-A is not what she expected, especially Katsuki Bakugo. Read on for more!

Reneereaper39 · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

Chapter 9

The students ate dinner as they normally did, and not too soon right after, it was what they called "the social hour". That time meant that the class would have an hour left to socialize before it got close to curfew, or bedtime. With Ida being the class rep, he made it clear that he would personally patrol the halls to make sure everyone was in their room at the designated time.

She had been stressing herself out all throughout dinner trying to put the words together that she needed to say to Yuto. There was so much going on at the moment that she almost didn't know where to begin, but she knew she couldn't keep putting the main issue off forever. Time was of the essence. Just trying to deal with it alone was eating her up inside. She had to tell someone, and who better than Yuto, the guy who spent months just to get her to speak one word to him.

After lining up with the others to place their dirty dishes in the sink, she then left the kitchen to stand by the arch in the hallway to wait for him. Some of the students went to rest on the couch, some to play games, and the rest to chat or play on their phones. After a couple minutes went by, he finally came out. Yuto ended his small talk with Emiri and Jiro before limping his body over to her.

It was good to see that he built back up most of his strength, but it still bothered her to see him this way. His bandages were still wrapped around his exposed stomach, leaving a gloomy feeling in her chest. She knew what she wanted to say to him first.

Together they walked to a secluded spot on the third level, where they assumed no one would be around to eavesdrop, and sat on a small wooden bench near a large potted plant. Yuto was anxious to hear what she had to say, but after enduring many years of her silence, he was well prepared to be patient.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

She looked at him before her eyes darted down to his bandages.

"I'm really sorry…"

"For what? This?" he pointed to his torso, to which she nodded. "It's no big deal, Akane. I knew what I was in for when I told you to go all out on me, so it's okay. Besides, you won. You should be happy that you beat me."

He could tell from her unchanged look that he wasn't getting through to her, which forced him to let out a frustrated sigh.

"Listen, Akane, I don't think of what you did to me as a bad thing. Sure, I'm bruised up, but this actually, in a way, helps me. When we become heroes, it's guaranteed that we're gonna face dangerous villains, and villains don't hold back. Some villains even aspire to kill heroes, like that one guy, Stain. Since we're friends, I doubt that you would do that to me, but you definitely showed me that I have a long way to go before I can be just as strong. If I can't survive a battle against your red strength, what chance do I have against a real villain? And if that happens, how will I ever call myself a hero?"

She never thought of it that way. For the most part, what she dreaded was ending up like her Father, going too far with his quirk and hurting others… Aside from that, Yuto brought up a good point.

"I'm still sorry… I'll help you in any way I can so that you've fully recovered."

"I know you will. You always were the nice one. Be careful with that, some people might take advantage of you." He said before giving her a sly smile. "As if anyone would dare go against you. So, is that all you wanted to say to me?"

She was silent for a moment, which was normal, but her instant look of nervousness indicated that he asked something she didn't like. That wasn't a good sign.

"Hey, you okay?"

She still didn't answer.

"Is it about the dorm attack?"

She nodded.

"If you're that upset about it, you should tell your mom. She's PSI, she can help investigate or at least help guard the school. It's been almost two weeks now. Those villains have probably already moved on to trapping some other kid."

She thought that too, once. She proceeded to reach into her pocket to pull out the folded piece of paper. After handing it to him, he opened it and read it. Yuto's hands began to clench it hard.

"What the hell is this?"

She took a deep breath. Here goes…

"The day that we all went to the mall, a stranger was following me around. He slipped me that message in one of my bags."


"I didn't know this until Midoriya came to me earlier today. He saw it happen… I didn't even notice the note until we got back to the dorm. I had no idea I was being followed. Midoriya wasn't able to get a good look at him, since the guy wore a mask. At first, I thought the note was a prank someone left just to scare me, but after hearing what Midoriya said, I'm almost certain it's them… They're going to try to abduct me again." She explained quietly.

"You've had this note all this time and you're just now telling me this?!" he felt the volume rise in his voice as he said that, which immediately caused her to shush him in case someone just so happened to hear. No one was in the hall, but that didn't mean that any of the students weren't in their own rooms. He lowered his voice to a quiet scream. "This is serious, Akane! Those shitheads are out to get you and you've known about this for almost two weeks and did nothing about it!"

"I didn't know it was legit until Midoriya told me about it today. I thought it was a prank."

"Midnight gave us exclusive orders not to mention your name when the news spread about the dorm attack. She wanted to keep you from being singled out. So far, we've held up our end, so who in their messed up mind would know about it and want to mess with you? Have you told anyone about it?"

"Midoriya knows…"

"Anyone else?"

She shook her head.

"You should've said something about this as soon as you found it. You could've told me. I may not be able to do much, but I could still help. I don't want to think about what those idiots would've done if they succeeded in taking you away."

