
Chapter 11 - Everyone's Favorite Student

My parents thought I was working harder than ever at my school work. And why shouldn't they? I was out of the house on an almost nightly basis for tutoring sessions and advanced lessons with either Mr. Poln or Mrs. Stahl, and in the instances that I wasn't citing either teacher as an excuse it was some other tacked on made-up claim to cover for my absences from home. Forensics. Music. Even going out to the movies with friends...a clear lie that my parents should've been wise enough to figure out. It didn't matter; I had spent eighteen years building up a high level of trust with my mother and father, and even as I was fucking and sucking my way through my senior year, I was still doing nothing to openly violate that trust. My grades were still impeccable, my college plans were still firmly on track, and to my parents' perspective it even looked as if I was coming out of my shell.

I still looked like a typical nerdy girl; that would never change through all my years. But I had recently taken steps to lessen the impact; or at the very least, make it more pleasing to the eyes. My thick black-rimmed glasses now sat squarely on my nose while framed by shorter black hair; a simple bob cut that had left my pigtails cut and removed. I had donated them to a charity, and couldn't help but smirk at the times they had been grabbed as I was held and fucked on my hands and knees. My hair was now simple and straight; perhaps even playing into the look of the intellectual Asian girl even more, but in a way that could be passed off as stylish and sexy. It was a haircut similar to Mrs. Stahl's, though her fire red locks certainly made her look pop just a little more than mine.

I still dressed in the most cliche of styles; the school's uniform dress code required it. While I'm sure I wasn't the only girl that felt sexualized going to class in a pleated skirt, knee-high socks, and button-up shirt, I was likely the only one that relished in it with such an unabashed glee. The boys in our class tended not to notice me still; they had been programmed by years of Kim being the simple, shy girl that would never be quite as sexy or experienced as their cheerleading classmates. That was fine with me, since my sexual interests laid in men much older than them. I had developed a taste for middle aged men that had practically become an obsession, and as I was coached by Mr. Poln and Mrs. Stahl I had learned how to wonderfully service them.

My two teachers weren't my only sexual influences anymore; Mr. Poln had given me permission to enjoy myself when not in his presence, and I had done so on multiple occasions. Strange men in department store dressing rooms, a frustrated husband that I met online, and even the very same dentist that put my braces on. I was gaining more experience each time I went out and enjoyed another older man thrusting into me or forcing my mouth against his cock, and with each one I took I became just a little more corrupted. A corruption that I wasn't just tolerating; I was relishing.

And through it all, I kept those grades up. Finished those college essays. Spoke to those recruiters, and smiled big and friendly at those representatives from scholarships. I did my part as well as I ever had, I had simply replaced my offtime otherwise filled with boredom and tedium with the wet, delightful mess of sex. The boys in my class didn't know what they were missing when they looked over Kim with her thick glasses and timid outward demeanor; I had learned how to do things that girls they fucked would never, ever understand. I had learned how to make a man cum by simply sucking and teasing against his sack, and I had trained my hole to tighten and squeeze at just the right moment for that extra sweet drip of cum. While their cheerleader sluts would cringe at the feel of cum against their face or complain when their hair was pulled hard enough to ruin the time they spent on it, I was a sexual entity that relished every cock, every drop of cum, and every spank across my ass.

It was a good thing; too, since in the past few minutes I had received several. My rear was red and my black hair was bobbing around my cheeks as I was draped across Mr. Poln's lap, my rump offered up to him and only barely contained within the confines of a pair of tight red panties. I had stretched my hands out to touch the tiled floor of his office, and from time to time I could hear the squeak of his office chair as he reared his hand up, preparing to strike once more. He had learned to make me wait for it; timing his strikes so far in between each other to keep me guessing, but never waiting too long that my ass stopped being tender from the last one. It was no wonder I was whimpering and wet; Mr. Poln knew how to spank a girl as well as he knew how to train one.

