
Destiny of Love and Sacrifice

Gwen Queensha had to go back to losing his father for good, when since he was little he had lost his mother and brother due to the separation of his parents. Now he also has to feel pain because of an illness that is eating away at him, will his destiny of love with Morgan Sebastian remain united and live happily? Or separated by fate too.

NengsihMiaRusmiati · Thành thị
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18 Chs

Chapter 3 - Living In Morgan's Apartment

Bad bastard! He's as brave as a woman!" Gwen shouted and slapped the man's face and immediately ran out of the house. He ran as hard as he could to avoid the hellish man. Then the girl stopped on the side of the road, now her breath was starting to become tight due to exhaustion.

"I can't possibly go home, so where should I go now? I don't have anyone but my dad. I don't even know where my mom and sister Mariana live now. Oh God, what should I do now?"

However, suddenly a bright light shines directly on Gwen's face as she sits alone. Gwen covered her face from the glare of the light.

The car stopped and the owner got out, apparently Gwen recognized the man who was walking towards her. Gwen wiped away her tears, lifting her head. And men are no stranger to Gwen, he is Morgan, the man who once saved her life.

Morgan looked at Gwen who was also looking at him. The man now smiled when he saw the girl who was now in front of him.

"Gwen. You're Gwen, right?" asked Morgan who was now smiling at him.

Gwen who was scared, reflexively the girl immediately hugged the man who was currently in front of her. She broke down crying in Morgan's arms. As for Morgan, he let the girl cry to vent her sadness. After the girl got better and stopped crying, Morgan asked the girl's home address.

"Gwen, where is your house? I'll take you home."

"No! I don't want to go home right now, please save me. I beg you, Morgan."

Seeing the fear experienced by Gwen. Morgan understood, he no longer asked anything, leaving the girl alone to explain later. He also tried to calm Gwen so that the girl would not cry again.

"Okay, but don't cry anymore okay. I'm not a bad guy. Can you trust me." Mentari nodded slowly and followed Morgan's invitation, who invited him to go home. The girl had no other choice. In the car Gwen just stood there with her blank stare.

"Go to sleep, you must be very tired. I'll wake you up when I get there."

Without saying a word, Gwen closed her eyes. Because it was true that the girl was very tired, after she cried all day plus had to run away from Robin. His body was limp, his eyes were heavy too. Not yet the burden of life is getting heavier.

Morgan also continued to drive his car at a moderate speed, occasionally he turned to the girl who was sleeping beside him. Morgan now feels strange with his feelings, it's not usually the man who easily feels sorry for someone. Especially to women. But this time it was different, in fact he seemed to be involved in the suffering of the girl he had just met.

Gwen was still fast asleep, he couldn't bear to wake her up. Morgan slowly then carried Gwen's body, looking closely at the girl's beautiful face, which still looked beautiful even though it was a little messy. He put the girl on the bed and Morgan accompanied her on the sofa. Once he gave more attention to a woman, the man's heart was a little hard but this time it felt different.

Morgan woke up when he heard Gwen delirious and kept on babbling over and over again the girl called out her father's name with a bit of a ragged breath, Morgan tried to approach Gwen. Then he held the girl's forehead and her forehead felt hot now. It was only natural that he looked so restless tonight.

"Hope this helps you. I don't know what your problem is. But I think your burden is indeed very heavy."

Morgan was still loyal to replace Gwen's forehead compress but the sleepiness that attacked him made the man finally fall asleep.

Gwen narrowed her eyes as sunlight poured in from the cracks of the fry. The girl was surprised when she saw Morgan sleeping beside her bed. Gwen's hand was pressed against the man's face, no wonder his hand felt warm. It turned out to be Morgan's breath, who was now fast asleep. She knew he must be very tired from watching her all night.

"Sorry Gwen I didn't mean to. I overslept last night."

"It's okay, I should be the one apologizing, because of me you had to stay up all night. I'm sorry, Morgan."

"No problem, how are you now, are you feeling better?"

Gwen just smiled, making Morgan nervous. Because he was fascinated by the sweet smile of the girl in front of him.

"You hungry? Let me bring you some food," said Morgan. Gwen just bowed in shame. While the man went to hide his smile.

A few minutes later. Morgan also came with food on a tray."

"Eat this, just eat it slowly."

"Thank you, Morgan. I'll be leaving soon after this. Sorry to bother you so much."

Listen to Gwen's speech. Morgan was a little disappointed, because he had hoped that the girl would stay, not leave.

"You already have a purpose? I'm sorry but I won't let you go on nights like this. You're a woman, it's very dangerous for you out there. Unless you're invited and you already know where you're going."

Hearing Morgan's speech, made Gwen speechless. Because to be honest he didn't know what to say, he didn't even know where his goal was going now, and he felt very scared.

"Stay here, don't go, maybe out there, the man is still looking for you." Morgan continued trying to keep Gwen from leaving her apartment.

"But it's just the two of us here, I don't think it's appropriate to stay at your place," said Gwen.

"Let it be, the most important thing is that we don't do anything. Trust me, I would actually feel worried if you were out there on nights like this."