"I'm telling you now..."

"But having the note and not doing anything about it isn't exactly smart. Whether you're uncertain or not, it's not a good message and that stalker did everything in his power to make sure you were the one to get it. Even if it was nothing, we could all at least be aware of the situation."

"I knew that it didn't look right from the moment I opened it… I was afraid that if any of you got involved, it would increase the risk of you getting hurt. Mae showed me enough villains at the Police Department to know how their minds work. If they have a goal, they'll go through any means to attain it, even kill… If anything were to happen to you-"

"Then I would fight until the very end! I would still protect you!" he interrupted.

She turned away to look down at the floor, which forced him to rethink his tone. He understood that it was a delicate situation and if he could be honest with himself, he probably wouldn't even begin to know how to handle it on his own either, but holding it alone was one of the stupidest things she could ever do.

"You shouldn't be worried about who gets involved. People can decide whether or not to help, but they can't make that decision if you don't ask for it. You should be worried for your own safety… Have you told anyone else besides me and Midoriya?"

"I texted my mom before I spoke with him. She said that she's going to come by the school tomorrow night, so there's no need to worry any further."

That may be, but he was still pretty pissed about it. Yuto sighed and handed her back the paper.

"If you've done that, then I guess I can let it go. As long as you're safe. Is that it? Or is there something else I should know about?"

"The group training begins tomorrow…"

The sudden change of topic caught him a bit off guard. Then, he remembered the names on the paper.

"Yea, I saw that. You got Bakugo."


"As if it isn't bad enough living with that shithead… Maybe you can talk to Midnight about changing to another group." He suggested.

"She told us on the way back that our groups were determined based on our evaluations, which means that the teachers more likely placed us there for a reason." Akane explained.

"Well whatever the reason, I don't like the idea of that guy being anywhere near you. I've heard people talking, and they say that he's even more brutal when it comes to combat. It doesn't matter if you're a girl or not, and that tells me that he's gonna make your life a living Hell. I think you should still talk to Midnight about switching."

It wasn't like her to go against a teacher.

"I don't know…"


She looked back into his light brown eyes brimming with concern.

"He already hurt you once, don't give him the chance to do it again."

That comment somehow annoyed her. This was one of the things she didn't like about Yuto. Still thinking like a typical male, that girls aren't strong enough to fight for themselves. Her brows narrowed in a fierce complexion that made Yuto fall alert.

"What makes you think I would?"

"Ah! I didn't mean-"

"I can fight my own battles. I'll ask to change if I want to change, not because you or anyone else tells me to."

With that said, she stood up from her seat and proceeded to walk off.

"Akane! Wait!" he called, but she ignored him.

Instead of going back down to socialize with the others, Akane decided to go back to her room. Then again, it's not like she would've been the sociable type anyways. She more likely would have just sat there playing on her phone, like the rest of them. She threw the note in one of her storage bins under the bed and pulled out her sketchbook and lead pencil.

She always resorted to drawing to take her mind off things, that is, if she didn't have any good books around. On a blank sheet of paper, there were unlimited possibilities that could only come to life through her pencil. She had already filled the first five pages with nature sketches as well as new designs to her hero costume. Drawing was always her go-to therapy.

When she was young, her mom would find her all kinds of hand-me-down comics and manga to read. When she was home, they would pass the time together doodling on cheap notebook paper. They weren't able to afford any of the good art supplies, like she had now, but it was enough. Those little moments were the happy ones shared with her late mother.

There was a point of time in her life that she aspired to become a graphic novelist, wanting to bring life to her stories just for her mom to read, but after her death, she was forced out on the streets. After that, she stopped reading and drawing for many years. It wasn't until Mae offered her to move in that she finally came around enough to start reading and drawing again. Eventually, staying with Mae as her adopted daughter changed her views on what she wanted to do in life. To her, becoming a hero was more honorable than a graphic novelist, and Akane knew it would be more meaningful to her late mother.

At the moment, since her previous works were destroyed in the fire, she had to start all over again. As much as she wanted to rewrite and finish her old graphic novels, she no longer possessed the proper notes for it, so she figured it would be best to just start from scratch. Her last story was a hero graphic novel, so which subject would be good this time? Maybe… fantasy?

Without so much as a second thought, her pencil grazed across the paper, outlining the figure of a woman's body. Akane accentuated her muscles with shimmering armor and her feminine prowess by holding bloodstained weapons. The woman's hair flowed back in the breeze as she stood over a pile of slain orc monsters, her sword held high and her mouth agape, shouting to the heavens of her powerful victory. She had won her battle, and it was only hers to fight, no one else.

Akane tilted her head back to give it a better look and she was thoroughly pleased with her work. It was so good that she had almost completely forgotten why she was so upset.