I had bit down on my bottom lip a few moments ago, and I could still feel the pinch sustaining as the spanks slowly came. Mr. Poln wasn't an abusive dom; beatings had never been a part of our fun, and even as I sat there stretched across his lap the strikes that came were far more designed to stimulate rather than truly punish. Sure, his fingers and bare hand would leave a small red mark across my flesh where he struck, but it was nothing I'd have trouble walking from. For me the greatest thrill came from the feel of his erection underneath his dress slacks; bulging and hard and pushing squarely into my lap, driven in against it each time my hips twitched from his slap. It was a thrilling reminder that this middle aged man wasn't just enjoying spanking me; he was getting off on it. When someone desired you so utterly complete and was so thoroughly dedicated to making you wet and fucking you senseless, abuse wasn't needed. Mr. Poln could do more to me with a hard stare and a pointed finger than "those" tops could do with all of their strength.

Another spank came and I twitched, giving a gasp that was practically an orgasmic moan. I could feel a shiver run through my thighs and down into my knees, and Mr. Poln's free arm remained scooped just underneath my belly to help give me support. While my teeth sank a little deeper into my bottom lip I couldn't help but to give my ass a small wiggle; practically taunting him to drive his bare hand down against my panties once more. As it was my showmanship was noticed not just by Mr. Poln, but by the spectator we had that evening after school.

"You see? She's hungry for it, David." It was a smooth and sexy feminine voice, and one I had come to know well over the past few weeks. Standing just before us was Mrs. Stahl in all of her authority and glory; dressed in a pencil skirt and dark nylons, and with her arms folded just underneath her post-baby sized breasts. Though her chest was contained in a simple white button-up shirt similar to all the other women teachers at the school, Mrs. Stahl's was under particular duress thanks to the woman's large chest. Strained against the buttons and with the hint of cleavage that was the desire of nearly every boy in her class, Mrs. Stahl kept her bosom just overtop her arms as she stood watching me get slowly spanked. Her glasses had slid down to the tip of her nose, and there was a coy smile spread across her ruby red lips as she spectated. "I think I've done a remarkable job turning your teacher's pet into a wonderful little butt slut."

My cheeks flushed red at that, but I couldn't deny it. For weeks now I had been training with Mrs. Stahl when I wasn't with Mr. Poln, and she had put a lot of time in properly teaching me just how to enjoy the pleasures of my back door. We had started off small with her fingers and tongue but had slowly moved up through the ranks to bigger and better things, with the final goal being a juicy, thick cock. It was something I was starting to crave, a reward for all of my hard work. I wasn't quite there yet, but I was rapidly approaching the day that I'd have Mr. Poln in my ass, and I'd get to enjoy the rush of his cream as it filled me up deep. Even as the spanks came from my teacher there was an added level of enjoyment; each time his open palm crashed against my rear it pushed against a toy that had previously been inserted. A simple plug that had been greased and slipped inside just after class, one I had worn throughout the whole spanking session so far. Each time Mr. Poln's hand crashed down against me the toy drove a little deeper, and were it not for the round, flat hilt stretched wider than my pucker, it likely would've disappeared inside me by now. As it was it continued to linger just inside; stretching me out and reminding me of what my ultimate goal was: to let Mr. Poln, and any man for that matter, fuck my ass.

"Give me one more week with the strap-on, David." Mrs. Stahl mused, rubbing her chin as she watched my face. My cheeks were blushing bright as I looked over at my other teacher, the memories of all the things we had done instantly spiralling into my mind. I swallowed tightly, and bit down on my bottom lip as another hard spank filled my senses. Her words continued with a pleased tone, and the same gently cocky smirk she tended to wear. "I'd say keep your schedule free for Saturday night, you have an eighteen year old's ass to fuck."

"Excellent." Mr. Poln spoke up, and the latest spank came as he affectionately rubbed his palm across my ass. In smooth and fluid circles he rubbed up and down, teasing at my panties and pushing the toy into my ass a little deeper. He even gave a small rub at the wet spot just overtop my pussy, but he was stingy with such treatment and it only left me hotter. My two teachers were fond of talking about me in terms of property between each other; specifically a young property that added to the thrill of our age gap. They each had different ways of handling me whether they were alone or with each other, and each way made me quiver with excitement at the deeper intimacies I found with them.

