
Destiny of Love and Sacrifice

Gwen Queensha had to go back to losing his father for good, when since he was little he had lost his mother and brother due to the separation of his parents. Now he also has to feel pain because of an illness that is eating away at him, will his destiny of love with Morgan Sebastian remain united and live happily? Or separated by fate too.

NengsihMiaRusmiati · Thành thị
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18 Chs

Chapter 7 - Canceling the marriage

Gwen's head was still spinning. But he was still trying to get up. Mariana woke up from her sleep and walked over to Gwen.

"Thank goodness you're awake, sorry you fainted. So I had to take you to my house, but don't worry I'm a doctor. I already gave you fever-reducing medicine, you have a fever."

"Thanks for helping to take care of me. Sorry to bother you."

"It doesn't matter, isn't it our duty as humans to help each other.

"Oh yeah what's your name, and where is your house. Your family must be very worried, because you haven't come home yet."

"I have no one, I live alone. I will but I will look for lodging later."

"No need. You can stay at my house until you feel well again," Mariana said sincerely.


"I sincerely help you. My name is Mariana. Then what is your name?" Mariana asked with an expression that couldn't leave Gwen's face.

"Mariana?* Gwen asked in disbelief, could it be that she..."

"Yeah... So what's your name?" Mariana asked.

"My name is Gwen Sis," the girl answered briefly.

Hearing the name, of course, was surprised to hear the name. His gaze is now searching for the object that has always been with him. a bracelet left by her father, then Gwen showed it to Mariana.

"Gwen," Mariana called and hugged her sister, whom she had always missed.

"Brother," Gwen said.

They are finally reunited, after a long time apart. They hugged each other tightly, now crying.

"Gwen my sister, finally after so long I can finally meet you, Derek."

"I'm very happy, Sis, it turns out that I can still meet Mariana. But…." Gwen's words stopped.

"But why, Gwen?"

"Dad, Dad." Gwen was nervous to talk about their dead papa.

"What's wrong with papa?" Mariana asked curiously.

"Papa is dead Sis. I haven't even had time to bring Papa and Mama back together," Gwen said sobbing.

"Daddy, how is this? I lost my dad now," Mariana said wiping her tears.

"Mama where is sister? Does she still remember me?" asked Gwen with anxious hope.

"Of course Gwen, mama can't forget about her daughter."

"But now mama is married again," said Mariana with a sad look.

"So the girl was our half-sister, Sis?"

"Yes Gwen, but for some reason, she hates me so much, even though I've been nice to her all this time."

"I'm afraid Sis, I'm sure he'll hate me too."

"Calm down, Gwen, I'm here, so you just calm down," comforted Mariana who saw Gwen's scared face.

"You are so stupid, you can't even mop!" snapped Angel who accidentally kicked a can of drinking water right beside where Gwen was standing.

"Sorry Sis, but I already cleaned the floor, I also don't know why it got dirty again like this," Gwen replied.

"Then you think someone did this on purpose, you accuse me? Is that so huh?! You think you're a princess who can eat and drink and live for free in my house!"

Mariana pulled Angel's hand which was currently flying it towards Gwen, threw it very roughly.

"You awh ... my hands are red, you are just like a forest man, you don't know manners. I will tell this to papa." Angel threatened while glaring at Gwen and Mariana.

"Well, let's go, I'm not afraid of your threat. If you dare touch my sister again, I will kill you. Remember that!" Mariana's threat made Angel shudder in horror, his face terrified. Angel then walked away from the front of Mariana and Gwen.

"Gwen, did he hurt you? He's not human he's a demon." Mariana growled.

"No Sis, I'm fine. It's just that maybe Angel doesn't like me living here, Sis." Gwen can only cry now, and with great affection Mariana hugs and wipes her sister's tears.

"I know Gwen. But we can stay in my apartment, let that bad woman live here alone."

"Sis Riana is not angry with me right?" Gwen asked.

"Hey Gwen, why should I be angry. We're brothers, dear, I'm your sister who has to take care of you from anything and anyone. Let's go to sister's apartment now, "said Mariana. Now Mariana and Gwen leave Angel's house. And now Angel smiled with satisfaction seeing the two brothers who would disappear from his life.