Suddenly, her natural creative flow was disrupted by the clicking of the doorknob. Uraraka entered the room and greeted her with that same warm smile. Before she could get a glimpse at her drawing, Akane closed the book and hid it back in her storage bin. Uraraka wanted to ask to see it, but figured that it would be pointless to try, since she distanced herself so much. It was nice of her not to pry into her business, but that didn't stop Uraraka from talking about herself.

After just minutes of hearing her talk, they both heard the loud voice of Ida walking up and down the halls, yelling at any wandering classmate to get to bed. It was lights out. Akane decided to lay back in her small bed and play on her phone in the dark until she went to sleep. For once, in a long time, she felt calm enough to drift easily into dreamland. There were no nightmares this time, only dreams about the fierce shield-maiden she had created.

The following morning, Akane awoke to the loud alarm from her phone. After doing a nice long stretch, she turned it off and forced herself out of bed. Ochako had sat up in her bed awake, also stretching her arms out before getting up.

Together, they got their toothbrushes, soap, and towels before heading over to the girl's bathroom. Akane faintly listened to the girl's small talk as she performed her routine. Once that was done, she joined the rest of the class down to the kitchen for a protein packed breakfast. To keep her quirk going to its absolute limit, she had to triple the normal daily intake of proteins for her muscle growth. Most of the time, she would stock up on protein shakes and nuts. Yuto attempted to sit next to her, but she didn't pay him any attention. Seeing his face instantly reminded her of why she was mad at him. She regretted hurting him at the pre-tournament, but right now, she thought that she should let him suffer those injuries.

Once she had finished eating, she put on her uniform, slipped her bag over her shoulder, and met with the others at the entrance waiting for Mr. Aizawa. When he at last showed up, they all walked normally to their classrooms. As soon as they stepped through the entrance of the room, Midnight was already sitting in wait.

"Good morning. We have a lot to cover, so take your seats."

Everyone did as told, and she proceeded to continue.

"Today, starting third period, you will be meeting the students in your chosen group. The students of Class A and B will be helping you train to the best of your abilities by assessing your strengths and weaknesses, just as they did when they observed you. Starting today, you have a three month time frame to become stronger and more strategic for the upcoming Tournament. In doing so, this will help you earn the right to keep your spot in the Hero Course, as well as provide you with sponsors for internships with real Pro-Heroes."

"What about those of us that are still recovering?" Yuto asked with his hand raised.

"If you feel that you are able to exercise your quirks safely, you may start. Those who still need time to heal will be exempt from the physical part of training for today. That doesn't mean that you will just sit on your hands and do nothing. I want you to communicate with your group members thoroughly. Your group members are the ones who went in depth on your review just by observing, but they don't fully understand your quirk like you do. Tell them all about yourself, what you excel in and what you may need to work on. They will be getting back their evaluation books today to help you. At the end of each month, one of the teachers will test your skills in a form of their own choosing. I also want you to write a written report on your progress. Your final grade will be determined at the Tournament, which will then decide whether or not you shall remain in the Hero Course. Any questions?"

"If our final grade is decided at the Tournament, then why grade us every month for the training? Wouldn't it matter if we all made it to the finale?" asked another student.

"Your progress reports will let me know if your groups are working with you effectively, and vice versa. These groups are a team building exercise. If you or your members can't work together, that won't help you when becoming a hero. Even if you possess great skills, your inadequacy to work with others and not training to your full extent will not keep you in the Hero Course. You must prove your worthiness in all aspects. If it just so happens that you don't make it to the finale, your group training will be your saving grace. The best heroes are the ones who are determined, so I expect you all to be tenacious." Midnight explained.

"What if we don't get along with the people in our groups? What if it ends with us constantly arguing instead of training?" asked one of the girls.

That immediately caught Akane's attention.

"Then that will poorly affect your grade. Your groups have been decided by all three teachers, it won't be changed." said Midnight.

Akane slumped in her seat. She must've not been the only one because she could hear a few other groans throughout the room.

"You all will have to work with people you don't like at some point in your life, even as a hero. I suggest you find some common ground and agree to disagree, so that there's minimal arguments. This grade affects Classes A and B too, not just you, so hopefully, that will influence a few minds. Just remember this – right now, all three classes share the same goal, and that is for you to stay in the Hero Course. Any more questions?"

The room fell silent.

"Alright. Since most of your costumes are still in the Service Department for repairs, today, everyone will change into their gym uniforms at third period before meeting me once again at the entrance. I suggest that you also bring a notebook and pencil to track down your progress. It will make it easier for you to write the report then. We will be heading to Ground Omega."

"Yes, Ma'am!" said the class.