When we were alone, Mr. Poln was a demanding and sometimes impatient master. Though he was never abusive and had always been good about my consent, there were times that his middle aged desires drove him to claim me hard, to pull my head down into his lap, or to fuck me until I was moaning far louder than was wise in his office. Under Mrs. Stahl's eye he kept his restraint in check; either to show off for the older woman or simply out of concern for her own interests. After all, from what I could tell about Mrs. Stahl, she was more like me than she wanted to let on.

When I was with my teacher during my anal training, she was the epitome of the sweet and sensitive master. No torment or teasing came without a heavy amount of foreplay, and she had trained my ass not with brute force, but with seduction. Mrs. Stahl had shown me how to open my rear hole as well as how to pleasure another woman, and she had done it all without once domming me any harder than a stern smile and a run of her fingers down my back. It was thrilling in its own way, though I had often speculated that it was because Mrs. Stahl was a submissive much like myself. That though she was more than willing to switch, her true passion laid in being claimed. I could be wrong, but the rumors about her at school would suggest otherwise. More than just a few young men had claimed to have fucked her, after all, and even accounting for teenage boasting a fraction of them could still be telling the truth.

It wasn't my place to judge, or even speculate. In that moment my only place was to lay stretched across Mr. Poln's lap as he spanked me, my cheeks getting red and excited and my pussy aching in a wet, hungry bliss. The two teachers spoke about me as little more than a toy when in my presence, a stark contrast for how they handled me individually. It was...exciting, in a totally different way. Though Mrs. Stahl and Mr. Poln had yet to lay a hand on each other any of the times I saw them together, there was an exciting joy in imagining that I was little more than an elaborate sex toy in their own dance of seduction. A toy that was used a lot, and used well.

"What do you think of that, Kimberly?" Mr. Poln's voice broke out over the sound of another slap, and soon the soothing feel of his palm spreading back and forth over my ass returned. I shuddered from the strike, but also by the firm and enchanting sound of my history teacher's words. "Next Saturday, you'll finally get to have my cock in your ass. It's what you've wanted for some time, isn't it?"

"Y-Yes Mr. Poln…" I moaned in response, every word honest and genuine. I had indeed wanted it, craved it, even begged for it in the past. The past few weeks of anal training had been something purely decided on by my two teachers; if it was up to me I would've tried to take Mr. Poln's cock in my ass when the idea first popped into my mind. It was an instance in where I needed my older lovers to look out for me, to guide me away from doing something that I might have been rushing into. I had no doubt that thanks to Mrs. Stahl's training that I'd be able to handle Mr. Poln deep down to the core of my ass, but if it wasn't for the time she had spent teaching me it likely would've been a much different experience. From the very beginning, Mr. Poln had been concerned with not just his own release, but my own comfort and enjoyment. It was a rare thing to find; a delightful mix of concern and compassion while still in the shell of a man so depraved that he'd fuck a girl less than half his age. My body thanked him for his rare combination of personality quirks, and next Saturday my ass would do so as well. I couldn't help but give another faint moan, my walls tightening around the toy inside of me. "...w...will you cum inside of me, too? Inside my ass?"

I watched as Mrs. Stahl and Mr. Poln exchanged glances, a large grin over each of their faces. They clearly knew just how lucky they were to have an eager and willing slut like me in their mutual employ, and that appreciation wasn't lost on me. Mrs. Stahl was the first one to speak up, stepping forward and lowering a hand to tease her fingers through the top of my hair. I gave a small whimper of excitement, my black locks falling from her grip with ease as she spoke in a teasing tone.

"David, you didn't just ask me here to watch, did you?" She asked with her typical impatience. "You don't really think I'm content with just standing around while you spank and fuck this sweet girl, do you? I expect to get some for myself as well."

