

Rain P.O.V

Welcome to my life. Let me take you for a ride through the story of my life. My name is Rain Isabella Storm. I am an Omega of the Rain Storm pack. I am turning seventeen in matter of a week so that means I will be able to find my mate.

Our alpha is alpha James and luna Nalede they have a son who is also our future alpha and a daughter who is of my age. His name is Blake Winter and his sister is Riley Winter.

We also have Grand alpha Peter Winter and Grand luna Annabelle Winter. Well the grand alpha and grand Luna don't live in this pack, they live at Red Rose pack we're their daughter Lisa is the luna of the Red Rose pack but they visit once in a while.

Tomorrow is Blake's eighteen birthday and he will be finding his mate hopefully. He was supposed to have found her on his seventeenth birthday but he didn't get one.

Back to me, well I half shifted when I was five no one knows about it. My wolf's name is Thunder. She told me that I am special and I have powers that will kick in as soon as I fully shifted.

I know you must be wondering why I am an omega, well my parents were killed in a rouge attack and the pack members thought I am weak and useless pack member though they are not abusive at all. So that is how I became an omega.

Right now I am cleaning and organizing things for party tomorrow. Before l get to sleep I have to bake Black's cake then I will rest.

The pack members don't really give a me hard time. Some times they help me out when the work is too much but still somethings are the same with other packs, like you lower your head when talking to them and they say it is a sign of submission.