Annoyed, Akane kept her head down. It looked like there was no way to get around it. If she can't work with that Bakugo kid, she won't be able to stay in the Hero Course. How could she ever expect this to work out? Then again, she did say that Class A and B are also being graded on this. Maybe that will be enough for him not to go ape-shit, but she didn't get her hopes high. And to deal with it for three months, the Tournament couldn't come any sooner. What bothered her the most was the fact that all three teachers decided to place him with her. Why did they ever think that was a good idea? Just why?

Before she knew it, Japanese literature class passed by and it was now nearing the end of history class. Her heart thumped anxiously in her chest watching the clock tick by. At the sound of the bell ring, she felt it sink to the pit of her stomach. Her classmates stood from their seats and exited the room to head to their lockers.

On her way out, she caught a glimpse at Yuto giving her an apologetic face, but she ignored him and went on. Somehow, seeing him reminded her of their argument last night. She understood that he was looking out for her, but for fucks sake, she had been through enough to prove that she can hold her own. It didn't matter if she was a girl or not, she could kick some ass when she had to. It was only the matter if Bakugo decided to push her to that point or not. She didn't have to rely on him or any man. All she wanted was for him to hear her out last night, to get some of those things off her chest, not lecture her, like some over-protective big brother. For now, she had other things to worry about besides Yuto's feelings.

Akane followed the girls to the room and opened up her locker. She put on her gym clothes, just as instructed, and packed an emergency set, just in case. The gym uniform, much like the school uniform, was made out of standard material and was sized to measure. It wasn't anything like her hero costume, which meant that it was almost always prone to tearing whenever she used her quirk. The school only granted five free replacement sets, and unfortunately, she was now down to only two left. If she messed these up, she would have to pay out of pocket for a replacement. It was unfortunate that she couldn't just use her own personal activity clothes for this, but rules were rules. Hopefully, they won't ask her to do too much physical activity today. After packing what she needed, she met with the others at the entrance to wait for Midnight.

A few minutes went by before she appeared walking down the hallway next to Principal Nezu. The two of them did a head count before leading everyone outside to the large forest area of Ground Omega. To their surprise, both Classes A and B were already there waiting with their teachers. Akane stood off to the side with her class, idly listening to everyone's small talk while waiting for instructions. Finally, Midnight took the stand.

"Listen up!"

Everyone fell quiet.

"Today, you will start working in your assigned groups chosen by your teachers to help aid my students for the Hero's Tournament. You will go over your evaluations and study their quirks while you train them. Your teachers have already disclosed the grading process and have given back your evaluation books. Communicate well with my students and work together. I must remind you all that some of my students are in the process of recovery and will not be required to perform any physical movements for today. However, you must still utilize your time wisely. Those that aren't physically restrained may start training. Professor Kan will be the one supervising you today, but we will meet back here prior to dismissal to escort you back to campus." She explained before taking a clipboard from Mr. Aizawa. "When I call your names, you may enter and begin your training… Group 1-"

She felt her stomach turn into knots with each name that was called. Out of everyone in the group, Bakugo was the only one she met and somewhat talked to. Sato was also in 1-A's class, but they never really got around to talking to each other, not that she tried to anyways. And that Shishida guy was all but a mystery to her. It was a bit uncomfortable not knowing how the others would be, especially considering that she was stuck with them. There were only three things keeping her from walking away from this inevitable challenge. One, she still wanted to become a hero, two, she had to prove Yuto wrong, and three, she was profoundly curious as to why the teachers put the four of them together. Out of all three reasons, she could honestly admit that the last one overpowered the others.

"Group 4 – Akane Hattori, Rikido Sato, Katsuki Bakugo, and Jurota Shishida!"

Taking a deep breath in, she stepped out from the crowd towards the entrance. Midnight gave her a confident smile as she passed by, but it didn't help her mood, not in the slightest. Once she had passed the gate and a few trees, the sound of footsteps were heard quickly making their way to her. She paused to wait, and was soon welcomed by two large, smiling guys and Bakugo trailing distantly behind them with that permanent scowl on his face. It was easy for her to recognize the students from Class A, but meeting Shishida was interesting. His quirk, in a way, manifested his body in the form of a large beast, much like Professor Kan, but with a lot more hair. He had a sharp-toothed under-bite that was just as pronounced as the large glasses on his face. Without hesitation, he gave a respectful bow.

"It's so great to finally meet you. I'm Jurota Shishida."

She gave him a smile in return and bowed back.

"I know we already met, but I'm glad we get to work together. I'm actually really interested in getting to know your quirk."

Akane now felt a great amount of relief seeing that these two were so friendly. Hopefully, it would stay that way, but there's always clouds trying to block out the silver lining. Without any hesitation, Bakugo pushed his way past them. He didn't apologize or even look back to see if they were okay. He really didn't care, which only annoyed her.

"Come on! Let's get this shit over with!"