My cheeks were burning red as I listened to Mrs. Stahl's words, and I bit down on my bottom lip in embarrassment. After just asking if Mr. Poln would cum inside of my ass when the time came, it felt a little unusual to be taken to a sudden shyness, but I couldn't help it. Underneath the gaze of my two favorite teachers, my ass in the air and red from heavy slaps, I was far too exposed to to cling to any level of stability. I waited for Mr. Poln to answer Mrs. Stahl, to hear what he had in mind for her that evening. If he wasn't able to think of anything, I could certainly come up with a few suggestions of my own. As it turned out, my history teacher already had something in mind.

"She's learned how to suck cock pretty well over the past few months." Mr. Poln observed with a smirk, and his hand lowered slowly to my ass. His fingers pinched the hilt of the plug inside of my rear and twisted it from side to side through my panties, forcing me to gasp suddenly and tighten my walls around it. My muscles tensed and I pushed myself down against his lap, where I could feel my middle aged teacher's cock prodding at me through the fabric of his pants. His words sent shivers down my spine, and I gazed over at Mrs. Stahl with a look of excited curiosity when Mr. Poln offered his suggestion. "But she hasn't seen a grown woman work one yet. Maybe you should show her what you can do."

Mrs. Stahl only smirked as she regarded Mr. Poln, one of her slender red brows raised as she looked to the pair of us. Her arms remained folded underneath her ample bust and she tapped her foot as she pondered the offer, a thoughtful humming noise coming from the back of her throat. To my knowledge Mrs. Stahl had a preference for young men; fresh eighteen year olds that were lucky enough to catch her eye in her class. I had even seen her fuck a few of them, hiding in her bedroom closet while she invited them over when her husband was out of town. I hadn't ever seen her with a man her own age, and I could tell that she was of a mind to tease Mr. Poln about her preferences.

"David, you know I'm a married woman." She offered with a smirk, and her hand lowered once more to tease through my hair. She pet me a little like a dog; her fingers smoothing down the back of my now-trimmed hair, before returning to my bangs. The question wasn't whether or not I'd be servicing Mr. Poln very soon; it was if Mrs. Stahl would be joining me. It was a guarantee I'd soon have my history teacher's cock in my mouth within the next few minutes, and I was already licking my lips in anticipation. Mrs. Stahl's voice carried through the room with her usual authority and casual grace, and I couldn't help but smile at the way she could play even a man her own age. "Eighteen year olds don't have any baggage. They're easy to fuck and set aside when they go off to college. But we have to work together. How will I ever be able to look you in the eyes during staff meetings, if I know that I've been on my knees alongside Kim, sucking you off?" She let the question hang, before carrying it forward with a slow and seductive tone. "...bent down, my hand around the base of your shaft, watching as her pretty, young lips move up and down. I bet she squeaks when she sucks cock too deep. Do you squeak, dear?"

I just nodded with a blush on my cheeks. I had been known to, when Mr. Poln pushed himself down further than I was prepared for. My history teacher gave me a small nudge to usher me off of his lap, and I instantly slid onto my bare knees on the floor before him. My skirt fell around my lap and my ass tightened around the plug inside of me, but I diligently lowered myself to Mr. Poln's body. My hands stretched out and I began fishing out his member from the front of his pants, knowing that I had full permission to go after what I was craving. While I worked at undoing his belt and pulling his cock free, Mr. Poln gazed at Mrs. Stahl with the same mature smile lining his features.

"She does other cute things when she sucks my cock." He offered, and gestured down towards me. "And if you don't help her, you'll never find out." My two teachers smirked at each other as their dance concluded, Mr. Poln offering Mrs. Stahl a boon she couldn't turn down. The two were already intimate by nature of what they shared in me, and it felt natural as I soon felt my motherly teacher bring herself down to kneel right beside me. Before long I was overwhelmed by the scent of Mrs. Stahl's perfume as she drew hard against me; one hand moving out to wrap around my waist while the other came to join me in holding Mr. Poln's cock. While I handled my history teacher's base Mrs. Stahl held him at his shaft, her thumb positioning just underneath the tip of his cock and rubbing idly back and forth. I watched with excitement as Mr. Poln tensed from the tiny pressure, and I couldn't help but give a delighted smile. Two of my favorite people in the entire world where there close to me, and we were all going to have fun together.