It was already early in the morning, Gwen was already out of her deep sleep, her beautiful eyes glanced at the clock on the wall which showed 7 am. Gwen came out of her room, the atmosphere seemed deserted. But there was no sign of her sister's whereabouts, then she stepped towards the dining table, there was a small memo that Mariana had written for Gwen on purpose.

'Gwen, Brother has made breakfast for you. Sorry, brother, I have a sudden assignment at the hospital, but don't worry, brother will be back in an hour'

Gwen smiled after reading the note from her sister. After breakfast, Gwen decided to clean and tidy up what she thought was not neat.

After a few minutes later.

"It's finally finished, and now I'm just waiting for my sister to come home. Gwen sat on the sofa and smiled after seeing the results of her work.


"Gwen, you cleaned all this? You're sick, don't be tired."

"I'm bored, Sis. If you just keep quiet."

"You are still stubborn. Today I will take you out, wear this dress. Don't refuse okay."

Gwen looked at the clothes her sister Mariana had given her. It was too sexy for her.

"Isn't this too weird, Sis? Sorry Sis but I don't think I'll be comfortable wearing this dress.

"But you look beautiful baby, just wear it." Mariana saw her sister was very different when she wore the clothes she gave.

"What's going on, Sis?"

"I'd like to take you to meet my future husband's family, Gwen.

"Really? Does that mean you will get married soon? Well, who do you think this guy is lucky to get my brother's heart. Gwen wants to see him quickly," said the girl curiously.

"I'm sure you'll meet him later Gwen. We're leaving now. Are you ready?" Mariana asked.

"Yes Sis I'm ready." Gwen answered enthusiastically.

They now stop at a luxury house. However, Gwen was surprised because she just realized. If what he came to was Morgan's house. But, when he wanted to retreat did not want to enter the house. Still Mariana's hand pulled it first.

"Come on in Gwen," said Mariana with a big smile.

"But, sis." Gwen bit her lower lip, because honestly she was afraid of what happened. Indeed he was innocent, but they were all still angry because of the misunderstanding.

"Good evening, Mama, Papa, Uncle, Aunt, Morgan." Mariana greeted her future husband's family politely.

"Oh my gosh, you are so beautiful dear," said Agatha.

"Thanks for the compliment, Mom."

"Serly, please call Arthur, tell him to come down immediately. His future wife has come," said Agatha with a big smile.

"Okay sis."

"Wow, Sis Mariana is getting more beautiful." Morgan also teased his future brother-in-law. It made Mariana blush.

"Are you alone, son? Where are your papa and mama, aren't they coming?" asked Agatha.

"No, Ma. I'm just here with my sister," replied Mariana.

"Younger brother?" asked Agatha in confusion.

"Yes my brother, I've met him. And I want all my future family to know him."

"Okay, son. Invite your sister in," said Agatha.

"Just a minute, Mom." Mariana went back out to invite her sister in.

"Come on, Gwen, let's go in. Don't be afraid, they're all good," said Mariana, inviting Gwen in.

Now Gwen's feelings are getting worse. He was nervous and scared but he tried to be brave to face all the possibilities that would happen even if it would have bad consequences.

Sure enough when Gwen walked in. Everyone was shocked when they saw Mariana holding Gwen's arm. Especially Morgan, who gaped at Gwen's increasingly beautiful change. And suddenly Serly grabbed Gwen's hand roughly.

"Aunt Serly, what are you doing. Why did you pull my sister's hand!" Mariana looks disapproved of what Serly did to Gwen.

"This girl is a swindler. She has cheated our family! Her innocent face and kindness, it's all fake."

"What do you mean Auntie? Even my sister has not met you."

Now Morgan spoke up, and he told Mariana what happened the other day.

"Mama, Auntie. We just misunderstood Gwen. I'm sure she didn't," said Morgan trying to reassure his family.

"How can you accuse without evidence. Can't you think first, before you give such a cruel accusation to my sister?!" Now Mariana is emotional because she doesn't accept her sister being accused like that.

"Sis never mind, this is all just a misunderstanding. Brother."

"You trickster! It's all your fault, and you're saying it's just a misunderstanding?!" Serly remained stifled at his accusations.

However, when Serly wanted to slap Gwen. Mariana blocked Serly's hand, the girl would not let anyone hurt her sister.