Gwen finally decided to stay at Morgan's place. because he was afraid of Robin who might find him. Moreover, it was already night and he did not know where he was going to stay later.

Meanwhile elsewhere, Arthur's heart is now blossoming because Mariana accepts his proposal. With a look on his face that was so happy and full of happiness, Arthur went to meet his sister, without further ado, Arthur just walked into his sister's apartment. However, the man was now looking scornfully at Gwen who was also surprised to see Arthur's arrival.

"Hey, Sis. It's been a while-"

Morgan's words were cut off when Arthur pulled his hand away, while Mentari was still staring at the two brothers from a distance. Yes Morgan is the sister of Arthur Mariana's future husband.

"Why sis?" asked Morgan, confused by his brother's attitude.

"You're out of your mind, Morgan? Where's your brain?!" Arthur snapped

"What's my fault, Sis. Why do you say your own brother is insane?" asked a confused Morgan.

"Who is she huh?! You dare to live under the same roof with a woman who is not your wife?" Arthur asked back, he was even more furious when he saw that he was actually laughing.


"Awhh... it hurts, Sis." Morgan was holding his head which was carried by his brother.

"Answer it right, don't act so silly? Who's that girl, she's your boyfriend? And you brought her here to live alone with you. You're a perverted brain Morgan."

"Shut up Sis, don't keep on babbling. You don't let me talk to explain."

"Okay... now talk."

Morgan started to talk about Gwen, while Arthur just nodded as a sign that he understood now.

"Doesn't he have a family? What if his family is looking for the girl, then what do you think of her kidnapper, Morgan?"

"But I didn't kidnap him, Sis. I was just helping him," said Morgan.

Now it was Arthur's turn to laugh with amusement with the look on the face Morgan showed him. His little brother was always adorable, at least to Arthur.

"What's wrong, Sis? Did I misspoke again?"

"You are a stone-hearted man, it turns out that you can also feel sorry for women," said Arthur.

"Me and Gwen-"

"Oh, her name turns out to be Gwen, her name is beautiful like the person. I think she is suitable for you," said Abhimanyu and then he flicked his sister's sharp nose.

"Suitable?" Morgan asked confused.

"Yes it fits, just marry the girl. Come on, Morgan, when will you get a girl as beautiful as that."

"My sister married first, then me." Morgan replied with a faint smile. After saying that, Morgan walked away and Arthur followed behind his younger brother while chuckling. Gwen also appeared with 2 cups of coffee in her hand. Arthur smiled at his little brother who kept staring at Gwen.

"Wait Gwen." Arthur stopped the girl.

"Yeah, what's wrong, sis?" Gwen asked.

"Want to marry Morgan, don't you? He's a nice guy. He needs a wife like you, sorry he's been single for so long."

Gwen misbehaved, covered her face with a tray and walked away to return to the kitchen.

"This sister is outrageous, now she must be thinking the wrong things about me." Morgan looked sullen at his sister.

"It's okay, Morgan. I'm just kidding, thank goodness he really wants to."

Morgan looked restless, he just paced in front of his bedroom door. Feeling surprised by Morgan's mean attitude, Morgan approached the man. However, suddenly he shouted, and quickly caught Gwen's body, their eyes met each other.

"I'm sorry, I just want to help you."

"Thank you Morgan. You helped me again."

Morgan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Gwen smiling so sweetly at the moment. Making Morgan have to neutralize his heart, because his heart was beating so fast.

"Um ... what's wrong?" asked Gwen.

"Eh. It's okay."

"But your face?"

"Oh yes, I have to go now, remember my message. Stay here and don't go anywhere. You understand what I mean?"

Gwen nodded and smiled again. Again that smile made Morgan misbehave. He must escape as soon as possible, so that his heart can be saved.

"What's wrong with him, he's so weird," Gwen muttered when she saw Morgan was not as usual.

Now Morgan's breath is no longer ragged. Fortunately he had managed to avoid Gwen now. If not, I don't know what will happen to his heart.

"Oh God I'm going crazy if this keeps up. Gwen why are you making me like this?" Morgan said as he started the engine of his car and went to his parents' house.

When he arrived at his parents' house, Morgan immediately parked his car. He immediately entered the house with his heart still beating.

"Morgan," called a middle-aged woman who was now staring at him intently.

"Eh. Mama," said Morgan who was surprised and turned towards the voice that called him.

"What are you doing, son? Are you sick, since earlier Mama noticed you holding your chest?" asked the mother.

Arthur, who was indeed at his parents' house, immediately responded with his loud voice. "He's in love, Ma. I know that."

"No, Ma. That's it. Sis Arthur is just talking," avoided Morgan while slightly glaring at his sister.

The mother who saw that, just smiled at the behavior of her two sons.

"Mama, don't spoil him too much, Ma. It's time for Morgan to get married," said Arthur and smiled at his younger brother.

"Shut up, Sis. Don't make fun of me," Morgan growled at his sister.

Arthur just laughed when he heard his younger brother's pout, then he threw a small pillow towards the older brother, Morgan

Meanwhile in the apartment, Gwen still seemed busy tidying up the apartment which really looked like a shipwreck, know that it is also a man's residence. However, around 9pm Gwen was done with her work. But, suddenly something happened.