I didn't have many friends in high school, and the ones I did have were in their forties and liked to watch me be as slutty as I possibly could. I tried hard not to disappoint either of them as I beamed briefly towards Mrs. Stahl before leaning forward, my mouth opening and my tongue stretching out, reaching for the edge of Mr. Poln's thick, throbbing cockhead. A line of precum was already drooling down the underside of it and I traced that glaze of nectar, collecting the familiar flavor of my history teacher against my warm, pink tongue. Mr. Poln's precum sat in my mouth for a moment before I contently swallowed, and soon let my mouth move forward to drift fully over the tip of his cock. I groaned in arousal as I felt his flavor fill me, my lips drifting down so far that they eventually bumped into the barrier of Mrs. Stahl's' fingers. The older woman was holding his shaft in a firm grip at the midway point; not letting me suck him down any deeper. I simply went with the limitations my teacher gave me, pulling my head back to the tip of Mr. Poln's cock, only to drive down again once more. While I worked I could feel Mrs. Stahl's free hand drifting underneath the hem of my skirt to start edging down the back of my panties, and I was sure both of my teachers could see me tremble as I felt her slender, perfectly-manicured fingers pinch the hilt of the toy inside of my ass.

Mrs. Stahl suddenly twisted the plug inside of me, and the roll within me forced my lips to peel off of Mr. Poln's cock in a hungry moan, lines of spit connecting my lips to the head of his member. Mrs. Stahl was waiting for just that moment, and as soon as I left my history teacher's cockhead unguarded she drifted in to steal it from me, closing her lips over Mr. Poln's member and taking him down deeper than I had. I watched as my teacher's red hair folded about her features and her hand left Mr. Poln's shaft, letting her sweep her mouth down to where my own hand stopped her at the base of his cock. She was grinning, and through the frame of her glasses sitting on her nose I could catch her gazing at me in a teasing, yet motherly affectionate fashion. All I received in return for the loss of Mr. Poln's delicious cockhead was another twist of the toy inside of my ass, and before long her hand slipped out of my panties and away from my skirt once more. She left it inside of me and I tightened my walls around it, whimpering as I realized just how easily she had played me. Not that there was any shame in it; Mrs. Stahl was older and more experienced. I could learn a lot from her, and I was quite eager to do so.

With the main prize plucked from my lips I went for the next best thing; lowering my head to Mr. Poln's undercarriage. My mouth moved against his sack and I rolled my tongue out in affection, licking back and forth over him while Mrs. Stahl worked his shaft up and down. Together the two of us worked at pleasuring my teacher, and I could no longer feel bitter that Mrs. Stahl had stolen his cock from me. We were, in effect, working towards the same goal. Two sluts on our knees, happy to worship a thick, throbbing member. While Mrs. Stahl preferred young cock she sure seemed happy to work on one her own age, and I watched with interest as she slurped along his length, her red hair bobbing around her pretty features. I just smiled wide and did my part, tasting Mr. Poln's undercarriage as I gently rubbed along his base. When I saw a bit of Mrs. Stahl's spit drift too close to my territory I was quick to lick it up, tasting one teacher's saliva flavored with the cock of another.

Mr. Poln just gave a content sigh as he relaxed back into his seat, dropping his hands on the armrests and enjoying our shared treatment. In the middle of his office he had an eighteen year old student and a married woman before him, teasing with the tongues and rubbing their thighs together in arousal. Though it certainly wasn't terribly different from the usual sort of shenanigans going on after hours in the history classroom, having the two of us together was definitely a new level of depravity. As we worked I dared to lower a free hand down to Mrs. Stahl's nylon-clad legs, smoothing my fingers across her knee before drifting underneath her skirt and slowly starting to lift it. She had taught me a little about pleasing other women during our time together, and just as my mouth was hungry to slave over Mr. Poln's cock, my fingers were equally eager to feel her warmth against them. She gave me an appreciative smile with her mouth filled as she felt my hand move against her lap, pressing in against her damp, warm panties and slowly rolling my digits back and forth.

"David, this girl's a real slut." She praised me with a grin, pulling her mouth from Mr. Poln just long enough to gaze down at me. Her lips were smeared with spit, ribbons of it connecting her lips to his cockhead, and she wore a confident and cocky glance. As I gazed up at Mrs. Stahl I could feel something building, something that I was having difficulty controlling within me. "Thank you for letting me train her. It's been wonderful playing with her as-mmph!"

Mr. Poln just chuckled as my head darted forward, my tongue rolling across my lips before I ensnared the older woman in a kiss. My tongue pushed inside of Mrs. Stahl's and we shared the taste of the man before us, and as we kissed my free hand went up to hold Mr. Poln's spit-covered cock just overtop her own grip, our fingers tenting together as we worked to slowly stroke his throbbing length. Our kiss was furious and deep, sharing the flavor of precum and spit while Mrs. Stahl traced my braces with her tongue. From time to time I could hear our glasses clink together but mostly there was the sound of her erratic breathing; showing a clear excitement that was growing in her body. She had fully thrown herself into this madness with me, just as whorish and eager as I was to experience every last drop of sweaty bliss before us.

"You girls are missing something in that kiss." Mr. Poln smirked, and pushed his cock forward until the side of the head was pushing against our lips. It was with a natural smile on both of our faces that we pulled apart just long enough to let his cockhead slide in between our lips. Soon we were kissing with the obstruction of his member in between us, our tongues battling back and forth over the ridges and contours of his delicious member. Our hands remained locked around his shaft and we continued to slowly pump him in steady and soft strokes, and our free hands were finding new and exciting ways to keep ourselves busy. While mine was still underneath the rim of Mrs. Stahl's pencil skirt she had guided her own mature fingers up towards my shirt collar, slowly unbuttoning me likely so she could take a look at my pale, young body. She had told me in the past that she rather enjoyed stripping me down to see my breasts exposed, and that watching them bounce up and down as I rode a toy for her amusement was one of the finer joys she could think of. I could only imagine how much she'd like watching them bounce as I rode on Mr. Poln's cock right in front of her.

Mrs. Stahl's eyes were closed behind her glasses, though she was beaming as the buttons of my shirt came free underneath her fingers and she continued working down the line. Inch by inch my flesh was exposed until my breasts underneath my bra were revealed, and my belly was uncovered save for the drool falling from our messily kissing mouths. With her eyes still closed Mrs. Stahl moved her hand up to the center of my bra and gave it a sharp lift; just enough so that the cups pulled up and over my tits to expose them fully. The same firm hand came down to briefly pinch one of my nipples; just enough to make me whimper into our cock-flavored kiss.

When the kiss finally ended it was by Mrs. Stahl's own doing, her mouth pulling free as she continued holding a firm grip on my teacher's thick cock. She gestured towards Mr. Poln as she gazed at me, and I found myself lost in the glistening mess covering her lips and cheeks even while she spoke in her firm, demanding voice. Even on her knees and cock hungry, she could still assert herself as my teacher and my mistress.

"Get on, Kim." She demanded, licking her lips as she arched a brow, regarding me with a steady gaze on her face. "Take off your panties first, and face him while you fuck him. Let David see those innocent young eyes of the girl he's corrupted."

It was hard to argue with the last fact of her demand; my lips were smeared with spit and precum, and I was wet even thinking about riding him. I didn't hesitate to follow Mrs. Stahl's orders as I lifted up to my feet and hooked my fingers in my panties, slowly pulling them down to my ankles. I was so wet that I could practically feel the fabric peel from my folds, and my ass tightened in a sudden twitch around the plug that had still been so deeply inserted. When I looked over to Mr. Poln, his cock still held firmly in place by the redhead's hand, he gave me a nod of approval. His permission to fuck him. Never one to take it for granted when one of my teachers gave me permission, I didn't hesitate to swing a leg over Mr. Poln's lap, brace my hands against his shoulders, and line my wet, young pussy up against the glistening tip of his cockhead. I felt the pinch of his penetration as I slowly lowered myself down against him, taking him inch by inch until I could feel Mrs. Stahl's mature fingers pressed against the outside of my folds. Trembling, my hands tightened at Mr. Poln's shoulders and I gazed at my older history teacher with my cheeks red and my mouth open, my tongue tracing the same familiar line over my braces that he had come to know well. Once I had taken my teacher down to the base Mrs. Stahl's hand smoothed away from his shaft, gliding up my folds and moving to the hilt of the toy that had been inserted inside of me. She inched closer on her knees as she took a firm grip, and slowly began to drag it away from my tight, stretched pucker.

I groaned openly, uncaring if anyone could hear, and I could feel my pussy tighten on Mr. Poln's thick cock. I read the pleasure in his face as I beared down against him, squeezing my knees against the side of his office chair and letting my toes just barely touch the floor. I would've already been riding him with power and speed if it wasn't for Mrs. Stahl playing behind me, and she soon let me know that I wouldn't be doing my usual youthful, energy-filled bouncing anytime soon. Her hands locked against the sides of my rear and pulled me apart just enough to expose my ass, and it wasn't long after that I felt her tongue working against me.

My moan turned into a cry of surprise and I jerked my hips forward; the action forcing me to grind on Mr. Poln's cock as I was rimmed by my female teacher. The two of them had effortlessly claimed both of my holes in their own unique way, and while Mrs. Stahl slurped and suckled against my rear Mr. Poln was enabled to enjoy the firm grip of my young pussy on his cock. I was powerless to move much more than swaying slowly back and forth; doing anything more would risk moving my rear away from Mrs. Stahl's mouth. Since that wasn't a future I would ever want for myself, I took it slow. Easy. Sensual.

It was hard to do. The pleasure going through me from both of my older teachers made me want to writhe around and flail in desire. I wanted to make Mr. Poln's chair squeak with every thrust I made, and I desperately wanted to drop a hand into Mrs. Stahl's red hair and pull her mouth tight against my ass. I resisted those urges and rolled back and forth at a slow and sensual pace; each grinding thrust pushing Mr. Poln's cockhead as deep inside of me as he could go, and each pull back treated to the warm, tickling sensation of Mrs. Stahl's tongue at my rear. They were both utterly delightful, and I was nothing short of addicted to both.

"Good girl." Mr. Poln praised me by wrapping one arm around my waist and drawing a hand up into my hair, combing his fingers down it with a sweet smile on his face. As I bit down on my bottom lip and locked my eyes with my history teacher, he leaned in and took a deep, sensual breath of my hair before moving his mouth against my throat. As the two of them worked their experienced wonders on my young and tender body, I could hear his voice rush against my throat complete with a warm gust of his breath. It made me tremble and tighten, squeezing an already snug cock within my walls.

"It'll be my cock in your ass next week, Kim." He promised, and I could feel his hand claw down my back through my shirt, scratching me with his nails. It forced my back to arch and my hips to lurch forward, and for the briefest of moments I could swear I felt his cockhead bump the wall of my womb. If it was even possible to feel such a thing...all I truly know was that he went damn deep in that moment. When I recoiled back I was greeted again by Mrs. Stahl's tongue, as well as a slap on the rump from her sharp fingers. Mr. Poln just grinned at me, and licked across my throat while he continued to whisper. "And once I'm sure you can take it, other men can start having it. We can have another party...see if you can handle one in each hole at the same time."

"I...I'd like that…" I whispered, my hands still tight against Mr. Poln's shoulders. I swallowed nervously at the mere thought, but it instantly brought up excited memories for me. I had previously had up to two inside of me at the same time; spitroasted with two delicious lengths in the hotel room Mr. Poln had brought me to. The only thing missing that night had been a nice, firm cock in my ass, and it seemed like that day was rapidly approaching. I slid one of my hands up into Mr. Poln's hair and ran my fingers through it, whispering against him as he continued to slowly thrust into my hole. Every motion was measured and paced, and his cock was straining against my walls as my voice slipped out sweetly to him. "I want to show you what my ass can do, Mr. Pol--ahhh…"

The pleasure that ran through me forced my voice to end, and my head to drop down against my history teacher's shoulder. Mrs. Stahl's tongue had begun working overtime against my pucker, and the pleasure of it was more than enough to throw me into a sudden, unexpected orgasm. My walls tightened and I squeezed Mr. Poln's prick as hard as I could; my thighs twitching and trembling and my knees locking into place against the chair. I was overcome in that moment; my hole stretched around my teacher and my body trembling in desire. When my orgasm finally ended Mr. Poln went right back to gyrating into me, thrusting slowly and sweetly while I hung limp in his arms. Mrs. Stahl moved on; pulling her mouth away from my ass and leaving it a wet, spit-covered mess that slowly rolled down to coat Mr. Poln's cock and sack. While I fucked my history teacher Mrs. Stahl walked around to the side, folding her arms underneath her bust and watching us with a slow smirk spreading on her lips. Even though she had just finished sucking a cock and licking my ass, she looked refined and elegant and as perfect as she ever did. Despite all she had done, she looked ready to teach a class or give a speech, and I admired that ability to remain poised even amidst furious, wet passions.

"I suspect I'll be invited to that party?" She asked, gazing at Mr. Poln. "As an extra cock with one of my toys, not as a party favor like her. I wouldn't want to rob her of any extra fun." She gave me a little wink, and my cheeks darkened underneath her gaze. Mr. Poln just grinned and nodded, his hips starting to rise a little faster, fucking into me with a bit more urgency. I read his motions and started to grind faster myself; knowing that my teacher's peak was coming and that my pussy was desperate to be bathed in his hot, wet cream.

"Of course." Mr. Poln looked to Mrs. Stahl, smiling. "I wouldn't expect anyone to notice you anyway...not when we've got an eighteen year old piece of ass like Kim with us."

"A fair point." Mrs. Stahl remarked with a sardonic grin, and she adjusted her glasses pointedly. "Similarly, you won't mind if I bring some young cock to enjoy. Sort of a 'bring your own teacher's pet.'"

"Sounds like a party, then." Mr. Poln grinned, and he gazed towards me as his thrusting kept going. "You like that, Kim? One of your classmates watching you get fucked by random men? Showing him what a slut you are? Yeah...I just felt you tighten up on me. You want that more than you can say."

He wasn't wrong, because in that moment I couldn't say much. My arousal had brought me to a point where all I could do is moan, whimper, and ultimately cum. When my second orgasm of the evening struck it came at the same time as Mr. Poln's, and I was awash in his thick release as it flooded gloriously inside of me. The same thick ropes of white nectar that would otherwise be reserved for his wife started to flow within me, and I kept him hilted inside of my pussy throughout the entire time. When he was finished I kept him inside; slumping forward against my teacher's chest and drawing my arms warmly around him. I even drew my knees up to press in against his waist, holding onto him just as I had seen the girls in the hall sit on their boyfriend's laps. Only far, far more lewd.

"Well, I'll make the arrangements then." Mr. Poln finally smiled, and moved a hand up to comb his fingers through my hair. He cradled me close, straightening my glasses and then lowering a hand to gently squeeze my ass. I just gave a little whimper, my pussy spreading just enough to release a glob of white cum down on the floor below, overflow from Mr. Poln's cock. As I laid there whimpering my history teacher continued, his voice ringing with affection, desire, and ultimately, pride. "A little celebration for our special Kim."

"Indeed she is." Mrs. Stahl cooed, and I felt her sharp fingers drift down my back. Underneath both of my teachers' praise I could only bask in post-orgasmic bliss, a smile on my face and a sheen of spit across my braces.

My teachers adored me, my parents knew as much. They'd just never know why.

End of Chapter 11.


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